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Single markets in Europe; European Economic Area and Common Economic Space
After discussion about the creation of a common economic space between the CIS countries of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, and Kazakhstan, agreement in principle about the creation of this space was announced after a meeting in the Moscow suburb of Novo-Ogarevo on 23 February 2003. The Common Economic Space would involve asupranational commission on trade and tariffs that would be based in Kiev, would initially be headed by a representative of Kazakhstan, and would not be subordinate to the governments of the four nations. The ultimate goal would be a regional organisation that would be open for other countries to join as well, and could eventually lead even to a single currency. On 22 May 2003 The Verkhovna Rada (the Ukrainian Parliament) voted 266 votes in favour and 51 against the joint economic space. However, Viktor Yushchenko's victory in the Ukrainian presidential election of 2004 was a significant blow against the project: Yushchenko had shown renewed interest in Ukrainian membership in the European Union, and such membership would have been incompatible with the envisioned common economic space. On March 1, 2010 the first deputy head of the presidential administrationof newly elected Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, Iryna Akymova stated that Ukraine does not intend to join the Customs Union of Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus in the near future "Since the customs union contradicts and will greatly complicate Ukraine's membership in the WTO".[11]
A single market for the Customs Union of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia is envisioned for 2012.[12] It is expected that Serbia and Montenegro will join in the future as well.[13]
[edit]EurAsEC Customs Union
See also: Customs Union of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia
The EurAsEC Customs Union became a top priority since Spring 2008, when the EU announced its Eastern Partnership. Since that time, there has been discord between the EU and Russia with both sides accusing the other of attempting to carve out spheres of influence over the countries at issue (Belarus, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine). A supranational body of the customs union—the EurAsEC Customs Union Commission--was established on December 12, 2008. Boiled down to its essence, Russia has offered EurAsEC members access to its markets (i.e., for Kazakhstan) and lower energy prices (i.e., Belarus, Ukraine). The EU's offer to membership countries amounts to promises of de facto EU integration, such as relaxed visa entry requirements.
The Customs Union members—Kazakhstan, Belarus and Russia—reached an agreement on a unified customs tariff in June 2009 and endorsed a schedule for creating a unified customs territory.
According to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev the creation of a common economic space for Russia, Kazakhstan, and Belarus may be launched on 1 January 2010.[4][14] Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on 10 December 2008 that Moscow is ready to build a common economic spacewith both Europe and the United States if every party is treated equally.[15] According to reports from April 2010, the new Customs Union is intended to go into effect on July 1, 2010.[16]
The Russian, Kazakhstani, and Belarusian leaders have approved documents to establish a “common economic space” on 1 January 2012 – a single market for goods, investment, and labor.[17] Kazakhstani President Nursultan Nazarbayev has proposed the creation of a common noncash currency called yevraz for the community. This would help insulate the countries from the global economic crisis.[18] [edit]See also Wikimedia Commons has media related to:Eurasian Economic Community • Comecon, Soviet-era economic integration plan. • Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe statistics • Regional organizations in the Post-Soviet states • European integration [hide] • V • T • E International trade Terminology • Absolute advantage • Balance of payments • Balance of trade • Capital account • Comparative advantage • Current account • Export-oriented industrialization • Fair trade • Foreign exchange reserves • Globalization • Import substitution industrialization • Net capital outflow • Outsourcing • Trade justice • Trading nation Organizations and policies • International Monetary Fund (IMF) • United Nations Conference on Trade and Development • World Bank Group • World Trade Organization (WTO) • International Trade Centre • Economic integration • Free trade zone • Trade barrier • Trade bloc • Trade pact Schools of thought • Economic nationalism • Free trade • Mercantilism • Protectionism Customs unions • ACU • ASEAN • CACM • CAN • CARICOM • CEMAC • CUBKR • EAC • EAEC • EU • GCC • Mercosur • SACU • WAEMU Trading partners • Argentina • Canada • China • European Union • India • Japan • Pakistan • United States • Category • Commons [show] • V • T • E Central Asian regional organizations [edit]References 1. ^ WTO WT/REG71/1 2. ^ Foundation Agreement of EAEC 3. ^ Могут ли граждане стран, входящих в ЕврАзЭс, свободно перемещаться по территории Сообщества? (Russian) 4. ^ a b Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus plan on common economic space 5. ^ a b Uzbekistan suspends Eurasec membership, Moscow unruffled 6. ^ Central Asian Cooperation Organization basic info 7. ^ Collective Security: A Timeline 8. ^ Central Asian Cooperation Organization 9. ^ Working group discusses Uzbekistan's accession to EAEC 10. ^ Uzbekistan becomes official member of Eurasian Economic Community 11. ^ Presidential administration official: Ukraine not to join customs union, grapefruit rosu sau galben, trebuie sa stiti ca acest fruct are proprietati atat de puternice, incat poate interfera si cu unele medicamente sau terapii. ALIMENTE CARE ACCELEREAZA METABOLISMUL: PESTELE, CIOCOLATA NEAGRA, CEAI VERDE. HAMSIE-peste, cu tot cu oase, de mincat(fosfor). Roma King Cine este românul implicat într-una dintre cele mai complexe SCHEME FINANCIARE din lume • Publicat de Dimitrio în Aprilie 13, 2013 la 4:57pm în Creaţionism vs Evoluţionism în New Age • Înapoi la Creaţionism vs Evoluţionism în New Age Discuţii Cine este românul implicat într-una dintre cele mai complexe SCHEME FINANCIARE din lume Autor: Alexandru Urzică, Marius Pirloiu Sâmbătă, 13 Aprilie 2013 Fenomenul Bitcoin, moneda virtuală a cărei valoare este astăzi de zece ori mai mare decât la începutul anului, a luat economiştii lumii prin surprindere şi are toate şansele să se transforme într-o nouă bulă financiară. Un român s-a trezit peste noapte purtătorul de stindard al Bitcoin. Mihai Alisie (stânga) şi Amir Taaki FOTO: The Guardian 1 Mihai Alisie a absolvit cursurile Universităţii Lucian Blaga din Sibiu cu specializarea Cibernetică, Statistică şi Informatică Economică. Între 2009 şi2011 a fost jucător profesionist de poker online şi a ajuns antrenor pentruTeam Moshman, o comunitate online care îndrumă jucătorii de poker. În cadrul acestei organizaţii a avansat în scurt timp la statutul de antrenor şef. Spiritul său antreprenorial a fost trezit în 2011 când a ajuns să cunoască modul în care funcţionează Bitcoin. De atunci a iniţiat o serie de proiecte online şi a ajuns în atenţia fondatorilor Digital Commerce Advancement Organization, un ONGcare pune accent pe tehnologiile financiare, Mihai fiind unul dintre primii săi membrii. A ajuns anul trecut directorul de marketing al acestei organizaţii şi în paralel a lucrat la o serie de proiecte dedicate Bitcoin. A fondat compania Bittalk Media care editează revista Bitcoin Magazine. „Bitcoin este ceea ce banii ar trebui să fie cu adevărat. Bitcoin este pentru bănci ceea ce e-mailul a fost pentru oficiile poştale. În loc să merg la o bancă, să respect programul şi să plătesc comisioanele lor, pot trimite bani în Etiopia, Egipt sau China din sufragerie fără ca cineva să ştie cine e în spatele expeditorului şi al destinatarului. Bitcoin reprezintă cu siguranţă mai mult decât o schemă de îmbogăţire peste noapte şi cred că este următoarea tehnologie care va revoluţiona societatea noastră după apariţia Internetului. Este la fel de mare precum Internetul sau poate chiar mai mare“, spune Mihai Alisie. Controversa drogurilor Moneda virtuală a fost criticată în presa britanică pentru că facilitează vânzarea de droguri prin intermediul unor site-uri precum Silk Road. Tocmai anonimitatea celor care fac tranzacţii pe asemenea site-uri a împiedicat autorităţile să închidă această platformă de comerţ online. Silk Road a funcţionat în secret de la apariţia sa înfebruarie 2011, dar cercetări recente arată că în ultimele şase luni ale anului trecut vânzările acestui site s-au dublat, ajungând la 1,7 mil. dolari pe lună. „Bitcoin este o unealtă. Spre exemplu dacă ai un cuţit, cu el poţi unge unt pe pâine sau poţi omorî pe cineva. Dar tu faci unealta bună sau rea. Dacă politicienii ar interzice Bitcoin pentru că se pot cumpăra droguri cu această monedă este ca şi cum ai arde un sat întreg pentru a prăji un porc. Nu prea are logică“, explică Mihai Alisie. În acest moment, Bitcoin a ajuns moneda cu cele mai bune performanţe din lume.Masa monetară este în prezent de circa 10 milioane de unităţi în circulaţie şi va ajunge până la jumătatea acestui an la 21 milioane de unităţi, după care se va opri, oferta fiind limitată, potrivit lui Amir Taaki, unul dintre dezvoltatoriisistemului Bitcoin. Tocmai această ofertă limitată îi creşte şi mai mult valoarea. Succesul acestei monede a dus la blocarea serverelor uneia dintre cele mai populare case de schimb de Bitcoin, Mt. Gox. După ce numai în luna martie site-ul a atras60.000 de utilizatori noi, acum are câte 20.000 de utilizatori noi zilnic. Preţul unui Bitcoin ajunsese zilele trecute la 220 de dolari pe unitate, după ce la începutul lunii valoarea monedei era de 100 de dolari. Mogulii Bitcoin Fraţii Winklevoss, Cameron şi Tyler - care s-au judecat ani de zile cu Mark Zuckerberg pe proprietatea Facebook, pretind acum un nou titlu, cel de moguliBitcoin, scrie The New York Times. Cei doi gemeni au strâns din vara anului trecut şi până acum ceea ce pare a fi unul dintre cele mai mari portofolii de monede digitale. Fraţii Winklevoss sunt primele persoane cu notorietate mondială care şi-au dezvăluit participaţia, într-un mediu bazat tocmai pe discreţie totală cum e cel al utilizatorilor de Bitcoin. Ei spun că deţin monede virtuale în valoare de aproape 11 mil. dolari. „Oamenii spun că este o Schemă Ponzi, că este o bulă“, menţioneazăCameron Winklevoss. „Oamenii nu vor să o ia în serios. Această poziţie se va schimba la un momenta dat în: «monedele virtuale sunt aici pentru totdeauna». Încă suntem la început“. Ce se ascunde în spatele Bitcoin Bitcoin este o monedă virtuală. Aceste monede sunt descentralizate şi anonime, adică nu există o entitate legală care să deţină sistemul şi nici nu sunt tipărite sau generate de vreo ţară. Monedele Bitcoin se bazează pe web şi pe crearea prinreţele de tip peer-to-peer (de la utilizator la utilizator). Bitcoin poate fi comparat cu o marfă virtuală. Întregul concept al monedelor Bitcoin a fost creat în 2008 de o persoană anonimă numită Satoshi Nakamoto. El a publicat un document online detaliind procesul despre cum vor fi generate şi cum vor circula. Nimeni nu ştie dacă Satoshi Nakamoto există sau dacă este un grup (nu există efectiv nicio informaţie despre el nicăieri în lume), scrie un bloger specialist în chestiunea Bitcoin. Cum a evoluat preţul Bitcoin raportat la dolar
The Russian, Kazakhstani, and Belarusian leaders have approved documents to establish a “common economic space” on 1 January 2012 – a single market for goods, investment, and labor.[17] Kazakhstani President Nursultan Nazarbayev has proposed the creation of a common noncash currency called yevraz for the community. This would help insulate the countries from the global economic crisis.[18] [edit]See also Wikimedia Commons has media related to:Eurasian Economic Community • Comecon, Soviet-era economic integration plan. • Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe statistics • Regional organizations in the Post-Soviet states • European integration [hide] • V • T • E International trade Terminology • Absolute advantage • Balance of payments • Balance of trade • Capital account • Comparative advantage • Current account • Export-oriented industrialization • Fair trade • Foreign exchange reserves • Globalization • Import substitution industrialization • Net capital outflow • Outsourcing • Trade justice • Trading nation Organizations and policies • International Monetary Fund (IMF) • United Nations Conference on Trade and Development • World Bank Group • World Trade Organization (WTO) • International Trade Centre • Economic integration • Free trade zone • Trade barrier • Trade bloc • Trade pact Schools of thought • Economic nationalism • Free trade • Mercantilism • Protectionism Customs unions • ACU • ASEAN • CACM • CAN • CARICOM • CEMAC • CUBKR • EAC • EAEC • EU • GCC • Mercosur • SACU • WAEMU Trading partners • Argentina • Canada • China • European Union • India • Japan • Pakistan • United States • Category • Commons [show] • V • T • E Central Asian regional organizations [edit]References 1. ^ WTO WT/REG71/1 2. ^ Foundation Agreement of EAEC 3. ^ Могут ли граждане стран, входящих в ЕврАзЭс, свободно перемещаться по территории Сообщества? (Russian) 4. ^ a b Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus plan on common economic space 5. ^ a b Uzbekistan suspends Eurasec membership, Moscow unruffled 6. ^ Central Asian Cooperation Organization basic info 7. ^ Collective Security: A Timeline 8. ^ Central Asian Cooperation Organization 9. ^ Working group discusses Uzbekistan's accession to EAEC 10. ^ Uzbekistan becomes official member of Eurasian Economic Community 11. ^ Presidential administration official: Ukraine not to join customs union, grapefruit rosu sau galben, trebuie sa stiti ca acest fruct are proprietati atat de puternice, incat poate interfera si cu unele medicamente sau terapii. ALIMENTE CARE ACCELEREAZA METABOLISMUL: PESTELE, CIOCOLATA NEAGRA, CEAI VERDE. HAMSIE-peste, cu tot cu oase, de mincat(fosfor). Roma King Cine este românul implicat într-una dintre cele mai complexe SCHEME FINANCIARE din lume • Publicat de Dimitrio în Aprilie 13, 2013 la 4:57pm în Creaţionism vs Evoluţionism în New Age • Înapoi la Creaţionism vs Evoluţionism în New Age Discuţii Cine este românul implicat într-una dintre cele mai complexe SCHEME FINANCIARE din lume Autor: Alexandru Urzică, Marius Pirloiu Sâmbătă, 13 Aprilie 2013 Fenomenul Bitcoin, moneda virtuală a cărei valoare este astăzi de zece ori mai mare decât la începutul anului, a luat economiştii lumii prin surprindere şi are toate şansele să se transforme într-o nouă bulă financiară. Un român s-a trezit peste noapte purtătorul de stindard al Bitcoin. Mihai Alisie (stânga) şi Amir Taaki FOTO: The Guardian 1 Mihai Alisie a absolvit cursurile Universităţii Lucian Blaga din Sibiu cu specializarea Cibernetică, Statistică şi Informatică Economică. Între 2009 şi2011 a fost jucător profesionist de poker online şi a ajuns antrenor pentruTeam Moshman, o comunitate online care îndrumă jucătorii de poker. În cadrul acestei organizaţii a avansat în scurt timp la statutul de antrenor şef. Spiritul său antreprenorial a fost trezit în 2011 când a ajuns să cunoască modul în care funcţionează Bitcoin. De atunci a iniţiat o serie de proiecte online şi a ajuns în atenţia fondatorilor Digital Commerce Advancement Organization, un ONGcare pune accent pe tehnologiile financiare, Mihai fiind unul dintre primii săi membrii. A ajuns anul trecut directorul de marketing al acestei organizaţii şi în paralel a lucrat la o serie de proiecte dedicate Bitcoin. A fondat compania Bittalk Media care editează revista Bitcoin Magazine. „Bitcoin este ceea ce banii ar trebui să fie cu adevărat. Bitcoin este pentru bănci ceea ce e-mailul a fost pentru oficiile poştale. În loc să merg la o bancă, să respect programul şi să plătesc comisioanele lor, pot trimite bani în Etiopia, Egipt sau China din sufragerie fără ca cineva să ştie cine e în spatele expeditorului şi al destinatarului. Bitcoin reprezintă cu siguranţă mai mult decât o schemă de îmbogăţire peste noapte şi cred că este următoarea tehnologie care va revoluţiona societatea noastră după apariţia Internetului. Este la fel de mare precum Internetul sau poate chiar mai mare“, spune Mihai Alisie. Controversa drogurilor Moneda virtuală a fost criticată în presa britanică pentru că facilitează vânzarea de droguri prin intermediul unor site-uri precum Silk Road. Tocmai anonimitatea celor care fac tranzacţii pe asemenea site-uri a împiedicat autorităţile să închidă această platformă de comerţ online. Silk Road a funcţionat în secret de la apariţia sa înfebruarie 2011, dar cercetări recente arată că în ultimele şase luni ale anului trecut vânzările acestui site s-au dublat, ajungând la 1,7 mil. dolari pe lună. „Bitcoin este o unealtă. Spre exemplu dacă ai un cuţit, cu el poţi unge unt pe pâine sau poţi omorî pe cineva. Dar tu faci unealta bună sau rea. Dacă politicienii ar interzice Bitcoin pentru că se pot cumpăra droguri cu această monedă este ca şi cum ai arde un sat întreg pentru a prăji un porc. Nu prea are logică“, explică Mihai Alisie. În acest moment, Bitcoin a ajuns moneda cu cele mai bune performanţe din lume.Masa monetară este în prezent de circa 10 milioane de unităţi în circulaţie şi va ajunge până la jumătatea acestui an la 21 milioane de unităţi, după care se va opri, oferta fiind limitată, potrivit lui Amir Taaki, unul dintre dezvoltatoriisistemului Bitcoin. Tocmai această ofertă limitată îi creşte şi mai mult valoarea. Succesul acestei monede a dus la blocarea serverelor uneia dintre cele mai populare case de schimb de Bitcoin, Mt. Gox. După ce numai în luna martie site-ul a atras60.000 de utilizatori noi, acum are câte 20.000 de utilizatori noi zilnic. Preţul unui Bitcoin ajunsese zilele trecute la 220 de dolari pe unitate, după ce la începutul lunii valoarea monedei era de 100 de dolari. Mogulii Bitcoin Fraţii Winklevoss, Cameron şi Tyler - care s-au judecat ani de zile cu Mark Zuckerberg pe proprietatea Facebook, pretind acum un nou titlu, cel de moguliBitcoin, scrie The New York Times. Cei doi gemeni au strâns din vara anului trecut şi până acum ceea ce pare a fi unul dintre cele mai mari portofolii de monede digitale. Fraţii Winklevoss sunt primele persoane cu notorietate mondială care şi-au dezvăluit participaţia, într-un mediu bazat tocmai pe discreţie totală cum e cel al utilizatorilor de Bitcoin. Ei spun că deţin monede virtuale în valoare de aproape 11 mil. dolari. „Oamenii spun că este o Schemă Ponzi, că este o bulă“, menţioneazăCameron Winklevoss. „Oamenii nu vor să o ia în serios. Această poziţie se va schimba la un momenta dat în: «monedele virtuale sunt aici pentru totdeauna». Încă suntem la început“. Ce se ascunde în spatele Bitcoin Bitcoin este o monedă virtuală. Aceste monede sunt descentralizate şi anonime, adică nu există o entitate legală care să deţină sistemul şi nici nu sunt tipărite sau generate de vreo ţară. Monedele Bitcoin se bazează pe web şi pe crearea prinreţele de tip peer-to-peer (de la utilizator la utilizator). Bitcoin poate fi comparat cu o marfă virtuală. Întregul concept al monedelor Bitcoin a fost creat în 2008 de o persoană anonimă numită Satoshi Nakamoto. El a publicat un document online detaliind procesul despre cum vor fi generate şi cum vor circula. Nimeni nu ştie dacă Satoshi Nakamoto există sau dacă este un grup (nu există efectiv nicio informaţie despre el nicăieri în lume), scrie un bloger specialist în chestiunea Bitcoin. Cum a evoluat preţul Bitcoin raportat la dolar
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Facebook is a social networking service launched in February 2004, subsidized by the CIA> owned and operated byFacebook, Inc.[5] As of September 2012, Facebook has over one billion active users,[6] more than half of them using Facebook on a mobile device.[7] Users must register before using the site, after which they may create a personal profile, add other users as friends, and exchange messages, including automatic notifications when they update their profile. Additionally, users may join common-interest user groups, organized by workplace, school or college, or other characteristics, and categorize their friends into lists such as "People From Work" or "Close Friends".
Facebook was founded by Mark Zuckerberg with his college roommates and fellow Harvard University students Eduardo Saverin, Andrew McCollum, Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes.[8] The website's membership was initially limited by the founders to Harvard students, but was expanded to other colleges in the Boston area, the Ivy League, and Stanford University. It gradually added support for students at various other universities before opening to high school students, and eventually to anyone aged 13 and over. However, according to a May 2011 Consumer Reports survey, there are 7.5 million children under 13 with accounts and 5 million under 10, violating the site's terms of service.[9]
A January 2009 study ranked Facebook as the most used social networking service by worldwide monthly active users.[10] Entertainment Weekly included the site on its end-of-the-decade "best-of" list, saying, "How on earth did we stalk our exes, remember our co-workers' birthdays, bug our friends, and play a rousing game of Scrabulous before Facebook?"[11] Critics, such as Facebook Detox,[12] state that Facebook has turned into a national obsession in the United States, resulting in vast amounts of time lost and encouraging narcissism. Quantcast estimates Facebook has 138.9 million monthly unique U.S. visitors in May 2011.[13] According to Social Media Today, in April 2010 an estimated 41.6% of the U.S. population had a Facebook account.[14] Nevertheless, Facebook's market growth started to stall in some regions, with the site losing 7 million active users in the United States and Canada in May 2011.[15]
The name of the service stems from the colloquial name for the book given to students at the start of the academic year by some university administrations in the United States to help students get to know each other. Facebook allows any users who declare themselves to be at least 13 years old to become registered users of the site.[16]
• 1 History
• 2 Website
o 2.1 User profile
o 2.2 Privacy settings
o 2.3 Comparison with Myspace
o 2.4 News Feed
o 2.5 Facebook Notes
o 2.6 Usernames
o 2.7 Messaging
o 2.8 Voice Calls
o 2.9 Video Calling
o 2.10 Following
o 2.11 Privacy
• 2.11.1 FTC settlement
o 2.12 Technical aspects
o 2.13 Like button
• 3 Reception
• 4 Criticism
• 5 Impact
o 5.1 Media impact
o 5.2 Social impact
o 5.3 Political impact
• 6 In popular culture
• 7 See also
• 8 Notes
• 9 References
• 10 Further reading
• 11 External links
Main articles: History of Facebook and Timeline of Facebook
Mark Zuckerberg wrote Facemash, the predecessor to Facebook, on October 28, 2003, while attending Harvard as a sophomore. According to The Harvard Crimson, the site was comparable to Hot or Not, and "used photos compiled from the online facebooks of nine houses, placing two next to each other at a time and asking users to choose the 'hotter' person"[17][18]
Mark Zuckerberg co-created Facebook in hisHarvard dorm room.
To accomplish this, Zuckerberg hacked into the protected areas of Harvard's computer network and copied the houses' private dormitory ID images. Harvard at that time did not have a student "facebook" (a directory with photos and basic information), though individual houses had been issuing their own paper facebooks since the mid-1980s. Facemash attracted 450 visitors and 22,000 photo-views in its first four hours online.[17][19]
The site was quickly forwarded to several campus group list-servers, but was shut down a few days later by the Harvard administration. Zuckerberg was charged by the administration with breach of security, violatingcopyrights, and violating individual privacy, and faced expulsion. Ultimately, the charges were dropped.[20]Zuckerberg expanded on this initial project that semester by creating a social study tool ahead of an art historyfinal, by uploading 500 Augustan images to a website, with one image per page along with a comment section.[19] He opened the site up to his classmates, and people started sharing their notes.
The following semester, Zuckerberg began writing code for a new website in January 2004. He was inspired, he said, by an editorial in The Harvard Crimson about the Facemash incident.[21] On February 4, 2004, Zuckerberg launched "Thefacebook", originally located at[22]
Six days after the site launched, three Harvard seniors, Cameron Winklevoss, Tyler Winklevoss, and Divya Narendra, accused Zuckerberg of intentionally misleading them into believing he would help them build a social network called, while he was instead using their ideas to build a competing product.[23] The three complained to the Harvard Crimson, and the newspaper began an investigation. The three later filed a lawsuit against Zuckerberg, subsequently settling.[24]
Membership was initially restricted to students of Harvard College, and within the first month, more than half the undergraduate population at Harvard was registered on the service.[25] Eduardo Saverin (business aspects), Dustin Moskovitz (programmer), Andrew McCollum (graphic artist), and Chris Hughes soon joined Zuckerberg to help promote the website. In March 2004, Facebook expanded to Stanford, Columbia, and Yale.[26] It soon opened to the other Ivy League schools, Boston University, New York University, MIT, and gradually most universities in Canada and the United States.[27][28]
Facebook was incorporated in mid-2004, and the entrepreneur Sean Parker, who had been informally advising Zuckerberg, became the company's president.[29] In June 2004, Facebook moved its base of operations to Palo Alto, California.[26] It received its first investment later that month from PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel.[30] The company dropped The from its name after purchasing the domain in 2005 for $200,000.[31]
Total active users[N 1]
Date Users
(in millions) Days later Monthly growth[N 2]
August 26, 2008 100[32]
1,665 178.38%
April 8, 2009 200[33]
225 13.33%
September 15, 2009 300[34]
160 9.38%
February 5, 2010 400[35]
143 6.99%
July 21, 2010 500[36]
166 4.52%
January 5, 2011 600[37][N 3]
168 3.57%
May 30, 2011 700[38]
145 3.45%
September 22, 2011 800[39]
115 3.73%
April 24, 2012 900[40]
215 1.74%
October 4, 2012 1,000[41]
163 2.04%
Facebook launched a high-school version in September 2005, which Zuckerberg called the next logical step.[42] At that time, high-school networks required an invitation to join.[43] Facebook later expanded membership eligibility to employees of several companies, includingApple Inc. and Microsoft.[44] Facebook was then opened on September 26, 2006, to everyone of age 13 and older with a valid email address.[45][46]
On October 24, 2007, Microsoft announced that it had purchased a 1.6% share of Facebook for $240 million, giving Facebook a total implied value of around $15 billion.[47] Microsoft's purchase included rights to place international ads on Facebook.[48] In October 2008, Facebook announced that it would set up its international headquarters in Dublin, Ireland.[49] In September 2009, Facebook said that it had turned cash-flow positive for the first time.[50] In November 2010, based on SecondMarket Inc., an exchange for shares of privately held companies, Facebook's value was $41 billion (slightly surpassingeBay's) and it became the third largest U.S. Web company after Googleand Amazon.[51]
Traffic to Facebook increased steadily after 2009. More people visited Facebook than Google for the week ending March 13, 2010.[52]
In March 2011 it was reported that Facebook removes approximately 20,000 profiles from the site every day for various infractions, including spam, inappropriate content and underage use, as part of its efforts to boost cyber security.[53]
In early 2011, Facebook announced plans to move to its new headquarters, the former Sun Microsystems campus in Menlo Park, California.[54][55]
Release of statistics by DoubleClick showed that Facebook reached one trillion pageviews in the month of June 2011, making it the most visited website in the world.[56] It should, however, be noted that Google and some of its selected websites are not counted in the DoubleClick rankings.
According to the Nielsen Media Research study, released in December 2011, Facebook is the second most accessed website in the US.[57]
In March 2012, Facebook announced App Center, an online mobile store which sells applications that connect to Facebook. The store will be available to iPhone, Android and mobile web users.[58]
Facebook, Inc. held an initial public offering on May 17, 2012, negotiating a share price of $38 apiece, valuing the company at $104 billion, the largest valuation to date for a newly listed public company.[59]
On July 2012, Facebook added a gay marriage icon to its timeline feature.[60]
On August 23rd, 2012 Facebook released the much anticipated update to its iOS app, version 5.0. The app, which did not receive positive sentiments from its users, was rebuilt from the ground up; the app no longer uses page views which made it slow in the past but now utilizes code that uses native elements of iOS.[61]
Main articles: Facebook features and Facebook Platform
Profile shown on Thefacebook in 2005
User profile
Users can create profiles with photos, lists of personal interests, contact information, and other personal information. Users can communicate with friends and other users through private or public messages and a chat feature. They can also create and join interest groups and "like pages" (called "fan pages" until April 19, 2010), some of which are maintained by organizations as a means of advertising.[62] Facebook has been prompted to add a "third gender", "other", or "intersex" tab in the gender option which contains only male and female.[63] Facebook refused and said that individuals can "opt out of showing their sex on their profile".[64] A 2012 Pew Internet and American Life study identified that between 20–30% of Facebook users are "power users" who frequently link, poke, post and tag themselves and others.[65]
Privacy settings
To allay concerns about privacy, Facebook enables users to choose their own privacy settings and choose who can see specific parts of their profile.[66] The website is free to users, and generates revenue from advertising, such as banner ads.[67] Facebook requires a user's name and profile picture (if applicable) to be accessible by everyone. Users can control who sees other information they have shared, as well as who can find them in searches, through their privacy settings.[68]
Comparison with Myspace
The media often compares Facebook to MySpace, but one significant difference between the two Web sites is the level of customization.[69]Another difference is Facebook's requirement that users give their true identity, a demand that MySpace does not make.[70] MySpace allows users to decorate their profiles using HTML and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), while Facebook allows only plain text.[71] Facebook has a number of features with which users may interact. They include the Wall, a space on every user's profile page that allows friends to post messages for the user to see;[72] Pokes, which allows users to send a virtual "poke" to each other (a notification then tells a user that they have been poked);[73] Photos, where users can upload albums and photos;[74] and Status, which allows users to inform their friends of their whereabouts and actions.[75] Depending on privacy settings, anyone who can see a user's profile can also view that user's Wall. In July 2007, Facebook began allowing users to post attachments to the Wall, whereas the Wall was previously limited to textual content only.[72]
News Feed
On September 6, 2006, a News Feed was announced, which appears on every user's homepage and highlights information including profile changes, upcoming events, and birthdays of the user's friends.[76] This enabled spammers and other users to manipulate these features by creating illegitimate events or posting fake birthdays to attract attention to their profile or cause.[77] Initially, the News Feed caused dissatisfaction among Facebook users; some complained it was too cluttered and full of undesired information, others were concerned that it made it too easy for others to track individual activities (such as relationship status changes, events, and conversations with other users).[78]
In response, Zuckerberg issued an apology for the site's failure to include appropriate customizable privacy features. Since then, users have been able to control what types of information are shared automatically with friends. Users are now able to prevent user-set categories of friends from seeing updates about certain types of activities, including profile changes, Wall posts, and newly added friends.[79]
On February 23, 2010, Facebook was granted a patent[80] on certain aspects of its News Feed. The patent covers News Feeds in which links are provided so that one user can participate in the same activity of another user.[81] The patent may encourage Facebook to pursue action against websites that violate its patent, which may potentially include websites such as Twitter.[82]
One of the most popular applications on Facebook is the Photos application, where users can upload albums and photos.[83] Facebook allows users to upload an unlimited number of photos, compared with other image hosting services such as Photobucket and Flickr, which apply limits to the number of photos that a user is allowed to upload. During the first years, Facebook users were limited to 60 photos per album. As of May 2009, this limit has been increased to 200 photos per album.[84][85][86][87]
Privacy settings can be set for individual albums, limiting the groups of users that can see an album. For example, the privacy of an album can be set so that only the user's friends can see the album, while the privacy of another album can be set so that all Facebook users can see it. Another feature of the Photos application is the ability to "tag", or label, users in a photo. For instance, if a photo contains a user's friend, then the user can tag the friend in the photo. This sends a notification to the friend that they have been tagged, and provides them a link to see the photo.[88] On 7 June 2012, Facebook launched its App Center to its users. It will help the users in finding games and other applications with ease.[89] Since the launch of the App Center, Facebook has seen 150M monthly users with 2.4 times the installation of apps. [90]
Facebook Notes
Facebook Notes was introduced on August 22, 2006, a blogging feature that allowed tags and embeddable images. Users were later able to import blogs from Xanga, LiveJournal, Blogger, and other blogging services.[45] During the week of April 7, 2008, Facebook released aComet-based[91] instant messaging application called "Chat" to several networks,[92] which allows users to communicate with friends and is similar in functionality to desktop-based instant messengers.
Facebook launched Gifts on February 8, 2007, which allows users to send virtual gifts to their friends that appear on the recipient's profile. Gifts cost $1.00 each to purchase, and a personalized message can be attached to each gift.[93][94] On May 14, 2007, Facebook launchedMarketplace, which lets users post free classified ads.[95] Marketplace has been compared to Craigslist by CNET, which points out that the major difference between the two is that listings posted by a user on Marketplace are seen only by users in the same network as that user, whereas listings posted on Craigslist can be seen by anyone.[96]
On July 20, 2008, Facebook introduced "Facebook Beta", a significant redesign of its user interface on selected networks. The Mini-Feed and Wall were consolidated, profiles were separated into tabbed sections, and an effort was made to create a "cleaner" look.[97] After initially giving users a choice to switch, Facebook began migrating all users to the new version starting in September 2008.[98] On December 11, 2008, it was announced that Facebook was testing a simpler signup process.[99]
On June 13, 2009, Facebook introduced a "Usernames" feature, whereby pages can be linked with simpler URLs such as instead of[100]Many new smartphones offer access to Facebook services through either their Web browsers or applications. An official Facebook application is available for the operating systems Android, iOS, and webOS. Nokia and Research In Motion both provide Facebook applications for their own mobile devices. More than 425 million active users access Facebook through mobile devices across 200 mobile operators in 60 countries.[101]
A new Messaging platform, codenamed "Project Titan", was launched on November 15, 2010. Described as a "Gmail killer" by some publications, the system allows users to directly communicate with each other via Facebook using several different methods (including a special email address, text messaging, or through the Facebook website or mobile app)—no matter what method is used to deliver a message, they are contained within single threads in a unified inbox. As with other Facebook features, users can adjust from whom they can receive messages from—including just friends, friends of friends, or from anyone.[102][103]
Aside from the Facebook website, Messages can also be accessed through the site's mobile apps, or a dedicated Facebook Messengerapp,[104]
Voice Calls
Since April 2011 Facebook users have had the ability to make live voice calls via Facebook Chat, allowing users to chat with others from all over the world. This feature, which is provided free through T-Mobile's new Bobsled service, lets the user add voice to the current Facebook Chat as well as leave voice messages on Facebook.[105]
Video Calling
On July 6, 2011, Facebook launched its video calling services using Skype as its technology partner. It allows one to one calling using a Skype Rest API.
On September 14, 2011, Facebook added the ability for users to provide a "Subscribe" button on their page, which allows users to subscribe to public postings by the user without needing to add them as a friend.[106] In conjunction, Facebook also introduced a system in February 2012 to verify the identity of certain accounts. Unlike a similar system used by Twitter, verified accounts do not display a special verification badge, but are given a higher priority in a user's "Subscription Suggestions".[107]
In December 2012, Facebook announced that due to user confusion surrounding its function, the Subscribe button would be re-labeled as a "Follow" button, harmonizing its branding with other social networks that use the "follow" terminology for subscribing to a user's postings.[108]
According to comScore, an internet marketing research company, Facebook collects as much data from its visitors as Google and Microsoft, but considerably less than Yahoo!.[109] In 2010, the security team began expanding its efforts to reduce the risks to users' privacy,[110] butprivacy concerns remain. On November 6, 2007, Facebook launched Facebook Beacon, which was an ultimately failed attempt to advertise to friends of users using the knowledge of what purchases friends made. As of March 2012, Facebook's usage of its user data is under close scrutiny.[111]
FTC settlement
On November 29, 2011, Facebook agreed to settle US Federal Trade Commission charges that it deceived consumers by failing to keep privacy promises.[112]
Technical aspects
Facebook is built in PHP which is compiled with HipHop for PHP, a source code transformer built by Facebook engineers that turns PHP intoC++. The deployment of HipHop reportedly reduced average CPU consumption on Facebook servers by 50%.[113]
Facebook is developed as one monolithic application. According to an interview in 2012 with Chuck Rossi, a build engineer at Facebook, Facebook compiles into a 1.5 GB binary blob which is then distributed to the servers using a custom BitTorrent-based release system. Rossi stated that it takes approximately 15 minutes to build and 15 minutes to release to the servers. The build and release process is zero downtime and new changes to Facebook are rolled out daily.[113]
Facebook used a combination platform based on Hbase to stores data across distributed machines. Using a tailing architecture, new events are stored in log files, and the logs are tailed. The system rolls these events up and writes them into storage. The User Interface then pulls the data out and displays it to users. Facebook handles requests as AJAX behavior. These requests are written to a log file using Scribe(developed by Facebook).[114]
Data is read from these log files using Ptail, an internally built tool to aggregate data from multiple Scribe stores. It tails the log files and pulls data out (thus the name). Ptail data is separated out into three streams so they can eventually be sent to their own clusters in different data centers (Plugin impression, News feed impressions, Actions (plugin + news feed)). Puma is used to manage periods of high data flow (Input/Output or IO). Data is processed in batches to lessen the amount of times needed to read and write under high demand periods (A hot article will generate a lot of impressions and news feed impressions which will cause huge data skews). Batches are taken every 1.5 seconds, limited by memory used when creating a hashtable.[114]
After this, data is output in PHP format (compiled with HipHop for PHP). The backend is written in Java and Thrift is used as the messaging format so PHP programs can query Java services. Caching solutions are used to make the web pages display more quickly. The more and longer data is cached the less realtime it is. The data is then sent to MapReduce servers so it can be queried via Hive. This also serves as a backup plan as the data can be recovered from Hive. Raw logs are removed after a period of time.[114]
Like button
Further information: Like button
The Like button is one of Facebook's social plug-ins. It was launched on April 21, 2010.[115][116]
Facebook popularity. Active users of Facebook increased from just a million in 2004 to over 750 million in 2011.[117]
Registered Facebook users by age as of 2010.
According to comScore, Facebook is the leading social networking site based on monthly unique visitors, having overtaken main competitor MySpace in April 2008.[118] ComScore reports that Facebook attracted 130 million unique visitors in May 2010, an increase of 8.6 million people.[119] According to Alexa, the website's ranking among all websites increased from 60th to 7th in worldwide traffic, from September 2006 to September 2007, and is currently 1st.[120] Quantcast ranks the website 2nd in the U.S. in traffic,[121] ranks it 2nd in the U.S.[122] The website is the most popular for uploading photos, with 50 billion uploaded cumulatively.[123] In 2010, Sophos's "Security Threat Report 2010" polled over 500 firms, 60% of which responded that they believed that Facebook was the social network that posed the biggest threat to security, well ahead of MySpace, Twitter, and LinkedIn.[110]
Facebook is the most popular social networking site in several English-speaking countries, including Canada,[124] the United Kingdom,[125] and the United States.[126][127][128][129] In regional Internet markets, Facebook penetration is highest in North America (69 percent), followed by Middle East-Africa (67 percent), Latin America (58 percent), Europe (57 percent), and Asia-Pacific (17 percent).[130] Some of the top competitors were listed in 2007 byMashable.[131]
The website has won awards such as placement into the "Top 100 Classic Websites" by PC Magazine in 2007,[132] and winning the "People's Voice Award" from the Webby Awards in 2008.[133] In a 2006 study conducted by Student Monitor, a New Jersey-based company specializing in research concerning the college student market, Facebook was named the second most popular thing among undergraduates, tied with beer and only ranked lower than the iPod.[134]
On March 2010, Judge Richard Seeborg issued an order approving the class settlement inLane v. Facebook, Inc., the class action lawsuit arising out of Facebook's Beacon program.
In 2010, Facebook won the Crunchie "Best Overall Startup Or Product" for the third year in a row[135] and was recognized as one of the "Hottest Silicon Valley Companies" by Lead411.[136] However, in a July 2010 survey performed by the American Customer Satisfaction Index, Facebook received a score of 64 out of 100, placing it in the bottom 5% of all private-sector companies in terms of customer satisfaction, alongside industries such as the IRS e-file system, airlines, and cable companies. The reasons why Facebook scored so poorly include privacy problems, frequent changes to the website's interface, the results returned by the News Feed, and spam.[137]
In December 2008, the Supreme Court of the Australian Capital Territory ruled that Facebook is a valid protocol to serve court notices to defendants. It is believed to be the world's first legal judgement that defines a summons posted on Facebook as legally binding.[138] In March 2009, the New Zealand High Court associate justice David Gendall allowed for the serving of legal papers on Craig Axe by the company Axe Market Garden via Facebook.[139][140] Employers (such as Virgin Atlantic Airways) have also used Facebook as a means to keep tabs on their employees and have even been known to fire them over posts they have made.[141]
By 2005, the use of Facebook had already become so ubiquitous that the generic verb "facebooking" had come into use to describe the process of browsing others' profiles or updating one's own.[142] In 2008, Collins English Dictionary declared "Facebook" as its new Word of the Year.[143] In December 2009, the New Oxford American Dictionary declared its word of the year to be the verb "unfriend", defined as "To remove someone as a 'friend' on a social networking site such as Facebook. As in, 'I decided to unfriend my roommate on Facebook after we had a fight.'"[144]
In early 2010, Openbook was established, an avowed parody (and privacy advocacy) website[145] that enables text-based searches of those Wall posts that are available to "Everyone", i.e. to everyone on the Internet.
Writers for The Wall Street Journal found in 2010 that Facebook apps were transmitting identifying information to "dozens of advertising and Internet tracking companies". The apps used an HTTP referrer which exposed the user's identity and sometimes their friends'. Facebook said, "We have taken immediate action to disable all applications that violate our terms".[146]
In October 2012, the countries with the most Facebook users were:[147]
• United States with 166.1 million members
• Brazil with 58.4 million members
• India with 55.3 million members
• Indonesia with 47.5 million members
• Mexico with 38.3 million members
All of the above total 309 million members or about 38.6 percent of Facebook's 1 billion worldwide members.[148]
Main article: Criticism of Facebook
Facebook has met with controversies. It has been blocked intermittently in several countries including the People's Republic of China,[149]Iran,[150] Uzbekistan,[151] Pakistan,[152] Syria (unblocked in Syria [153] ),[154] and Bangladesh on different bases. For example, it was banned in many countries of the world on the basis of allowed content judged as anti-Islamic and containing religious discrimination. It has also been banned at many workplaces to prevent employees from using it during work hours.[155] The privacy of Facebook users has also been an issue, and the safety of user accounts has been compromised several times. Facebook has settled a lawsuit regarding claims over source code and intellectual property.[156] In May 2011 emails were sent to journalists and bloggers making critical allegations about Google's privacy policies; however it was later discovered that the anti-Google campaign, conducted by PR giant Burson-Marsteller, was paid for by Facebook in what CNN referred to as "a new level skullduggery" and which Daily Beast called a "clumsy smear".[157]
In July 2011, German authorities began to discuss the prohibition of events organized on Facebook. The decision is based on several cases of overcrowding by people not originally invited.[158][159] In one instance, 1,600 "guests" attended the 16th birthday party for a Hamburg girl who accidentally posted the invitation for the event as public. After reports of overcrowding, more than a hundred police were deployed for crowd control. A policeman was injured and eleven participants were arrested for assault, property damage and resistance to authorities.[160]In another unexpectedly overcrowded event, 41 young people were arrested and at least 16 injured.[161]
In 2007, it was reported that 43% of British office workers were blocked from accessing Facebook at work, due to concerns including reduced productivity and the potential for industrial espionage.[162]
A 2011 study in the online journal First Monday, "Why Parents Help Their Children Lie to Facebook About Age: Unintended Consequences of the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act," examines how parents consistently enable children as young as 10 years old to sign up for accounts, directly violating Facebook's policy banning young visitors. This policy technically allows Facebook to avoid conflicts with the 1998 Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), requiring that minors aged 13 or younger gain explicit parental consent to access commercial websites. Of the more than 1,000 households surveyed for the study, more than three-quarters (76%) of parents reported that their child joined Facebook when she was younger than 13, the minimum age in the site's terms of service. The study notes that, in response to widespread reports of underage users, a Facebook executive has said that "Facebook removes 20,000 people a day, people who are underage." The study's authors also note, "Indeed, Facebook takes various measures both to restrict access to children and delete their accounts if they join." The findings of the study raise questions primarily about the shortcomings of federal law, but also implicitly continue to raise questions about whether or not Facebook does enough to publicize its terms of service with respect to minors. Only 53% of parents said they were aware that Facebook has a minimum signup age; 35% of these parents believe that the minimum age is a site recommendation (not a condition of site use), or thought the signup age was 16 or 18, and not 13.[163]
In November 2011, several Facebook users reported that their accounts were hacked and their profile pictures were replaced with pornographic images. For more than a week, users' news feeds were spammed with pornographic, violent and sexual contents. It has been reported that more than 200,000 accounts in Bangalore, India were hacked. Facebook has denied the claims, citing that "safety of the users was on the top of their priority list".[164][165]
There has been much user discontent over Facebook's mandatory changeover to the new Timeline profile. Some Facebook users reported discontent with having many Facebook status updates and photos from the past easily visible.[166][167]
According to a leading counter terrorism expert, terrorists are using Facebook for hiring loners from western nations like Australia.[168]
In November 2012 several tech writers and bloggers reacted negatively to Facebook's new couples page feature, which automatically created new joint profile pages for people with a relationship listed on the site.[169]
Media impact
In April 2011, Facebook launched a new portal for marketers and creative agencies to help them develop brand promotions on Facebook.[170] The company began its push by inviting a select group of British advertising leaders to meet Facebook's top executives at an "influencers' summit" in February 2010. Facebook has now been involved in campaigns for True Blood, American Idol, and Top Gear.[171]News and media outlets such as the Washington Post,[172] Financial Times[173] and ABC News[174] have used aggregated Facebook fan data to create various infographics and charts to accompany their articles.
Social impact
Main articles: Social networking service#Social impact and Social impact of the Internet#Social networking and entertainment
Facebook has affected the social life and activity of people in various ways. With its availability on many mobile devices, Facebook allows users to continuously stay in touch with friends, relatives and other acquaintances wherever they are in the world, as long as there is access to the Internet. It can also unite people with common interests and/or beliefs through groups and other pages, and has been known to reunite lost family members and friends because of the widespread reach of its network. One such reunion was between John Watson and the daughter he had been seeking for 20 years. They met after Watson found her Facebook profile.[175] Another father-daughter reunion was between Tony Macnauton and Frances Simpson, who had not seen each other for nearly 48 years.[176]
Some argue that Facebook is beneficial to one's social life because they can continuously stay in contact with their friends and relatives, while others say that it can cause increased antisocial tendencies because people are not directly communicating with each other. Some studies have named Facebook as a source of problems in relationships. Several news stories have suggested that using Facebook can lead to higher instances of divorce and infidelity, but the claims have been questioned by other commentators.[177][178]
Political impact
The stage at the Facebook –Saint Anselm College debates in 2008.
Facebook's role in the American political process was demonstrated in January 2008, shortly before theNew Hampshire primary, when Facebook teamed up with ABC and Saint Anselm College to allow users to give live feedback about the "back to back" January 5 Republican and Democratic debates.[179][180][181] Charles Gibson moderated both debates, held at the Dana Center for the Humanities at Saint Anselm College. Facebook users took part in debate groups organized around specific topics, register to vote, and message questions.[182] reported in 2012 that the Facebook fanbases of political candidates have relevance for the election campaign, including:
• Allows politicians and campaign organizers to understand the interests and demographics of their Facebook fanbases, as with Wisdom for Facebook, to better target their voters.
• Provides a means for voters to keep up-to-date on candidates' activities, such as connecting to the candidates' Facebook Fan Pages.
Unless you get out of Facebook and into someone’s face, you really have not acted.
Thomas L. Friedman, 2012[183]
Over a million people installed the Facebook application "US Politics on Facebook" in order to take part, and the application measured users' responses to specific comments made by the debating candidates.[184] This debate showed the broader community what many young students had already experienced: Facebook as a popular and powerful new way to interact and voice opinions. An article by Michelle Sullivan of illustrates how the "Facebook effect" has affected youth voting rates, support by youth of political candidates, and general involvement by the youth population in the 2008 election.[185]
In February 2008, a Facebook group called "One Million Voices Against FARC" organized an event in which hundreds of thousands of Colombians marched in protest against the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, better known as the FARC (from the group's Spanish name).[186] In August 2010, one of North Korea's official government websites and the official news agency of the country, Uriminzokkiri, joined Facebook.[187]
In 2011 there was a controversial ruling by French government to uphold a 1992 decree which stipulates that commercial enterprises should not be promoted on news programs. President Nicolas Sarkozy's colleagues have agreed that it will enforce a law so that the word "Facebook" will not be allowed to be spoken on the television or on the radio.[188]
In 2011, Facebook filed paperwork with the Federal Election Commission to form a political action committee under the name FB PAC.[189]In an email to The Hill, a spokesman for Facebook said "FB PAC will give our employees a way to make their voice heard in the political process by supporting candidates who share our goals of promoting the value of innovation to our economy while giving people the power to share and make the world more open and connected."[190]
In popular culture
• American author Ben Mezrich published a book in July 2009 about Mark Zuckerberg and the founding of Facebook, titled The Accidental Billionaires: The Founding of Facebook, A Tale of Sex, Money, Genius, and Betrayal.[191]
• The Social Network, a drama film directed by David Fincher about the founding of Facebook, was released October 1, 2010.[192] Mark Zuckerberg has said that The Social Network is inaccurate.[193]
• In response to the Everybody Draw Mohammed Day controversy and the ban of the website in Pakistan, an Islamic version of the website was created, called MillatFacebook.[194]
• "You Have 0 Friends", an April 2010 episode of the American animated comedy series, South Park, explicitly parodied Facebook.[195]
• At age 102, Ivy Bean of Bradford, England joined Facebook in 2008, making her one of the oldest people ever on Facebook.[196][197] At the time of her death in July 2010, she had 4,962 friends on Facebook and more than 56,000 followers on Twitter.[198]
• On May 16, 2011, an Israeli couple named their daughter after the Facebook "like" feature.[199][200]
• On November 7, 2012, US President Barack Obama photo of him hugging his wife after winning the 2012 election had most ever "likes" with over 3.2 million likes.[201]
See also
• Ambient awareness
• Cyberstalking
• List of social networking websites
• List of virtual communities with more than 100 million active users
• Facebook, Inc.
• Six degrees of separation
• Myspace
• Cyworld
• VK (social network)
• Companies portal
• Internet portal
1. ^ An "active user" is defined by Facebook as a user who has visited the website in the last 30 days.
2. ^ "Monthly growth" is the average percentage growth rate at which the total number of active users grows each month over the specified period.
3. ^ This value is from an investment document. The date is from when the document was revealed to the public, not the actual date that the website reached this many users.
1. ^ "Facebook, 1 billion active people fact sheet". Retrieved October 4, 2012.
2. ^ Gavin, Clarke (July 2010). "Facebook re-write takes PHP to an enterprise past Remember C++? They do". Archived from the original on 2012-05-30. Retrieved 2 February 2010.
3. ^ "Facebook Current Report, Form 8-K, Filing Date July 26, 2012". Retrieved July 26, 2012.
4. ^ " Site Info". Alexa Internet. Retrieved 2012-11-25.
5. ^ Eldon, Eric (December 18, 2008). "2008 Growth Puts Facebook In Better Position to Make Money". VentureBeat (San Francisco). Retrieved December 19, 2008.
6. ^ "Facebook Tops Billion-User Mark". The Wall Street Journal (Dow Jones). October 4, 2012. Retrieved October 4, 2012.
7. ^ Sengupta, Somini (May 14, 2012). "Facebook's Prospects May Rest on Trove of Data". The New York Times. Retrieved May 15, 2012.
8. ^ Carlson, Nicholas (March 5, 2010). "At Last – The Full Story Of How Facebook Was Founded". Business Insider.
9. ^ "Five million Facebook users are 10 or younger" May 10, 2011. Retrieved May 15, 2011.
10. ^ Kazeniac, Andy (February 9, 2009). "Social Networks: Facebook Takes Over Top Spot, Twitter Climbs". Compete Pulse blog. Retrieved February 17, 2009.
11. ^ Geier, Thom; Jensen, Jeff; Jordan, Tina; Lyons, Margaret; Markovitz, Adam; et al. (December 11, 2009). "THE 100 Greatest Movies, TV Shows, Albums, Books, Characters, Scenes, Episodes, Songs, Dresses, Music Videos, and Trends that entertained us over the 10 Years". Entertainment Weekly (New York) ((1079/1080):74–84).
12. ^ Facebook Detox
13. ^ " – Quantcast Audience Profile". April 29, 2011. Retrieved May 15, 2011.
14. ^ Wells, Roy (August 8, 2010). "41.6% of the U.S. Population has a Facebook account". Social Media Today. Retrieved January 6, 2011.
15. ^ "Is Facebook growth stalling in North America?". CNN. Retrieved June 21, 2011.
16. ^
* "Information For Parents and Educators". Retrieved November 22, 2011. 17. ^ a b Locke, Laura (July 17, 2007). "The Future of Facebook". Time(New York). Retrieved November 13, 2009. 18. ^ Tabak, Alan J. (February 9, 2004). "Hundreds Register for New Facebook Website". The Harvard Crimson (Cambridge, MA). Archived from the original on April 3, 2005. Retrieved November 7, 2008., e bun combustibil.
PECSEN, unde este fiica lui GYUSZIKA ESTHER:
Subject: PECS - the miracle happened! Pécs scientists found the cure, to be cured of the dreaded disease, cancer. The drug infusion, the patient will receive the form, but without the side effects of the terrible defeat of the disease. The people are soon expected to try the new procedure. Advertise Nearly one hundred and eighty thousand of lives can be saved only in Hungary of branch dr. Gyula Kulcsar discovery. Of the Pecs biochemist team invented a cure for cancer. The researchers found the human body molecules came across the deadly disease medicine. Dr. Gyula Kulcsar just gained a new review - Our starting point was that the human body has to be in its own defense system against cancer, because if it does not exist, then everyone would have cancer. Eighty-nine molecules were examined, of which we have found it to sixteen, which effectively kills cancer cells - said the biochemist. heals But how do these molecules? In a normal cell merely takes up the injected molecules as you need, but the cancer cells absorb nearly the "miracle molecule", which is literally being eaten by the degenerateD cells. The infusion is made of molecules have been tested in the type of cancer a dozen. - In principle, any kind of cancer cure, past tests, larynx, cervix, breast, liver and rectal as well as leukemia and lymphoma patients cured animals - Julius classified. Procedure wonder of the natural lies in. Tumor each cell of 16 molecules are surrounded by and destroys - Since no chemical, but the human body can be found in natural molecules are involved, so that the treatment has no side effects, the injected material does not damage healthy cells. The effectiveness of tests the same as in chemotherapy, but the treatment of the patient may not have accompanying side effects - the inventor explained. The panacea Another great advantage to provide a permanent cure for the patients. - The chemical treatment disadvantage that recognize the cancer cells, natural materials that do not bombard them and become resistant, therefore later metastases develop.However, this infusion of all cancer cells are killed - Gyula Kulcsar said. The drug experimentation of the material presented later this year at the National Institute of Pharmacy, and people can enjoy being curedas well. **** valer 10:32 PM valer 10:32 PM CURIOZITATI DESPRE APARATUL GENITAL AL FEMEII STIATI CA EXISTA ANTICORPI CARE ATACA SPERMATOZOIZII? Organismul unor femei poate dezvolta anticorpi care ataca spermatozoizii ajunsi in organele genitale feminine in urma contactului sexual. O astfel de situatie reprezinta una dintre cauzele infertilitatii la femeie. Singura sansa ca o femeie care prezinta astfel de anticorpi sa ramana insarcinata este reprezentata de fertilizarea in vitro. TEMPERATURA CORPULUI FEMEII VARIAZA IN MOD FIZILOGIC Stiati ca modificarile fiziologice (dar si patologice) ale aparatului genital al femeii pot determina cresterea temperaturii corpului? Temperatura corpului se masoara dimineata imediat dupa trezire (inainte ca femeia sa se dea jos din pat), in cursul zilei si respectiv seara. Temperatura poate fi masurata in axila, in cavitatea orala sau intrarectal. Masurarea temperaturii in axila poate da valori eronate in cazul unei patologii a sanilor care creste vascularizatia acestora (la sportive sau la gravide). Alte situatii cand temperatura corpului femeii creste usor: • In sarcina; • In hipertiroidie; • La ovulatie (este atat de fidela aceasta variatie a temperaturii incat valoarea masurata poate fi un marker in determinarea perioadei de ovulatie).
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Iti doresti un viitor stralucit alaturi de el? Daca raspunsul tau este afirmativ, iata ce reguli de baza trebuie sa respecti in relatia ta de cuplu:
Comunicarea este cheia unei relatii de succes. Fie ca vrei sa il lauzi, fie ca vrei sa il critici, spune intotdeauna ceea ce gandesti. Nu te astepta ca iubitul tau sa iti citeasca gandurile. Oricat de bine te-ar cunoaste, niciodata nu va sti exact ce iti doresti daca nu ii marturisesti singura.
2. SA NU MINTI Mai mica sau mai mare, minciuna tot minciuna se numeste si strica armonia intr-o relatie. Mai devreme sau mai tarziu, adevarul iese intotdeauna la suprafata si nu prevesteste un final fericit. Minciuna provoaca dezamagire chiar si in interiorul celui mai frumos cuplu. Distruge increderea si prevesteste de cele mai multe ori despartirea.
3. NU TRADA Tradarea este una dintre cele mai mari greseli dintr-o relatie. Rareori este trecuta cu vederea si provoaca foarte multa suferinta. Chiar daca esti tentata sa cedezi in fata ispitei, incearca pentru o clipa sa te pui in locul celuilalt. Cu siguranta, ai suferi la fel de mult daca ai stii ca iubitul tau ti-a fost infidel.
1.2.3. Melodia PREFERATA: da-le bani, da-le de toate dale D-ne boalan cioante; si la finu’ casii foc! da-le bani , dale tihneal si la virful casii para (de foc) dusmanii de-ar avea rind ar face moara de vint si m-ar macina pa rind, mai sai, lai lai! dusmanii de-ar ave vreme catra mine-ar taie lemne! ai, ai dale tot ca eu am frati si surori, mai , sai , lai lai da-le cutreala in grumaz ca eu am surori si frati ca eu am frati si surori si nu m-or lasa sa mor, sa, lai , la! la dusmani le pare bine cand am cite-o suparare nu le para ashe de bine ca si lor rindu’ le vine!
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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE In the wake of new stories about traditionally published authors earning “six figure advances” Outskirts Press author Gang Chen earns six figures in six months and keeps all his rights, which means he can earn another six figures in another six months, long after a traditional advance would be gone. Self Publishing Author Earns Over $100,000 in Just Six Months with Outskirts Press Denver, CO and Irvine, CA – Outskirts Press, the fastest-growing full-service self publishing and book marketing company, today announced that one of its authors has earned over $100,000 in author royalties in six short months. Gang Chen, the self published author of Planting Design Illustrated and LEED AP Exam Guide, received a royalty check in the amount of $77,611.88 for books sold between January-March. This follows a royalty check of $33,679.56 that Chen received from Outskirts Press for books sold the previous October-December. 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Daca acum cativa ani chirurgia estetica a zonei intime era privita cu ochi nesiguri, astazi salile de interventii sunt din ce in ce mai frecventate. Metodele plastice nu aduc suferinte majore femeilor care le increaca si nici nu au riscuri importante, astfel ca tot mai multe femei calca pragul cabinetelor de chirurgie estetica. CELE MAI FRECVENTE PROBLEME INTIME ALE FEMEILOR SI REZOLVAREA CHIRURGICALA A ACESTORA PROBLEME IN OBTINEREA ORGASMULUI A obtine orgasmul nu este intotdeauna usor pentru ca placerea sexuala a femeii nu depinde in special de factori fizici sau vizuali cum se intampla in cazul barbatilor, ci si de factori psihici si emotionali. Dupa controversata descoperire a punctului G, medicii au gasit cum sa foloseasca aceasta informatie pentru a aduce mai multa placere sexuala femeii: injectarea de acid hialuronic in... punctul G. Se pare ca punctul G functioneaza prin presiune, astfel ca acidul hialuronic il mareste si in felul acesta punctul G devine mult mai sensibil in timpul actului sexual. Aceasta metoda poate fi una foarte buna pentru femeile care ajung foarte greu la orgasm, insa uneori necesita si asocierea unei terapii psihologice. ESTETICA CLITORISULUI Femeile aleg sau li se propune remodelarea clitorisului din doua motive care pot exista simultan sau separat: • Academic Coach Position Information and Expectations • I UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT THE STATUS OF THIS POSITION IS THAT OF AN INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR AND AS SUCH, I agree that I: Am responsible for paying all federal, state and local taxes (1099-MISC) Am not entitled to pension, health or other benefits from Instructional Connections, Inc. •Will keep all information and materials relating to my work with Instructional Connections, Inc. confidential • Will not receive worker's compensation insurance from Instructional Connections, Inc. • May accept or reject assignments offered to you prior to commencing the assignment • Am responsible for all other expenses that may be incurred in the performance of services IF I AM CONTRACTED BY INSTRUCTIONAL CONNECTIONS AND ACCEPT AN ASSIGNMENT, I agree to the following: • Χoach a course during this session, if assigned, • Consistently respond to student and faculty emails within 24 hours throughout the course (including weekend & holidays), • Grade open-ended assignments within 72 hours (as directed by the faculty of record), • Participate in weekly meetings with Coaches and Faculty as specified by the Lead or Coordinating Coach for the course, • Complete all requirements, tasks, and timelines expected for the course cycle. B. Astrology guides American financial traders By Heidi Moore's Spencer Platt/Getty Traders work on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange. • Subscribe to podcast • Download audio • Embed player • Audio player assistance • Pop-Up by Heidi N. Moore Marketplace for Wednesday, September 19, 2012 • STORY • TRANSCRIPT New York is full of people who make big decisions about billions of dollars. To the person on the street, these decisions look rational, like something that's part of a bigger plan. But the course of true investing never did run smooth, and there are some traders who look to the stars to tell them what to do. Financial astrologers like Karen Starich say traders know they're up against a lot of rich, smart people. "They want to have that edge," she says. "They want to know what the future is." Starich chargest $237 annually for her newsletter, which 300 traders subscribe to for news of what will happen to the stock prices of companies, or even bigger, to the Federal Reserve. She sees dark times ahead in the Fed's horoscope. "They now have Saturn squared to Neptune, which is really bankruptcy," Starich explains. Neptune represents money. But when Saturn shows up in a chart, it indicates restriction. So for the Fed, that means the "fiscal cliff is here, and there’s no place to go except to print more money or unravel these financial institutions," Starich says. Of course, a lot of Wall Street traders, and others, don't want it to be known that they're relying on anything other than their own talent. Arch Crawford, a financial astrologer who actually got his start on Wall Street as a stock analyst at Merrill Lynch, recalls one subscriber asking for his newsletter in "brown paper wrappers." Crawford warns his 2,000 subscribers particularly against the dangers of Mercury in retrograde, a time when the planet appears to be going in reverse across the sky. The phenomenon, which happens three times or more a year, indicates a month when communications will be screwed up. He warns his subscribers never to start anything new during that time. He points to the fact that Knight Capital launched a new software program in August, when Mercury was in retrograde, and the brokerage firm nearly went out of business. He also notes that most major market glitches have happened while Mercury was in retrograde. Coincidence? Most people would say yes. Financial astrologers don't say they have all the answers. They say instead that they see a range of possibilities. Human action can change them. As Shakespeare once wrote, "our faults lie not in our stars, but in ourselves." About the author Heidi N. Moore is the New York bureau chief and Wall Street correspondent for Marketplace, where she reports and writes about the culture of banks, companies, financing and markets. Read More » • • 11SHARE ON PRINTSHARE ON EMAIL LOG IN TO POST COMMENTS4 COMMENTS isurus - Sep 19, 2012 WHAT? WHAT? Really? On Marketplace? I said all that (and more) while listening to Heidi Moore's piece on the radio; and I used to think she had a least a triple-digit IQ. She actually sounded sympathetic to the bozos who purvey this nonsense. Sounds like she reads her horoscope everyday - that tells us something, I suppose. Why not do some real reporting - who are the idiot traders who use astrologers (or psychics, or read chicken bones, or whatever); perform a little public service, Heidi, and give your listeners some useful insights. Or, challenge the scam-artists - is there really any actionable information in "warns his subscribers never to start anything new" when Mars in retrograde (...3 or 4 months out of the year!); maybe something like - don't take on any new clients, or don't start analyzing a new stock, or... This is sad; very, very sad, IRONIC…..IMAGINE POOR EASTERN EUROPEANS LOOKING AT THIS ☹ • Experienced working as a Lecturer with the following LMS • platforms:* Blackboard 9.1 • Experienced working as FACULTY, INSTRUCTOR and/or ADMINISTRATOR with the following LMS platforms:* Blackboard 9.1 WebCT eCollege Desire2Learn ANGEL It's Learning EPIC Moodle Other None • How many years of TRADITIONAL, ON-GROUND teaching experience do you have?* 0-2 years 3-5 years 6+ years • How many years of ONLINE teaching experience do you have?* 0-2 years 3-5 years 6+ years • Do you currently work for any other higher education institutions? If so, how many?* Complaint Referral Form Internet Crime Complaint Center Note: Fields marked with * are required. You must enter a valid value in the following fields: • City - Only letters and .(period) '(apostrophe) -(hyphen) may be used (Individual/Business that victimized you). 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Include date(s) of transaction(s), a description of any items that were not delivered or were counterfeited, any transaction numbers (from Ebay, Western Union, PayPal, etc.), and any other pertinent information that helps to explain how you were victimized. Also if you received anything by U.S. Mail, FedEx, or UPS, specifically describe the envelope, by the date, time, city and zip code shown on the stamp cancellation postmark. Please indicate any medium used by the individual/business in the course of the incident. (select all that apply): Bulletin board Chat room Email Fax In person perrrrrrr al meu de ro este 0040758380144 iar de spania 0034671853146 din noiembrie voi fi in spania pusici. Prietena la restaurant t in SPANIA si RO. De ce se reduce creierul uman? Persoanele a căror glicemie se află la capătul superior al „scalei normale” ar putea avea un risc mai ridicat de a suferi de probleme mentale odată cu înaintarea în vârstă, incluzînd demenţa şi reducerea volumului creierului, arată un studiu . Cercetătorii de la Universitatea Naţională Australiană din Canberra spun că studiul ar putea produce o adevărată revoluţie în ceea ce priveşte modul în care este definit diabetul şi în înţelegerea felului în care nivelul glicemiei afectează creierul. Studiul a implicat 249 de persoane, cu vârste cuprinse între 60 şi 64 de ani şi care aveau glicemia în limitele normale, aşa cum sunt acestea definite de Organizaţia Mondială a Sănătăţii. Participanţilor le-au fost scanate creierele la începutul cercetării şi apoi după o perioadă de 4 ani, în medie. Rezultatele au fost corelate cu valorile glicemiei măsurate în sângele recoltat dimineaţa, pe nemâncate, exprimate în mmol/l (milimoli pe litru) Cei care aveau glicemia mai aproape de valoarea maximă normală (6,1 mmol/l) aveau şanse mai mari să sufere de o micşorare a volumului de substanţă nervoasă în hipocamp şi amigdala - două arii cerebrale asociate cu memoria şi capacităţile cognitive - în comparaţie cu cei cu niveluri de glicemie mai mici. După ce au eliminat contribuţia altor factori, precum vârsta, hipertensiunea, fumatul, consumul de alcool, cercetătorii au ajuns la concluzia că glicemia apropiată de valoarea maximă considerată normală astăzi contribuie la micşorarea creierului în proporţie de 6-10%. Nicolas Cherbuin, unul dintre autorii studiului, afirmă că mai multe alte studii au găsit corelaţii între diabet, pe de o parte, şi micşorarea creierului şi demenţă, pe de altă parte, dar că nu se ştia dacă o glicemie aflată aproape de valoarea maximă socotită normală poate avea asupra creierulu acelaşi efect. O valoare a glicemiei de 10.0 mmol/l (180 mg/dL) sau mai mare este criteriul pentru punerea diagnosticului de diabet, în vreme ce starea caracterizată prin valori de 6.1 mmol/l (110 mg/dL) este definită drept pre-diabet. Rezultatele acestui nou studiu, adaugă Nicolas Cherbuin, "sugerează că şi în cazul persoanelor care nu au diabet, un nivel crescut al glicemiei poate avea totuşi impact asupra creierului. Sunt necesare cercetări mai aprofundate, dar aceste descoperiri ne-ar putea determina să reevaluăm conceptul de glicemie normală şi definiţia diabetului." Sursa: Mail Online Nu mai ai rabdare sa astepti viitorul tehnologiei? Vino sa-l traiesti inainte sa se intample! 14 hours ago · LikeaOvarian Cancer Symptoms; Welcome to the most important page on the site. This is the page you send to your mothers, sisters, aunts, grannies, and friends. Women must know this information. Together we can save a life – maybe someone you love. Ovarian Cancer Symptoms 101 Unlike many other cancers, there is no test to determine whether a woman has ovarian cancer. Some women are diagnosed in the advanced stages, never having had a symptom. But for most women, our bodies signal to us, sometimes very gently, that something is wrong. The statistics teach us that if we catch this disease early, we are likely to live past the cancer. If it is caught late, the odds are against us, and we must fight a difficult uphill battle. It may seem unfair that it is left to us to self-diagnose, but until medicine comes up with a good test for ovarian cancer, we must be vigilant and pay attention when our bodies whisper a warning to us. If your body is telling you that “something is just not right,” fly to your gynecologist and be apushy patient. A Pap smear tests for cervical cancer, only a biopsy confirms a diagnosis of ovarian cancer. M.D Anderson Cancer Center lists the following as ovarian cancer symptoms: • General abdominal discomfort or pain (gas, indigestion, pressure, swelling, bloating, cramps) • Bloating and/or a feeling of fullness, even after a light meal • Nausea, diarrhea, constipation or frequent urination • Unexplained weight loss or gain • Loss of appetite • Abnormal vaginal bleeding • Unusual fatigue • Back pain • Pain during sex • Menstrual changes These symptoms do not always mean you have ovarian cancer. But it’s a good idea to discuss them with your health care provider if they: • Are new symptoms • Last more than a few weeks • Occur more than 12 times a month Anecdotally, many women have reported the details on how they felt prior to diagnosis. • Fatigue: A previously fit women started getting winded when walking up stairs or on hills; another reported the desire to go to bed at five in the afternoon. Still another described being unable to do a fitness class that she had normally completed with ease. • Bloating and Gas: Many women reported that their pants got tight, or that they noticed that their body had taken on a new shape. Gas pains can be an alert, too. A clever lady described hers as “gas bubbles with sharp pointy corners.” • Bladder pressure. “I felt like I had a lighter version of a urinary tract infection.” • Out of cycle bleeding or bleeding during sex. • Change in libido. • Slender poop. No, really, – a tumor can crowd the digestive tract, and poops slim down to fit. Some ladies have also described a feeling of incomplete evacuation. • Thinning hair. This seems to be a rare symptom, but recognized. Some women lived with these symptoms for years before they were diagnosed. If you have experienced one or more of these symptoms, go to the doctor and be a pushy patient. How to be a Pushy Patient When women complain of the common ovarian cancer symptoms, some doctors fail to follow up aggressively with the seek-and-find tactics that ultimately find the cancer. Women are told that it is menopause, irritable bowel syndrome, or stress. Younger women are told that they are “too young” for this cancer. If your doctor is not taking your ovarian cancer concerns seriously, find one who does. When you meet with the doctor, say something like this: Doc, I have some symptoms that are consistent with ovarian cancer. How can we aggressively check for that? Tell me about CA-125 testing. » Tell me about transvaginal ultrasounds. » Tell me about HE-4 testing. » Tell me about genetic testing. » Who should I see for a second opinion? Certain groups, like Jewish women of Eastern European desent, are at an increased risk for having these genetic mutations. wordpress: [ted id=1501] TALKS Jane McGonigal: The game that can give you 10 extra years of life; SUPERBEST FILMED JUN 2012 • POSTED JUL 2012 • TEDGlobal 2012 4 TYPES OF STRENGTH.1. ridica sus miinile, 2. snap ur fingers 50 times. (mental resilience=willpower) 3. ur favorite baby animal.=baby dolphin 4. the 3 to 1 emotional 5. send email, THANK YOU.=social resilience=touch, shake someone’s hand for 6 minutes. THE PSYCHOLOGY OF GAME. JANE THE CONCUSSION PLAYER. POST-TRAUMATIC GROWTH=SPRINGBOARD. Sunt un jucător, deci îmi place să am obiective. Îmi plac misiunile speciale şi obiectivele secrete. Deci uitaţi care este misiunea mea specială pentru această discuţie: O să încerc să măresc durata de viaţă a fiecărei persoane din această încăpere cu şapte minute şi jumătate. Literalmente, veţi trăi cu şapte minute şi jumătate mai mult decât aţi fi făcut-o altfel, doar datorită faptului că aţi vizionat această discuţie. Bine, câţiva dintre voi păreţi puţin sceptici. Este bine, deoarece fiţi atenţi -- Am matematica care să dovedească că este posibil. Şi nu o să aibă prea mult sens acum.O să explic mai târziu, doar fiţi atenţi la numărul din partea de jos: plus-7.68245837 minute acesta o să fie cadoul meu către voi dacă o să am succes în misiunea mea. Acum, şi voi aveţi o misiune secretă. Misiunea voastră este de a vă da seama cum doriţi să vă petreceţi cele şapte si jumătate minute suplimentare. Şi cred că ar trebui să faceţi ceva neobişnuit cu ele, deoarece acestea sunt minute bonus. Oricum nu le-aţi fi avut. DEATHBED REGRETS. Aceasta mirodenie are puterea de a ajuta corpul sa metabolizeze zaharul. Consuma un sfert de lingurita, pana la 2 lingurite de scortisoara pe zi, si vei avea un nivel mai scazut al zaharului din sange cu 10-25%. Adaug-o in sucuri proaspete naturale, peste cereale sau chiar in cafea. Nu numai ca se va potrivi de minune cu antioxidantii cafelei, dar probabil nu vei mai simti nevoia de a adauga zahar. Migdalele si untul de migdale Se spune despre nuci, migdale si alte seminte ca ingrasa. Desi migdalele au destul de multe calorii, au si un bagaj nutritional senzational, fiind eficiente mai ales in combaterea colesterolului si a cresterii trigliceridelor. Pune dimineata niste unt de migdale pe o felie de paine prajita si vei primi portia de carbohidrati suficienta pentru a fi energizat intreaga zi. Fals Produsele dietetice sunt adesea rezultatul marketing-ului. Alimentele care poarta mentiunea "continut redus de grasimi sau de zahar" cu siguranta au mai putine grasimi sau zahar decat celelalte, insa nu sunt lipsite de calorii. A consuma mai multe alimente dietetice in virtutea faptului ca aportul de calorii este mai mic nu este chiar indicat, deoarece, in mod frecvent, grasimile si zaharul sunt inlocuite cu ingrediente artificiale. Pentru a slabi trebuie sa mancam mai putin - Fals Pentru a pierde din greutate, reducerea portiilor reprezinta o solutie doar in cazul in care cantitatile consumate pana in acel moment sunt semnificative. In cazul in care suntem obisnuiti sa mancam portii normale (ex. 125 g legume, 75 g carne), a diminua cantitatile duce la acel sentiment de frustrare caracteristic regimurilor de slabire si care este responsabil de esecuri. Ideal este ca alimentatia sa fie modificata in mod progresiv. Trebuie privilegiata carnea slaba, legumele fierte, painea integrala, care duc repede la satietate. In plus, fibrele continute faciliteaza tranzitul intestinal. In ceea ce priveste gustarile dintre mese, trebuie limitate cantitativ produsele grase si dulci. Daca bem mai multa apa, slabim - Fals Apa este esentiala pentru viata, insa ea in sine nu ne face sa slabim. Daca bem mai mult de 1,5 litri de apa pe zi, toxinele vor fie eliberate mai repede din organism. Bauta incet, cu inghitituri mici, umple stomacul si da senzatia de satietate, diminuand pofta de a rontai mereu cate ceva. Insa nu trebuie sa inlocuim in acest mod gustarile sanatoase (fructe, iaurt simplu) atunci cand ne este foame. Sampania nu ingrasa - Adevarat si fals Sampania este una dintre bauturile alcoolice cu cele mai putine calorii. Insa, daca se consuma mai multe pahare, cu siguranta ca efectul nu este de neglijat atunci cand dorim sa slabim. In general, alcoolul este bogat in calorii, de aceea este recomandat sa se consume cu masura, atat pentru a pierde din excesul de kilograme, cat si pentru a avea o stare de sanatate buna. Painea ingrasa - Adevarat si fals In privinta painii, totul tine de cantitate si de felul de paine consumat. O felie de paine, alba sau integrala, contine in jur de 100 kcal, iar recomandarea zilnica este in jur de 2000 kcal pentru o femeie si 2700 kcal pentru un barbat. Painea este bine ca fie consumata cu moderatie, iar in locul sortimentelor rafinate sa fie alese cele integrale. Uleiul de masline are mai putine calorii decat alte uleiuri - Fals 10 g de ulei de masline = in jur de 90 kcal, la fel ca in cazul uleiului de floarea soarelui, de nuci sau arahide. Insa prin faptul ca este bogat in acizi grasi mononesaturati, aduce beneficii sanatatii. In materie de nutritie, uleiul de masline este privilegiat fata de unt si margarina. Grasimile sunt arse dupa 30 de minute de exercitii intense - Adevarat si fals Miscarea nu trebuie pierduta din vedere atunci cand dorim sa slabim. In primele minute cand incepem sa facem miscare intensa este consumata acea energie care nu corespunde "grasimilor stocate". Dupa 30 de minute de efort sustinut, incep sa fie consumate si aceste grasimi, insa efectul este valabil si atunci cand se face miscare moderata, in mod frecvent si regulat. Pentru a slabi, trebuie sa spunem "adio" grasimilor - Fals Totul tine de natura grasimilor consumate. Este necesar sa limitam grasimile saturate (din carnea de porc, unt si smantana), sa eliminam grasimile trans (aflate in dulciurile procesate) si sa favorizam grasimile esentiale, Omega 3 (surse excelente sunt pestele si uleiul de in) si Omega 6. Sa mancam putin la masa de seara - Adevarat si fals Micul dejun si pranzul trebuie sa fie mai consistente decat masa de seara. Insa, in materie de nutritie, sfatul esential este sa-ti asculti corpul si nevoile sale. O cina sanatoasa si echilibrata, servita in familie si cu cel putin doua ore inainte de culcare, nu stocheaza neaparat mai mult decat o masa extrem de saracacioasa si insotita de frustrari. Pentru a pierde kilograme, trebuie sa mizam pe alimentele "care ard grasimi" - Fals Anumite alimente, cum este ananasul, au reputatia de "a arde grasimile". In termeni de nutritie, astfel de alimente nu exista. Este adevarat ca ananasul da stare de satietate datorita continutului mare de fibra si ca tot el contine bromelina, o enzima care ajuta la digestia proteinelor, insa aceasta nu inseamna arderea grasimilor. Inseamna doar ca poate fi consumat alaturi de o sursa de proteine, cum sunt nucile. The 89-year-old Gellhorn, beset by ill health, ended her life in 1998, long after the depression-afflicted Hemingway killed himself in 1962 at age 61. “Who knows what Martha would really have thought (of the film), or Hemingway,” mused Kaufman. “But I’m glad we could give this gift back to them.” -- Haven in Havana: Hemingway's long deserted Cuban hideaway Published: Monday, October 24, 2011, 4:08 AM By The Washington Post Follow 0 ShareEmailPrint View full sizePhoto Courtesy of Brent Winebrenner/Courtesy of Rizzoli New YorkThe late 19th-century Cuban house Finca Vigia in Havana was author Ernest Hemingway's base of operations for more than two decades. BY J. MICHAEL WELTON Special to The Washington Post When Ernest Hemingway departed Cuba for Spain on July 25, 1960, he thought he’d be coming back. He was wrong. Less than a year later, on July 2, 1961, in Ketchum, Idaho, he leveled the barrels of his beloved W. & C. Scott & Son Monte Carlo B shotgun to his head and pulled the trigger. On the Caribbean island he left behind were his boat, his car and his house, a stucco, one-story affair that had been his base of operations for more than two decades. Now, thanks to an unprecedented partnership between Cuban and American preservationists, his house, called Finca Vigia (Lookout Farm) has been restored and photographed for a new book on the island’s little-publicized elegant architecture. Although most visitors, both foreign and domestic, are denied access to the house’s light and airy interiors, author Michael Connors and photographer Brent Winebrenner were granted carte blanche for “The Splendor of Cuba: 450 Years of Architecture and Interiors” (Rizzoli, 2011). “We shot last year after the restoration of the house,” Connors says. “We’ve been the only ones allowed to step in the house and actually move the furniture, to style it for the lighting. Others have to shoot from the windows and doors.” The late 19th-century Cuban vernacular house, surrounded by verandas, patios, walkways, tennis courts, guest house, pool and tower, was discovered in 1939 by Hemingway’s third wife, journalist Martha Gellhorn. “She was strategic,” says Mary-Jo Adams, executive director of the small U.S. nonprofit Finca Vigia Foundation. “She suggested he buy it because she wanted to get him out of the temptations of downtown Havana.” He would live there for the next 22 years, his longest stretch in a single place. Inside, he left behind his clothes, his china, his papers and 9,000 of his books, 20 percent with writing in the margins. “He was a pack rat,” Adams says. A partnership between two nations Today, through the concerted efforts of the foundation, along with the Cuban government’s Office of Cultural Patrimony and the National Trust for Historic Preservation, a restored and pristine Finca Vigia looks as though the boyishly grinning, Nobel Prize-winning author might pop in any minute, fishing rod in hand, back from a weeklong cruise on the Pilar. On his desk are period magazines, letter openers, pens and pencils. Nothing has been removed, and nothing added. No curator has stepped in for an interpretation. What’s there represents exactly the way he lived. The original bottles of liquor stand atop his living room bar, their labels cracking and peeling. “It struck me as something you don’t see anywhere,” Connors says. “It’s preserving the exact history of the owner of the house. You walk in the library and see the paperbacks and the hardbacks of what he read.” Much of the house’s historical accuracy can be credited to the efforts and recollections of Hemingway’s former majordomo, a native Cuban named Rene Villerreal, now living in New Jersey. For 20 years, Villerreal says, he loved Hemingway like a father and respected him as a friend and employer, even writing his own book, “Hemingway’s Cuban Son” (Kent State University Press, 2009). He knows Finca Vigia as if it were his own. “Papa used to hide manuscripts in a valise on the top shelf of the closet in the study. The manuscripts were first wrapped in brown paper, then a towel and then stuffed in a valise. It was a way to assure that little humidity would get to them,”Villerreal said in a recent e-mail, interpreted by his son. “Hemingway also hid letters he received from his friend Marlene Dietrich and other women behind the bookcases in his workroom.” A year after the author’s death, Villerreal gave a tour of the house to Fidel Castro, who would turn it into a museum and hire him as its director. From 1962 to 1964, Villerreal restored the house, which had been occupied by Cuban soldiers after Hemingway left. In 1968, he resigned, deciding to leave Cuba. During the 1980s, after the fall of the Soviet Union and the withdrawal of financial support for the island nation, Finca Vigia fell into disrepair. ‘An unlikely miracle’ View full sizePhoto Courtesy of: Brent Winebrenner/Courtesy of Rizzoli New YorkAll the possessions Ernest Hemingway left in Finca Vigia, including thousands of books, have been preserved in his Havana home. "Itâ's preserving the exact history of the owner of the house. You walk in the library and see the paperbacks and the hardbacks of what he read," says the author of "The Splendor of Cuba: 450 Years of Architecture and Interiors." The story of the house’s recent rebirth is something of an unlikely miracle, a celebration of a shared icon that the people of two nations can claim as their own. It begins with Max Perkins, Hemingway’s editor at Scribner’s in New York, or more specifically, Perkins’ granddaughter, Jenny Phillips. She was touring Cuba on a cultural trip in 2001 when she decided on a whim to visit Finca Vigia, thinking some of her grandfather’s papers might be there. “We went out and I introduced myself to one of the guards, who got very excited,” Phillips says. “He said: ‘Come back tomorrow, and you can go inside.’” She returned, only to be denied access to the basement where most of Hemingway’s documents were stored. The refusal spurred her to action. “It became a mystery and an energizer,” she says. Back in the States, her husband, a political reporter for the Boston Globe, touched base with the John F. Kennedy Library in Cambridge, Mass., which houses Hemingway’s papers. “Someone there told him that the basement was full of things they’d been trying to see forever, but the Cubans wouldn’t let them,” she says. “Scholars had been trying on their own, too.” He also contacted Rep. Jim McGovern, D-Mass., who, because of his favorable relations with the Cuban government, got the ball rolling on the preservation of the documents and books inside. McGovern “wanted to see the cultural legacy preserved and said it could be done by collaborating with the Cubans,” she said. In March 2002, Phillips was back in Havana, signing an accord with the Office of Cultural Patrimony. By 2008, three sets of 3,000 documents were digitized and microfilmed, one for the Kennedy Library, one for a Chicago vault for safekeeping and one for Finca Vigia. The originals never left the house, which was suffering from a leaking roof with rampant mold and fungus. “We were going to preserve the documents, preserve them like Twain’s or Faulkner’s,” Adams says. “But the house had moisture and no temperature or humidity control.” In 2005, the National Trust had listed Finca Vigia as an endangered site, with no objections from the Cuban government; that same year, the World Monuments Fund listed it as one of its 100 most endangered sites. When the Bush administration was slow to grant a license for the foundation to move forward in Cuba, Richard Moe, then president of the National Trust, called Phillips to say he wanted to get involved. Restoration Once it was licensed, Cambridge-based architect Lee Cott and the National Trust’s chief architect, William Dupont, pulled together preservation architects, structural engineers and landscape architects to go to Havana to act as consultants on the house’s restoration. In Cuba, they were met by a corresponding number of counterparts. “The Cuban architects did drawings and we gave technical commentary,” Dupont says. “We used an overlay of yellow paper with notes on top of their drawings. When we were there, we were working together.” The roof was replaced and windows reconstructed. The stucco was re-plastered. Termite-ridden wood was re-framed. The Cuban government funded all of the restoration while Phillips’ foundation raised money to send the teams. Never before in Castro’s Cuba have U.S. architects been sanctioned to practice. “They have their fingers on the pulse of the interpolitical, the political structure working in concert with Cuban conservators,” says author Paul Hendrickson, whose book “Hemingway’s Boat: Everything He Loved in Life, and Lost, 1934-1961” (Knopf, 2011) was published last month. “They have heroically gone about the business of getting Finca Vigia restored and getting the boat restored.” And they’re not done yet. Hemingway’s car now sits on the property, awaiting its turn. “It’s a 1957 Chrysler,” Phillips says. “It’s the most mangled-up and rusty thing. It looks like roadkill, but it will be restored.” For the foundation and the Cuban Office of Cultural Patrimony, that would translate into the perfect Hemingway hat trick. Hemingway & Gellhorn From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Hemingway & Gellhorn Directed by Philip Kaufman Produced by Peter Kaufman Trish Hoffman James Gandolfini Alexandra Ryan Barbara Turner Written by Jerry Stahl Barbara Turner Starring Nicole Kidman Clive Owen Music by Javier Navarrete Cinematography Rogier Stoffers Editing by Walter Murch Studio HBO Release date(s) • May 28, 2012 Running time 154 minutes Country United States Language English Budget $14 million Hemingway & Gellhorn is an HBO film about the lives of journalist Martha Gellhorn and her husband, writer Ernest Hemingway. It was directed by Philip Kaufman, and first aired on HBO on May 28, 2012.[1] The debut was marred by technical difficulties with the sound. Contents [hide] • 1 Plot • 2 Cast • 3 References • 4 External links [edit]Plot Telling the story of one of America’s most famous literary couples, the movie begins in 1936 when the pair meet for the first time in a Key West bar. He was a famous writer and she was an up-and-coming war correspondent. They ran into each other again in Spain where they were both covering the Spanish Civil War. They were staying in the same hotel on the same floor, and she resisted his advances. However, during a bombing raid, they found themselves trapped in the same room, frightened for their lives, and lust overcame them. They became lovers and stayed in Spain until 1939. In 1940 Hemingway divorced his second wife so that they could marry. Over time she became prominent in her own right. She was unfaithful to him on occasion and in 1945 asked Hemingway for a divorce--the only woman ever to do so. He credits her with inspiring him to write the novel, For Whom the Bell Tolls.[2] [edit]Cast • Nicole Kidman as Martha Gellhorn • Clive Owen as Ernest Hemingway • David Strathairn as John Dos Passos • Molly Parker as Pauline Pfeiffer • Parker Posey as Mary Welsh Hemingway • Rodrigo Santoro as Zarra • Mark Pellegrino as Max Eastman • Peter Coyote as Maxwell Perkins • Lars Ulrich as Joris Ivens • Robert Duvall as General Petrov[3] • Tony Shalhoub as Koltsov • Leonard Apeltsin as Russian Operative • Jeffrey Jones as Charles Colebaugh • Santiago Cabrera as Robert Capa • Aitor Inarra as Felipe Leon • Diane Baker as Mrs. Gellhorn • Steven Wiig as Simo Häyhä • Keone Young as Mr. Ma [edit]References • Official website • Hemingway & Gellhorn the movie: • • FOR WHOM THE BELLS TOLL Title The title of the book is a reference to John Donne's series of meditations and prayers on health, pain, and sickness (written while Donne was convalescing from a nearly fatal illness) that were published as a book in 1624 under the title Devotions upon Emergent Occasions,specifically Meditation XVII: "No man is an Island, entire of itself; every man is a peece of the Continent, a part of the main; if a Clod be washed away by the Sea,Europe is the less, as well as if a Promontory were, as well as if a Mannor of thy friends or of thine own were; any man's deathdiminishes me, because I am involved in Mankind; And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; It tolls for thee." [edit]Plot summary This novel is told primarily through the thoughts and experiences of the protagonist, Robert Jordan. The character was inspired by Hemingway's own experiences in the Spanish Civil War as a reporter for the North American Newspaper Alliance. Robert Jordan is an American in the International Brigades who travels to Spain to oppose the fascist forces of Francisco Franco. As an experienced dynamiter, he was ordered by a communist Russian general to travel behind enemy lines and destroy a bridge, with the aid of a band of local antifascist guerrillas. (The Soviet Union aided and advised the Republicans against the fascists in the Spanish Civil War.) In their camp, Robert Jordan encounters María, a young Spanish woman whose life had been shattered by the execution of her parents and her rape at the hands of the Falangists (part of the fascist coalition) at the outbreak of the war. His strong sense of duty clashes with both guerrilla leader Pablo's unwillingness to commit to an operation that would endanger himself and his band, and his newfound joie de vivre arises out of his love for María. However, when another band of antifascist guerrillas led by El Sordo are surrounded and killed, Pablo decides to betray Jordan by stealing the dynamite caps, hoping to prevent the demolition. In the end Jordan improvises a way to detonate his dynamite, and Pablo returns to assist in the operation after seeing Jordan's commitment to his course of action. Though the bridge is successfully destroyed, Jordan is maimed when his horse is shot out from under him by a tank. Knowing that he would only slow his comrades down, he bids goodbye to María and ensures that she escapes to safety with the surviving members of the guerillas. He refuses an offer from another fighter to be shot and lies in agony, hoping to kill an enemy officer and a few soldiers before being captured and executed. The narration ends right before Jordan launches his ambush. The novel graphically describes the brutality of civil war. [edit]Characters • Robert Jordan – American university instructor of Spanish language and a specialist in demolitions and explosives. • Anselmo - Elderly guide to Robert Jordan. • Golz - Soviet officer who ordered the bridge's demolition. • Pablo - Leader of a group of anti-fascist guerrillas. • Rafael – Incompetent and lazy but well-intentioned guerrilla, and a gypsy. • María – Robert Jordan's young lover. • Pilar – Wife of Pablo. An aged but strong woman, she is the de facto leader of the guerrilla band. • Agustín – Foul-mouthed, middle-aged guerrilla. • El Sordo – Leader of a fellow band of guerrillas. • Fernando – Middle-aged guerrilla. • Andrés and Eladio – Brothers. Members of Pablo's band. • Primitivo – Young guerrilla in Pablo's band. • Joaquin – Enthusiastic teenaged communist, member of Sordo's band. [edit]Main themes Death is a primary preoccupation of the novel. When Robert Jordan is assigned to blow up the bridge, he knows that he will not survive it. Pablo and El Sordo, leaders of the Republican guerrilla bands, see that inevitability also. Almost all of the main characters in the book contemplate their own deaths. Hotel Ambos-Mundos (Hotel of Both-Worlds), Havana, Ernest Hemingway's first residence in Cuba (1932–1939) where the first chapter of For Whom the Bell Tolls was written. Much of the rest was written later in his home near Havana, Finca Vigía (Lookout Farm) There is camaraderie in the face of death throughout the novel, with the need for surrender of one's self for the common good repeated. Robert Jordan, Anselmo and others are ready to do "as all good men should" – that is, to make the ultimate sacrifice. The oft-repeated embracing gesture reinforces this sense of close companionship in the face of death. An incident involving the death of the character Joaquín's family serves as an excellent example of this theme. Having learned of this tragedy, Joaquín's comrades embrace and comfort him, saying they now are his family. Surrounding this love for one's comrades is the love for the Spanish soil. A love of place, of the senses, and of life itself is represented by the pine needle forest floor—both at the beginning and, poignantly, at the end of the novel—when Robert Jordan awaits his death feeling "his heart beating against the pine needle floor of the forest." Suicide always looms as an alternative to suffering. Many of the characters, including Robert Jordan, would prefer death over capture and are prepared to kill themselves, be killed, or kill to avoid it. As the book ends, Robert Jordan, wounded and unable to travel with his companions, awaits a final ambush that will end his life. He prepares himself against the cruel outcomes of suicide to avoid capture, or inevitable torture for the extraction of information and death at the hands of the enemy. Still, he hopes to avoid suicide partly because his father, whom he views as a coward, committed suicide. Robert Jordan understands suicide but doesn't approve of it, and thinks that "you have to be awfully occupied with yourself to do a thing like that."[9] Robert Jordan's opinions on suicide may be used to analyze Hemingway's suicide 21 years later. Hemingway's father also committed suicide and it is a common theme in his works. The novel explores political ideologies and the nature of bigotry. After noticing how he so easily employed the convenient catch-phrase "enemy of the people", Jordan moves swiftly into the subjects and opines, "To be bigoted you have to be absolutely sure that you are right and nothing makes that surety and righteousness like continence. Continence is the foe of heresy."[10] Later in the book, Robert Jordan explains the threat of fascism in his own country. "Robert Jordan, wiping out the stew bowl with bread, explained how the income tax and inheritance tax worked. 'But the big estates remain. Also, there are taxes on the land,' he said. 'But surely the big proprietors and the rich will make a revolution against such taxes. Such taxes appear to me to be revolutionary. They will revolt against the government when they see that they are threatened, exactly as the fascists have done here,' Primitivo said. 'It is possible.' 'Then you will have to fight in your country as we fight here.' 'Yes, we will have to fight.' 'But are there not many fascists in your country?' 'There are many who do not know they are fascists but will find it out when the time comes.'"[11] Also in the same conversation Robert Jordan is having with the others, he realizes how there are populist policies right in America, namely homesteading which was widely used by American settlers to settle the West from 1863 onward [12]: "Robert Jordan explained the process of homesteading. He had never thought of it before as an agrarian reform. 'That is magnificent,' Primitivo said. 'Then you have a communism in your country?' 'No. That is done under the Republic.'"[13] Divination emerges as an alternative means of perception. Pilar, "Pablo's woman", is a reader of palms and more. When Robert Jordan questions her true abilities, she replies, "Because thou art a miracle of deafness.... It is not that thou art stupid. Thou art simply deaf. One who is deaf cannot hear music. Neither can he hear the radio. So he might say, never having heard them, that such things do not exist."[14] [edit]Imagery Hemingway frequently used images to produce the dense atmosphere of violence and death his books are renowned for; the main image ofFor Whom the Bell Tolls is the automatic weapon. As he had done in "A Farewell to Arms", Hemingway employs the fear of modern armament to destroy romantic conceptions of the ancient art of war: combat, sportsmanlike competition and the aspect of hunting. Heroism becomes butchery: the most powerful picture employed here is the shooting of María's parents against the wall of a slaughterhouse. Glory exists in the official dispatches only; here, the "disillusionment" theme of A Farewell to Arms is adapted. The fascist planes are especially dreaded, and when they approach, all hope is lost. The efforts of the partisans seem to vanish, their commitment and their abilities become meaningless. ", especially the trench mortars that already wounded Lt. Henry ("he knew that they would die as soon as a mortar came up").[15] No longer would the best soldier win, but the one with the biggest gun. The soldiers using those weapons are simple brutes, they lack "all conception of dignity"[16] as Fernando remarked. Anselmo insisted, "We must teach them. We must take away their planes, their automatic weapons, their tanks, their artillery and teach them dignity".[16] The novel also contains imagery of soil and earth,[17] most famously when Jordan has sex with María at the start of chapter thirteen and feels "the earth move out and away from under them" then afterwards asks María, "Did thee feel the earth move?", variants of which have become a cultural cliché,[18] often used humorously.[19] [edit]Literary significance and critical reaction [edit]Language Since its publication, the prose style and dialogue in Hemingway's novel has been the source of controversy and some negative critical reaction. For example, Edmund Wilson, in a tepid review, noted the encumbrance of "a strange atmosphere of literary medievalism" in the relationship between Robert Jordan and Maria.[20] This stems in part from a distinctive feature of the novel, namely Hemingway's extensive use of archaisms, implied transliterations and false friends to convey the foreign (Spanish) tongue spoken by his characters. Thus, Hemingway uses the archaic "thou" (particularly in its oblique and possessive form) to parallel the Spanish pronominal "tú" (familiar) and "Usted" (formal) forms. Additionally, much of the dialogue in the novel is an implied direct translation from Spanish, producing an often strained English equivalent. For example, Hemingway uses the construction "what passes that",[21] which is an implied transliteration of the Spanish construction lo que pasa. This transliteration extends to the use of linguistic "false friends", such as "rare" (from raro) instead of "strange" and "syndicate" (from sindicato) instead of trade union.[22] In another odd stylistic variance, Hemingway referenced foul language (used with some frequency by different characters in the novel) with "unprintable" and "obscenity" and substitutes "muck" for fuck in the dialogue and thoughts of the characters, although foul language is used freely in Spanish even when its equivalent is censored in English (e.g. joder, me cago). The Spanish expression of exasperation me cago en la leche repeatedly recurs throughout the novel, translated by Hemingway as "I obscenity in the milk." [edit]Narrative style The book is written in the third person limited omniscient narrative mode. The action and dialogue are punctuated by extensive thought sequences told from the viewpoint of Robert Jordan. The novel also contains thought sequences of other characters, including Pilar and Anselmo. The thought sequences are more extensive than in Hemingway's earlier fiction, notably A Farewell to Arms, and are an important narrative device to explore the principal themes of the novel. In 1941 the Pulitzer Prize committee for letters unanimously recommended For Whom the Bell Tolls be awarded the prize for that year. The Pulitzer Board agreed; however, Nicholas Murray Butler, president of Columbia University at that time, overrode both and instead no award was given for letters that year.[23] [edit]Allusions/references to actual events The novel takes place in June 1937 the second year of the Spanish Civil War.[24] References made to Valladolid, Segovia, El Escorial andMadrid suggest the novel takes place within the build-up to the Republican attempt to relieve the siege of Madrid. The earlier battle of Guadalajara and the general chaos and disorder (and, more generally, the doomed cause of Republican Spain) serve as a backdrop to the novel: Robert Jordan notes, for instance, that he follows the Communists because of their superior discipline, an allusion to the split and infighting between anarchist and communist factions on the Republican side. The famous and pivotal scene described in Chapter 10, in which Pilar describes the execution of various fascist figures in her village is drawn from events that took place in Ronda in 1936. Although Hemingway later claimed (in a 1954 letter to Bernard Berenson) to have completely fabricated the scene, he in fact drew upon the events at Ronda, embellishing the event by imagining an execution line leading up to the cliff face.[25] In Ronda, some 500 people, allegedly fascist sympathisers, were thrown into the surrounding gorge by a mob from a house that faced onto the cliffside.[citation needed] A number of actual figures that played a role in the Spanish Civil War are also referenced in the book, including: • Andreu Nin, one of the founders of the Workers' Party of Marxist Unification (POUM), the party mocked by Karkov in Chapter 18. • Indalecio Prieto, one of the leaders of the Republicans, is also mentioned in Chapter 18. • General José Miaja, in charge of the defense of Madrid in October 1936, and General Vicente Rojo, together with Prieto, are mentioned in Chapter 35 • Dolores Ibárruri, better known as La Pasionaria, is extensively described in Chapter 32. • Robert Hale Merriman, leader of the American Volunteers in the International Brigades, and his wife Marion, were well known to Hemingway and served possibly as a model for Hemingway's own hero.[citation needed] • André Marty, a leading French Communist and political officer in the International Brigades, makes a brief but significant appearance in Chapter 42. Hemingway depicts Marty as a vicious intriguer whose paranoia interferes with Republican objectives in the war. [edit]Adaptations • A film adaptation of Hemingway's novel, directed by Sam Wood, was released in 1943 starring Gary Cooper and Ingrid Bergman. It was nominated for nine Academy Awards, including Best Picture, Best Actor and Best Actress; however, only the Greek actress Katina Paxinou won an Oscar for her portrayal of Pilar. • A television adaptation, directed by John Frankenheimer, was broadcast in two parts on CBS's Playhouse 90 in 1956, starring Jason Robards and Maria Schell as Robert Jordan and Maria, with Nehemiah Persoff as Pablo, Maureen Stapleton as Pilar, and Eli Wallachas the gypsy Rafael. • Another adaptation was made by the BBC in 1965 as a four-part serial (miniseries in American English). • Also, Takarazuka Revue adapted the novel as a musical drama, produced by Star Troupe and starring Ran Ootori as Robert Jordan andKurara Haruka as Maria in 1978. The show was later revived in 2010 by Cosmos Troupe. • A song adaptation was written by American heavy metal band Metallica for their 1984 album Ride the Lightning. [edit]See also Novels portal • Le Monde's 100 Books of the Century [edit]Footnotes 1. ^ Southam, B.C., Meyers, Jeffrey (1997). Ernest Hemingway: The Critical Heritage. New York: Routledge. pp. 35–40, 314–367. 2. ^ Meyers 1985, p. 326 3. ^ Mellow 1992, p. 516 4. ^ One source, however, says he began the book at the Sevilla Biltmore Hotel and finished it at "Finca Vigia" ^ Josephs, Allen (1994). For whom the bell tolls: Ernest Hemingway's undiscovered country. Twayne's masterwork studies. 138. Twayne Publishers. p. 104. ISBN 978-0-8057-8078-9. JONS; 5750 wilshire. Los Angeles 5311 Santa Monica Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90029 (At the corner of Santa Monica Blvd. and N. Hobart Blvd., between Santa Monica Blvd and Fountain Ave.) Tel: (323) 461-9382 Store Hours: 7 AM - 11 PM Holiday Hours: TO GO: Driving directions to 5750 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90036 10811 Ashton Ave Los Angeles, CA 90024 1. Head east on Ashton Ave toward Malcolm Ave 174 ft 2. Take the 1st left onto Malcolm Ave 404 ft 3. Take the 1st right onto Wilshire Blvd 1.9 mi 4. Slight left onto Santa Monica Blvd 1.1 mi 5. Turn right onto Beverly Blvd 0.9 mi 6. Turn right onto S San Vicente Blvd 1.0 mi 7. Slight left onto Wilshire Blvd Destination will be on the right 1.0 mi 5750 Wilshire Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90036 New Years Eve December 31st - 7am - 10pm New Years Day January 1st - 9am - 6pm balazs nagy. LOCK STEP LOCK STEP ce meserii? Olga Andrei Gastion123 Traseismul ca o metastaza Foto: Arhiva Traseismul politic nu este ceva nou in politica romaneasca. Pentru ca lipsa de caracter nu e o noutate, dimpotriva. Din 1990 incoace asistam la o adevarata viermuiala, mai ales in anii electorali sau dupa alegeri. In felul acesta nu numai ca s-au completat majoritati, dar au aparut si partide noi, precumUNPR. Am avut chiar traseism de partid, pentru ca trecerea PD, peste noapte, de la stanga, unde se nascuse, din Internationala Socialista, la dreapta, direct in grupul popular, tot o forma de traseism, si inca la scara uriasa, este. Am avut personaje precum Tudor Ciuhodaru, care a schimbat vreo patru partide in cateva luni. Am avut oameni care nici nu s-au sters bine la gura de insultele adresate puterii ca si-au umplut-o cu laudele la adresa aceleasi puteri. Numele Liliana Minca va spune ceva? Asadar, am fi zis ca nimic nu mai poate fi nou sub soare, din acest punct de vedere. Ba da, poate! Pentru ca traseismul la care asistam in ultima vreme a atins cote halucinante. Filiale intregi se muta dintr-o tabara in cealalta. Un numar doi intr-un partid devine, la interval de cateva zile, numarul doi in partidul advers, unde fostul ayatollah al traficului cu benzina este primit ca un stalp al liberalismului si democratiei, om de mare caracter. Candidatii se misca precum pasarile migratoare. Astazi Piedone era anuntat candidat al PC pentru primaria Capitalei, maine devenea sef al campaniei PDL-UNPR, iar poimaine redevenea candidat USL pentru sectorul 4. Lui Neculai Ontanu, dusmanul de moarte din partidul tradatorilor UNPR, partid din cauza caruia Opozitia nici macar nu voia sa participe la consultarile de la Cotroceni, nu numai ca i-a fost larg deschisa usa inapoi in PSD, caci, poate cine stie, la momentul plecarii sale vina a fost impartita, dar ii este pregatita candidatura sub sigla USL. Noii veniti sunt mai razgaiati decat cei care au mancat painea amara a opozitiei, de parca intreaga politica romaneasca ar interpreta pe zeci de voci pilda fiului risipitor. Partidele taie pentru ei functiile cele mai grase, candidaturile cele mai gustoase, spre disperara si frustrarea membrilor fideli care se vad dati la o parte pentru tradatorii de ieri. Efectele capata chiar tuse dramatice, atunci cand determina plecarea unor fondatori de 22 de ani in aceeasi formatiune. Desi migratia este preponderent catre Opozitie, deoarece aceasta are scorurile cele mai promitatoare in sondaje, nici sensul celalaltat nu este chiar pustiu. Cine nu-si mai gaseste un loc cu sperante cat de mici de eligibilitate pe o lista de consilieri macar, se duce la Putere, subtiata serios si, la randul ei, mare iubitoare de traseisti pentru a dovedi, nu-i asa, ca mai are si ea nitel magnetism. Liderilor de partide parca le-a luat Dumnezeu mintile. Se inghesuie cine sa ocupe primul loc in competitia aceasta sordida a lipsei de caracter. Cine absoarbe mai mai multe scursori, cine se manjeste mai mult, din cap pana in picoare, acestea sunt concursurile momentului. Si niciunul nu da niciun semn ca ar fi invatat ceva din experiente chiar recente. Actuala Putere se prabuseste pentru ca s-a intemeiat pe traseism, pentru ca a fost o oaste de stransura. USL devine pe zi ce trece exact acelasi lucru si se pregateste sa aiba aceeasi soarta. Toata aceasta viermuiala este inca o dovada ca actuala clasa politica, ca vorbim despre garda veche sau tinere sperante, si-a consumat potentialul pana la ultimul strop. Si este o consecinta directa a nereformarii clasei politice. If a black cat crosses your street,it is bad luck. except in florida where you get to shoot it. 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Site-ul a initiat mai multe parteneriate cu familiile unor copii care au ajuns vedete online, pentru impartirea castigurilor din reclamele videoclipurilor cu cele mai multe vizualizari. YouTube monitorizeaza upload-urile, iar daca exista mult interes pentru anumite clip-uri ori daca oficialii companiei cred ca video-ul se va distribui viral, contacteaza uploader-ul si ii ofera sansa de a face bani. Compania ar avea un algoritm care ar stabili care dintre videoclipuri are potentialul de a deveni viral. Howard Davies-Carr, tatal lui Charie, a castigat 500.000 dolari intr-o perioada de 5 ani. Videoclipul cu copiii lui este al doilea cel mai urmarit de pe YouTube, dupa tema oficiala a Cupei Mondiale din 2010, scrie Barbatul a incarcat initial videoclipul pentru nasul copiilor, care dorea sa ii vada. Dupa ce a avut 50 de milioane de vizualizari, familia a inceput sa primeasca bani de la YouTube si din reclamele posturilor de televiziune. Cititi si ... • Rata anuală a inflaţiei a scăzut la 2,59%, în februarie • home • » • Stiri Vezi care au fost primele imagini modificate din istorie, cu mult înainte de Photoshop Postat la: 12.04.2012 12:02 | Ziua News • o o o o Printre cele mai celebre imagini modificate din istorie se numără un portret al președintelui american Abraham Lincoln, precum și fotografii ale dictatorilor Hitler, Stalin și Mussolini, din care aceștiau scoteau persoanele pe care nu le doreau lângă ei în poze. Link; Una din primele imagini modificate din istorie, este cea a unui cunoscut portet al celui de-al 16-lea președinte american, Abraham Lincoln. Portretul a fost realizat prin combinarea figurii lui Lincoln cu trupul unui alt politican, John Calhoun care, surprinzător, era un susținător al sclaviei. "Deși avem impresia că modificarea imaginilor este de dată recentă, un produs al erei digitale, realitatea este că istoria este plină de falsuri fotografice", precizează dr. Hany Farid, expert în falsuri digitale. Cei trei dictatori din perioada celui de-al Doilea Război Mondial, Adolf Hitler, Josef Stalin și Benito Mussolini, au ordonat să fie scoase persoane pe care aceștia nu le doreau imortalizate în fotografiile lor. Stalin a scos dintr-o poză un comisar al fostei Uniuni Sovietice cu care se certase, în timp ce, un portret cunoscut al lui Mussolini, care îl suprinde pe dictator pe cal, a fost realizat după ce o persoană a fost "înlăturată" din poză. Hitler a mers chiar mai departe, atunci când l-a scos dintr-o fotografie pe cel mai loial colaborator al său, Joseph Goebbels, în urma unei certe pe care o avusese cu acesta. Deși Hitler a fost părăsit la finalul războiului de ceilalți doi apropiați ai săi, Heinrich Himmler și Hermann Goering, Goebbels a rămas până în ultimul moment alături de Hitler în buncărul acestuia și s-a sinucis la o zi după moartea dictatorului nazist, împreună cu soția și cei șase copii ai săi. Printre cele mai celebre fotografii din istorie care au most modificate se mai numără: Înălțarea steagului Uniunii Sovietice pe clădirea Reichstag-ului german. Ceasul care apare la mâna dreaptă a unui soldat a fost scos sub suspiciunea că ar fi fost furat, din moment ce avea încă unul la mâna stângă. "Portretul președintelui Ulysses S. Grant", în care acesta apare pe câmpul de luptă în urma combinării a trei poze. Un alt fals fotografic este cel în care apar Regele George al VI-lea împreună cu Regina Elizabeta și Premierul Canadei William Lyon Mackenzie. Regele George al VI-lea a fost scos ulterior din fotografie, pentru că premierul canadian dorea să pară mai puternic. Nicolae Cobzaru • • • • • Scris de Sorin Rosca Stanescu in 13 aprilie 2012 la 13:03, in Politics. 189 vizualizari Intra in discutie afacere, cezar preda, gunoi, partid, salubrizare, silviu prigoana • Titlul de mai sus nu reprezinta o simpla formula de stil. Din pacate, acopera o realitate. Este cat se poate de real ca firmele de salubrizare finanteaza partidele si, nu de putine ori, promoveaza ele insele lideri de partid. Si nu este mai putin adevarat ca, odata ajunsi in functii cheie in administratia locala, actionarii unor asemenea societati fac trafic de influenta, favorizandu-si propriile afaceri. De obicei trecute pe numele unor rude apropiate sau al unor persoane paravan, care nu fac parte din cercul strict al familiei. In Romania, acest fenomen a capatat amploare. Oriunde in lume, activitatea de strangere a gunoiului este extrem de profitabila pentru cei care o promoveaza. Pentru ca ea presupune colectarea de la un numar urias de mare de familii a unor sume modice, de natura a nu genera prea multe intrebari ori reactii negative. Toti vrem sa scapam de gunoiul menajer. Toti vrem ca, fara a ne bate prea mult capul cu aceasta chestiune, sa platim o suma mica si sa stim ca, in schimbul ei, ne rezolvam problema. Suntem cu atat mai multumiti cu cat descoperim uneori ca generozitatea edililor merge atat de departe incat operatiunea se desfasoara gratuit. Cinste, deci, primarilor si consilierilor care au facut in asa fel incat sa nici nu platim vreun ban pentru curatenie. Asa sa stea lucrurile oare? Din ce bani reuseste primaria performanta de a ne salubriza gospodaria si proximitatea ei? Avem de-a face cu o prestidigitatie. In esenta, atunci cand nu platim, tot platim. Cum? Prin taxele si impozitele care ajung in bugetul primariei. Bugetul primariei nu este bugetul unui primar independent ori apartinand unui partid politic. Si nici bugetul consilierilor. Bugetul este al cetatenilor. Deci ei platesc pentru curatenia din oras. Asa ca singura miza reala, de fapt singurul indicator in functie de care putem afla daca societatea de salubrizare este sau nu performanta si daca avem de-a face cu un primar cinstit sau necinstit este suma incasata pentru fiecare gospodarie in parte. Daca suma e rezonabil de mica iar rezultatul este bun, ne aflam in prezenta unei relatii comerciale corecte, pe de-o parte, si a unui raport de respect intre cetatean si edil, pe de alta parte. Dar daca suma, comparativ cu ce se intampla in alte localitati, este exagerat de mare? Daca ea a crescut in ultimii ani de opt ori, cum se intampla la nivelul multor sectoare din Bucuresti, fara ca cineva sa poata dovedi ca si gunoiul menajer a crescut proportional? Intr-o asemenea situatie, avem de-a face, in cel mai bun caz, cu o cumetrie politica. In care, de exemplu, domnul Silviu Prigoana, patron, sub acoperirea fiului, al celei mai mari societati de salubrizare, isi utilizeaza din plin relatiile de partid pentru a castiga mereu si mereu contracte. Si pentru a le mari mereu si mereu valoarea. Chiar admitand ca o parte din banii astfel obtinuti din bugetul cetatenilor Capitalei nu se intorc sub forma de mita la primari, tot avem de-a face cu un conflict de interese si cu o relatie comerciala profund incorecta si profund nociva. Iar Prigoana nu este singurul caz. Si lista nu se opreste nici la Cezar Preda, care este al doilea mare patron de salubrizare. In lume, batalia pentru asemenea contracte este deseori de tip mafiot. Dar la noi? Sindromul Elenelor Foto: Arhiva (Antena3) Istoria universala e plina de femei puternice, de sotii autoritare si amante ambitioase, iar Romania nu face exceptie. De la Doamna Ruxandra a lui Lapusneanu care, prin influenta asupra divanului turcesc, reuseste sa-si reinscauneze sotul pe tronul Moldovei, la Doamna Chiajna, si ea fiica a lui Petru Rares, care si-a ridicat fiul de numai 13 ani in tronul Tarii Romanesti, la Elena Udrea care cica a facut si a desfacut dupa pofta ce a dorit in regimul Basescu. Sa vedem. Pentru ca de vreo cativa ani discutiile obsesive despre femeile implicate in politica epuizeaza inutil energiile, clarificarea rolului acestora a devenit o necesitate stringenta. Daca in Occident feminismul politic s-a eliberat demult de complexe marginal-rusinoase, asta tine de educatie si de transparenta relationarii intre politicienii de sexe diferite, ceea ce la noi inca mai lasa loc unor dubii. E drept, pana la o anume etate. Elena Lupescu Cum insa nici anvergura personajelor, nici profesionalismul analistilor nu au fost pe masura cerintelor, cercetarea mecanismelor care le propulseaza in prim-plan n-a trecut dincolo de fiziologie si umori. Nu avem date care sa sustina ca regele Carol al II-lea a impins-o pe Elena Lupescu in jocurile politice, nici ca metresa si-ar fi dorit neaparat o cariera politica. Din contra, observam cum camarila sa, o mana de favoriti oportunisti si profitori, inclusiv intelectuali, o ridica in slavi spre a obtine influenta asupra suveranului si avantaje politice ori economice. Scandalurile din presa, atacurile moralistilor, tinuta Casei Regale l-au obligat sa abdice, iar personalitatea sa sa nu fie la inaltimea predecesorilor. Elena Ceausescu Fireste, asa cum au stabilit istoricii, multe din stratagemele carliste au fost omologate de comunisti. Dupa un moment promiscuu a carui eroina a fost Ana Pauker, si ea imitatoare infatuata a tovarasei "noastre" Nadejda Krupskaia, s-a declansat un stil, cu cat mai desantat, cu atat mai devastator, de promovare a femeii la varful puterii. Caci asezarea pe cel mai inalt soclu, alaturi de genialul carmaci, a savantei de "larga recunoastere internationala", Elena Ceausescu, academician, doctor docent, desi cu numai trei clase, devenise parte a doctrinei PCR de reducere la absurd a meritocratiei incipiente. Nu cred ca "eroul intre eroi" a tras sforile pentru a fi promovata, ci mai degraba e vorba, ca si in cazul lui Carol al II-lea, de lingusire, de slugarnicia celor din jur, de etalare a increderii in familia tovarasului, motiv pentru care toti membrii, de la bunici la copii, au beneficiat de un cult al personalitatii. Instrumentat si atunci si intotdeauna cu interes de catre serviciile secrete. Lipsita de instructie si educatie specifice, tovarasei i-a placut sa fie tratata ca mare lider si somitate stiintifica, ba chiar sa participe la congrese internationale, unde citea ce i se scria. Uneori insa se itea la suprafata dizgratios analfabeta: pe langa "poli-meri" adaugase de la sine si *poli-peri. Elena Udrea Ultima Elena se inscrie in acelasi trend. Impinsa in fata de un partid recunoscator pana la supusenie presedintelui Basescu, fara de care ar fi ramas cantonat in zona gri a celor 7-8 procente, i-a placut sa fie mereu in lumina reflectoarelor, iar colegii, speculandu-i dorinta de marire, imagine si notorietate, i-au creat impresia ca ea decide. Ceea ce chiar s-a intamplat adesea, pentru ca zvonul ca ar fi "pupila" presedintelui i-a marit cota de incredere si, implicit, puterea atat in fostul Guvern Boc, unde a gestionat, cum-necum, un buget urias, cat si in organismele de conducere a PDL, ca sefa a celei mai mari organizatii din tara, aceea a Capitalei. Ai sa dai sama, doamna! Asta strigau vaduvele boierilor ucisi de Lapusneanu... Dar Ruxandra n-a dat sama. Cum nu va da nici Elena Udrea, cea acuzata de toate relele, de incompetenta, trufie, aroganta, lipsa de masura... Vina va cadea pe capul locatarului de la Cotroceni. Numai ca vremea cand se puteau victimiza ea, partidul si presedintele a trecut odata cu caderea Guvernului Boc. Caci pana la urma greselile se platesc, pe oricate canale media s-ar canta osanale. Odata pierduta increderea multimilor, nu stiu cine si ce o mai pot resuscita. Nici macar o lovitura mediatica de tipul: o demisie spre a-i crea culoar lui Mihai Razvan Ungureanu, asa cum se aude in targ. Why you should listen to him: Dr. Frans B. M. de Waal is a biologist and primatologist known for his work on the behavior and social intelligence of primates. His first book, Chimpanzee Politics (1982), compared the schmoozing and scheming of chimpanzees involved in power struggles with that of human politicians. Ever since, de Waal has drawn parallels between primate and human behavior, from peacemaking and morality to culture. His scientific work has been published in hundreds of technical articles in journals such as Science, Nature, Scientific American, and outlets specialized in animal behavior. His popular books – translated into fifteen languages – have made him one of the world’s most visible primatologists. His latest books are Our Inner Ape (2005, Riverhead) and The Age of Empathy (2009, Harmony). De Waal is C. H. Candler Professor in the Psychology Department of Emory University and Director of the Living Links Center at the Yerkes National Primate Center, in Atlanta. He has been elected to the National Academy of Sciences (US), the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences. In 2007, he was selected by Time as one of The Worlds’ 100 Most Influential People Today, and in 2011 by Discover as among 47 (all time) Great Minds of Science. Read TEDxPeachtree's Q&A with Frans de Waal >> Email to a friend » April 8, 2012 CBS NEWS • PRINT HTTP://WWW.CBSNEWS.COM/VIDEO/WATCH/?ID=7404666N&TAG=NL.E882 An Imperfect Union: Europe's debt crisis Watch the Segment » Ten European countries are in recession and three have needed bailouts to avoid default. How could this impact the U.S. economy? Steve Kroft reports. Web Extras • An Imperfect Union: Europe's debt crisis • Common currency; different cultures • Greek austerity measures: Too bitter a pill? • More » (CBS News) Ten European countries are in a recession. In order to avoid default, three have needed bailouts from the European Union and the International Monetary Fund, and more might be necessary. What's at stake? A lot, including the future of the currency, the euro, and the health of the United States' largest trading partner. Steve Kroft reports on the European debt crisis, including how the austerity measures being demanded of Greece are rekindling the ghosts and even enmity of World War II. ________________________________________ The following script is from "An Imperfect Union" which originally aired on April 8, 2012. Steve Kroft is the correspondent. Graham Messick and Coleman Cowan, producers. There are only a few things that could derail the U.S. economic recovery that finally seems to be underway, and one of them is the debt crisis in Europe, along with the recession that is now sweeping across the continent. It's similar in many ways to the financial crisis that leveled the U.S. economy in 2008. Except that in Europe, it's not just the banks that are in danger of going broke, it's entire countries. Greece has already defaulted on more than a hundred billion dollars of public debt. Ireland and Portugal have needed massive bailouts to stay solvent. Italy and Spain are just hanging on in what has turned out to be an imperfect economic union. At stake is the survival of the European currency, the euro, and the economic future of America's largest trading partner. The European Union has all the accoutrements of nationhood: its own flag, its own anthem, its own parliament, its own huge bureaucracy, and its own currency, the euro, shared by 17 of its 27 members. It's a loose economic alliance of countries and faded empires -- with different languages, cultures and customs -- that have more or less been at war with each other for a thousand years. Until recently, their monetary union had brought stability and prosperity to the continent's social democracies, producing good wages, generous benefits, long vacations...but Louise Cooper, a top financial analyst in London, says the European holiday is over. Louise Cooper: We're in a debt crisis. Eurozone countries have way too much debt. We have gorged on debt. We are living beyond our means. And after 10 years of booming economic times, it is now payback time. We are paying back our credit cards and that will prove very painful and costly. It already has. Ten European countries are now in recession. In Spain, where the unemployment rate is 23 percent, there have been general strikes and civil unrest. In France, three of its largest financial institutions teetered on the edge of insolvency until the European Central Bank came to the rescue with more than a trillion dollars in easy credit to shore up the system. Seven European countries have changed leadership because of the crisis, and one, Greece, reneged on $133 billion in debts. Louise Cooper: This is an extraordinary event. You know, a member of the euro club, the elite euro club, can't pay its bills. That is extraordinary. A Western, developed country has defaulted. We haven't seen that since 1940 when Italy did it in the Second World War when it refused to pay its enemies. The financial markets worry that the same fate could befall Ireland, Portugal, Spain and Italy, which are already all in crisis, and losing the confidence of international investors who have bankrolled their debts. Louise Cooper: The fear of Greece is it sets a precedent for other indebted countries. Then everybody who owns Portuguese debt or Irish debt, possibly even Spanish debt or Italian debt, you start to worry, "Will I ever get my money back?" That is the problem. European finance ministers have spent most of the past year trying to find a way to save Greece and keep the Eurozone intact. But until recently, they have lacked the unity and the authority to impose a solution on 17 different countries, all of which have their own financial and political interests. Christine Lagarde, the managing director of the International Monetary Fund, has been part of the process. • 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • Next Page » © 2012 CBS Interactive Inc.. All Rights Reserved. 48 Comments + FROM AROUND THE WEB • Banks start ’stealth fee’ push ( • How Much Income Will you need in Retirement? (Day One Stories) • Using the Fibonacci Tool (DailyFX) • 7 things I wish I’d known about investing when I was younger (Jemstep) • 8 Great Places to Retire Abroad (Kiplinger) • The tenuous link between stocks and the economy (Covestor) [what's this] Popular Now in 60 Minutes • VIDEO | STORY An Imperfect Union: Europe's debt crisis • VIDEO | STORY The Sport of Kings: Polo • VIDEO | STORY Joy in the Congo: A musical miracle • Joy in the Congo: A musical miracle • Is sugar toxic? • An Imperfect Union: Europe's debt crisis Friends to add: elena bessarabskaya. John pourmoradi. Nick, andrea. Celine. Move Your Way to Language Learning! A Tip From Our Instructors: Total physical response (TPR) is a language-learning approach developed by Dr. James J. Asher. The idea is that you will learn language faster and remember it longer when you link physical activity to the learning. This is especially true at the beginner-levels when there is a need to learn large sets of vocabulary items. Here are some ideas to use TPR at home to maximize your learning: * Memorize body vocabulary by playing "Simon Says". * Master prepositions (under, over, besides, etc.) by placing yourself in these locations while pronouncing the terms. * Acquire grammar by giving and acting out commands. Want to learn more about other fun activities? Join our open house session to find out more information about our online language courses! Find out more about our language courses. Attend a FREE Online Open House Thursday, April 5 12:00pm - 12:30pm EDT Join Now Connect with us! 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Choose from a variety of languages: Arabic, Chinese, Dutch, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese (European), Portuguese (Brazilian), Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Urdu Have any friends interested in learning a new language? Forward this to a Friend © 2012 Transparent Language, Inc. | Online Language Courses Nu uita ca in dragoste orice este permis, de aceea este bine sa pui in practica orice gand obraznic. Iata cateva trucuri pe care trebuie sa le aplici cat mai repede cu iubitul tau. 1. Baga-i mana adanc in buzunare Desi la prima vedere acest truc nu are nimic in comun cu sexul, expertii spun ca poti transforma acest gest intr-un preludiu excitant. Introdu mainile in buzunarele lui si mangaie-i penisul. Senzatiile pe care i le provoci il vor face sa te doreasca mai mult ca niciodata. 2. Fa-i sex oral ca o profesionista Nu trebuie sa iei lectii, ca sa-i faci un sex oral ca o profesionista. Trebuie doar sa te concentrezi asupra celor mai sensibile zone de pe penis, cum ar fi testiculele si glandul. Trage pielea catre baza si, cu limba umezita, linge-i usor penisul de jos in sus. Daca vrei, poti incerca sa introduci penisul cat mai adanc in gura, insa ai grija, deoarece acest procedeu iti poate provoca tuse sau chiar senzatie de voma. In orice caz, eforturile tale vor fi rasplatite pe deplin. 3. Stimuleaza-i simturile in cada Inainte de a petrece o noapte fierbinte in dormitor, poti pregati terenul la baie, mai exact in cada. Umple o cada cu apa, introdu cateva picaturi de patchouli, cateva picaturi de esenta de santal si cateva picaturi de ulei de levantica. Primele doua actioneaza ca un afrodiziac, starnindu-l, in timp ce ultimele il relaxeaza. 4. Imbraca-te cu ceva sexy Cand te simti sexy, esti sexy, spun expertii. Daca vrei sa-l innebunesti, imbraca-te provocator atunci cand iesiti sa luati masa in oras. Poate fi vorba despre o rochita mai scurta, o camasa transparenta, un decolteu generos. In momentul in care iubitul tau va simti ca esti privita de alti barbati, se va simti increzator si satisfacut, stiind ca are alaturi o femeie atat de atragatoare. Cand veti ajunge din nou acasa, nu va sti cum sa te dezbrace mai repede. 5. Fa-i masaj fara maini La fel ca oricaruie alt barbat si iubitului tau ii place masajul. Ce-ai zice daca l-ai surprinde cu un masaj in care nu folosesti mainile, ci sanii, parul si chiar fata. Miscarile gentile ale sfarcurilor pe spatele lui si parul fin care ii atinge pieptul il vor face sa nu reziste mai mult de cateva minute in fata farmecelor tale. Profita de acest lucru, pentru a-l aduce in al 9-lea cer. 6. Hraneste-l cu degetele Pregateste o cina savuroasa si, in loc sa-i pui la dispozitie tacamuri, convinge-l sa va hraniti reciproc, folosind degetele. Expertii spun ca acest gest este incarcat de erotism si trezeste in parteneri dorinta de a intretine relatii sexuale vulcanice. 7. Dormi intr-un neglije sexy In loc sa dormi in pantaloni scurti, alege sa pui pe tine un neglije sexy, usor transparent. In momentul in care corpul tau cald se va atinge de al lui, ii vei crea o stare de excitatie maxima. Ofera-i posibilitatea de a te mangaia pe sub neglijeu si vei vedea ca vei scapa de aceasta piesa vestimentara instantaneu. > Bani > credit; april, 4, 2012 Noua tendinta pe piata bancara: Cardul de credit pentru refinantare Foto: Arhiva Refinantarea CASELOR, alaturi de cardul de credit, a reprezentat miza bancilor in perioada crizei financiare. Cardurile de credit si descoperitul de cont (overdraft protection) au fost formele de imprumut cel mai facil de accesat, dar si cele mai scumpe. Costurile ridicate, cuplate cu informarea redusa a utilizatorilor cu privire la modul de functionare a acestui produs, au adus rapid imprumutul pe card in fruntea topului creditelor restante. Prin urmare, bancile si-au adaptat ofertele, lansand cardurile de credit pentru refinantarea unuia sau mai multor carduri deja existente sau a overdraftului. Clientul care acceseaza un astfel de card in scopul refinantarii poate opta pentru achitarea datoriilor existente intr-un numar de rate care variaza de la o institutie la alta. Pe langa dobanda, noul card de credit poate fi insotit de o serie de costuri, precum comisionul de emitere si cel de administrare. Astfel, clientii care opteaza pentru un card de credit de la Millennium Bank pot solicita activarea optiunii de a refinanta un card de credit vechi sau un overdraft, folosind functionalitatea plan de rate. Numarul de rate lunare variaza intre trei si 30. Cardul de credit pentru refinantare are o dobanda de 12%. Banca ofera urmatorul exemplu de calcul: in cazul unui card de credit de pe care s-a folosit suma de 3.000 de lei si care are o dobanda anuala de 25% (o dobanda medie pe piata cardurilor de credit), daca un client plateste lunar suma minima de 5%, atunci acesta va achita integral creditul in 113 luni, iar dobanda totala pentru aceasta perioada va fi de 1.900 de lei, care se adauga la suma folosita initial. Prin refinantare, rata lunara va fi de 116,24 lei, iar dobanda totala platita in cele 30 de luni va fi de 487 de lei, cu 75% mai putin decat in cazul anterior. De asemenea, cardurile detinute la alte banci pot fi refinantate prin intermediul cardului de credit Bonus Card, oferit de Garanti Bank. Clientii au posibilitatea de a rambursa pe cardul de cumparaturi debitul ce urmeaza a fi refinantat, prin intermediul unui plan de rambursare in 36 de rate fara dobanda sau de a opta pentru un discount de 10% din suma refinantata si o perioada de gratie de 6 luni. Dobanda platita de clientii care nu ramburseaza integral sumele utilizate in perioada de gratie de pana la 50 de zile este fixa si are valoarea de 27,6%. Taxa anuala de administrare este de 40 de lei, iar la reinnoirea cardului de cumparaturi platiti o taxa de 15 lei. Banca Comerciala Carpatica a lansat un produs similar, cardul de credit Visa Smart BCC, prevazut cu o linie de credit in limita a cel mult 10.000 de euro, echivalent lei. Rata dobanzii se stabileste in functie de indicele Robor la 6 luni plus o marja fixa de 9,6%. Banca percepe un comision de emitere de 30 de lei si comision anual de administrare de 40 de lei. Potrivit calculelor bancii, la un imprumut de 10.000 de lei pe 12 luni, valoarea totala platibila este de 12.223 de lei. A fost luata in calcul valoarea Robor la 6 luni din data de 30 decembrie 2011. Tot mai multi romani cu credite au apelat in ultimii ani la refinantare, conform unui studiu publicat recent de compania KRUK International. "15% dintre romani sustin ca au luat un credit pentru a acoperi unul vechi, 25% au acumulat datorii in 2011 si 6% au intrat in contact cu o firma de colectare creante=datorii sau cu un departament specializat in acest sens din cadrul unei companii", se precizeaza in studiu. Multe carduri de credit au fost inchise prin intermediul unui credit de consum, insa, in conditiile in care noul regulament al BNR privind creditele pentru consumatori limiteaza considerabil accesul la acest tip imprumut, bancile reiau promovarea intensa a cardurilor de credit. Anunturi Google VOCABULARY olitic > Monica Macovei > PDL Macovei: Am sustinut mereu votul uninominal, nu mai sunt la fel de sigura Foto: Arhiva Europarlamentarul PDL Monica Macovei a declarat miercuri seara ca sustine reducerea numarului de parlamentari, insa in privinta votuluiuninominal mai are de reflectat. "Sustin in mod categoric reducerea numarului de parlamentari si refacerea circumscriptiilor electorale care au fost facute atunci in mod special pentru oameni de PSD si PNL impreuna. Am sustinut mereu votul uninominal, dar acum vazand ce a iesit in urma acestui vot nu mai sunt la fel de sigura. Sustin in principiu votul uninominal, dar as vrea un electorat mai viu in cautarea biografiei alesului si candidatilor. Un electorat mai activ", a spus Macovei. In opinia democrat-liberalei, la alegerile locale ar fi mai oportun votul uninominal in doua tururi, deoarece ar conferi o legitimitate mai mare primarului ales intr-o comunitate. "Cred ca la primari ar fi fost bun votul uninominal din doua tururi, pentru ca dintr-un singur tur exista riscul sa se intre cu un numar foarte mic de alegatori si sa nu fie reprezentativ pentru comunitate. Daca ar fi doua tururi, s-ar crea posibilitatea unor aliante in turul unu si doi. Alianta ce inseamna? Ca de fapt reprezinti mai multi oameni. Practic, dai socoteala mai multora", a detaliat Monica Macovei. Wednesday Words: Hoodies, Cockneys and ‘Chipteases’ NewsFeed’s weekly highlight of our vocabulary includes useful, new, hilarious and surprising words (as well as some that are just fun to roll off the old tongue). By KATY STEINMETZ | @katysteinmetz | April 4, inShare1 Log In with Facebook Sharing TIME stories with friends is easier than ever. Add TIME to your Timeline. Learn More DAVID MCGLYNN Neat-o neologism: “chiptease” Connie Eble, a University of North Carolina professor and one of the country’s leading slang gurus, has long collected neologisms from college students. And one of the terms she discovered this year was “chiptease,” as in the “disappointing discovery that a bag of chips contains fewer chips than the size of the bag would [suggest].” She noted that the term was likely too specific to last—the best slang is adaptable, like all creatures. Still, it’s about time someone gave linguistic form to that sinking feeling, to that cruel experience of popping open a bag only to be greeted with a great puff of starchy wind and a sad, salty pile of broken dreams. Of course, chip-makers have all the Cheetos, so there’s not much we can do, but it’s nice to have the vocab all the same. Cockney cant: brown bread According to a recent survey by the Museum of London, Cockney rhyming slang is on the way out, or as many papers noted, may be “brown bread.” As in dead. While Cockney talk may forever be a rich part of London’s history, the survey found that less complicated slang like text speak is replacing the elaborate, semi-sensical rhyming lexicon. Some more popular slang words among British kids today, the survey of 2,000 found, are OMG (Oh, my god), totes (totally), obvs (obviously) and amazeballs (really amazing). Not exactly sophisticated or underground stuff, but it’s better than a punch in the boat race. (MORE: Last Two Speakers of Dying Language Refuse to Talk to Each Other) Symbolic sportswear: hoodie The killing of black teenager Trayvon Martin has become synonymous with a fabled item of American clothing: the hoodie, which Martin was wearing when he was shot. Protesters are still ogranizing “Hoodie Marches,” Howard University produced a hoodie-centric “Am I Suspicious?” video, and lawmakers are sporting solidarity hoodies in their chambers. Below is a chart showing how the use of the word hoodie has exploded in news articles recently: GOOGLE INSIGHTS The Oxford English Dictionary added “hoodie,” as slang for a hooded garment, to its pages in 2005, about 70 years after Champion produced the first hooded sweatshirts for sports teams and workers in its chilly New York state factories. In 2007, the OED added British slang for the word, meaning hooligan, a young person who typically wears a hoodie and is socially disruptive. Meanwhile the garb became associated with marginal characters like Rocky Balboa and the hip-hop community. And, at least for now, hoodie will carry a stronger racial charge; it’s a one-word rally cry for those who believe Americans are dangerously easy with stereotypes. OPINION: How to Stay Alive While Being Black Read more: High quality global journalism requires investment. Please share this article with others using the link below, do not cut & paste the article. See our Ts&Cs and Copyright Policy for more detail. Email to buy additional rights. Romanian rate cuts: running out road March 29, 2012 2:19 pm by Stefan Wagstyl 0 0 Romania’s central bank cut interest rates on Thursday for the fourth time in as many policy meetings, taking rates down to a record low of 5.25 per cent. The whole 1-percentage-point reduction has been achieved with a barely a twitch in the leu, which has moved little from the 4.35 level against the euro where it when the central bank swung into action in early November. But this has been achieved against the global rally in emerging market currencies this year. Life will be much harder for the Romanian National Bank if there’s another sudden sell-off, as there was last spring. The bank said in a short statement: The NBR will continue to closely monitor domestic and global economic developments in order to, by accordingly adjusting its available instruments, to ensure the fulfilment of its objectives of achieving price stability, as well as financial stability. Romania, which saw GDP plunge 7 per cent in 2009, is struggling to recover from that crisis. The central bank faces the challenge of encouraging growth in an economy expected to grow by just 1.5-2 per cent this year without jeopardising the inflation target or the currency. With consumer prices rising by just 2.6 per cent in February, inflation isn’t a big worry right now. But the currency is. While it’s only fallen by around 1 per cent against the euro since early November, it is at 4.37 close to the top of its post-2008 range. Mugur Isarescu, central bank governor, told reporters aftetr the policy meeting that the leu was in an “equilibrium zone,” which moved when fundamentals changed. The centre-right government of new prime minister Mihai Razvan Ungureanu is trying to keep the public finances stable in the hope of an economic recovery that would boost employment, tax revenues, and its own political support. An International Monetary Fund precautionary programme is in place as a backstop, allowing the central bank to cut rates without scaring investors (in contrast to neighbouring Hungary). Economists expect perhaps one further cut. But they warn that Romania is getting close to the limit in taking risks with the currency. As Capital Economics said in a report on Thursday: We expect one further cut this year, but the threat of financial contagion from the euro-crisis is a formidable barrier to more aggressive easing. …With around two-thirds of household debt and one-third of corporate debt denominated in FX, Romania is extremely vulnerable to swings in the leu. As such, the IMF programme acts as a backstop, shoring up investor confidence – this allowed Romania to escape last year’s emerging market sell-off relatively unscathed. The IMF programme is still there. But would it pass the test again if it came under pressure from investors in 2012? Related reading Romania: Staying ahead on rate cuts, beyondbrics 12 RADACINI DE PATRUNJEL, PUNE IN 1 LITRU DE VIN BUN ROSU., ADAGA 2 LINGURI DE MIERE, ADAUAGA O LINGURA DE BORECETET/WINE VINEGAR. FIERBE TOTUL LAOLALTA., FIERBE PT 5 MINUTE, LA FOC MIC. PUNE IN STICLA D EJUMA DE LIRU. INTARESTE INIMA. 3 LINGURI PE ZI. Ouă florentine Ingrediente: 2 felii groase de pâine, 150 g frunze de spanac proaspăt sau congelat, nu tocat, 20 g de unt, 2 ouă, o linguriţă de oţet, salată verde şi roşii cherry pentru garnitură, sare şi piper negru proaspăt râşnit, ulei. Pentru sos: un gălbenuş, 100 g de unt 82% grăsime, 5 ml zeamă de lămâie, 20 ml de apă caldă, nu fierbinte, un praf de sare. Mod de preparare: Se topeşte untul. Se pune un gălbenuş într-un castron în baie de aburi. Se amestecă bine cu telul până capătă o consistenţă spumoasă. Se ia de pe foc şi se toarnă câte o linguriţă de unt şi se amestecă bine cu telul. După trei-patru linguriţe se adaugă zeama de lămâie, apoi restul de unt, treptat. Pe măsură ce sosul se îngroaşă, se adaugă câte puţină apă caldă pentru a se subţia. La sfârşit se adaugă un praf de sare. Apoi se căleşte spanacul cu unt, sare şi piper. Se taie muffin-ul în două şi se prăjeşte, după cre se unge fiecare parte din interior cu unt. Se pune pe fiecare felie câte o jumătate din cantitatea de spanac. Într-o tigaie, se pune apa la fiert cu o linguriţă de oţet. Când fierbe, se dă focul mic şi se pun ouăle, sparte. Se fierb până se întăreşte albuşul şi gălbenuşul este încă moale. Se pun ouăle peste spanac, apoi câte o linguriţă de sos şi un praf de piper negru proaspat râşnit. Se servesc cu garnitură de salată verde şi roşii cherry. Păstrăv cu rozmarin şi sos de pesto Ingrediente: 3 păstrăvi, curăţaţi, 6 felii de Speck, 3 căţei de usturoi, tocaţi, o lămâie, tăiată felii, jumătate lămâie, pentru stors, o pungă de rozmarin proaspăt, o mână de ciuperci de pădure (trâmbiţa piticului), deshidratate (se găsesc în hipermarketuri). Ingrediente pentru piure: 3 cartofi dulci, tăiaţi în bucăţi, o lingură de pesto, 2 căţei de usturoi, zdrobiţi, felii de lămâie şi salată, pentru servit. Mod de preparare: Se încinge cuptorul la 180 de grade Celsius. Se umplu peştii cu rozmarin, usturoi şi ciuperci. Se înveleşte fiecare păstrăv în două felii de Speck şi se stropeşte pe ambele părţi cu ulei de măsline. Se pun peştii într-un vas termorezistent, pe un pat de lămâie şi rozmarin. Se presară restul de usturoi, ciuperci şi rozmarin, apoi se stoarce deasupra jumătate de lămâie. Se dau la cuptor 30-40 de minute, până când s-au pătruns, iar Speckul a devenit crocant. Între timp, se fierb la abur cartofii dulci. Când sunt gata, se zdrobesc sau se mixează cu un blender; se adaugă pesto şi usturoiul, apoi se mixează din nou, până amestecul s-a omogenizat complet. Piureul se serveşte ca garnitură la peşte, împreună cu salată şi felii de lămâie (şi un pahar de vin de la Jidvei). Budincă de zahăr ars Ingrediente: 1 l lapte, 8 ouă, 2 plicuri zahăr vanilinat, zahăr (după gust). Mod de preparare: Se topesc 6-8 linguri de zahăr într-un vas, tapetându-se şi peretele vasului cu zahărul topit, după care se ia de pe foc şi se lasă să se răcească. Se încălzeşte laptele (nu se fierbe!) împreună cu zaharul vanilinat şi zahărul. Într-un castron se bat foarte bine ouăle. Când laptele s-a încălzit, se toarnă peste ouă, iar această compoziţie se toarnă în vasul cu zahărul topit şi se dă la cuptor pentru 30-45 de minute. Se serveste rece. ISTORIC SIGHETU MARMATIEI HTTP://WWW.OVIDIUNEMES.RO/PAGINA/ISTORIC-SIGHETU-MARMATIEI CRONOLOGIE 1199 - prima atestare documentară a Maramureşului (Al. Filipaşcu, Istoria Maramureşului, Bucureşti, 1940, p. 29). 1326 - prima atestare scrisă a localităţii Sighetul Marmaţiei (Emlékkónyv, Măramarosszishet, 1892, p.73). 1334 - un Benedict-paroh la Sighet apare în listele papale (Documente privind istoria României, voi. III, sec. XIII, Ed. Academiei, 1955, p.248). 1346 - acelaşi Benedict "rector eclesiae de Zygeth" (Mlhalyi de Apşa, Diplome Maramureşene, Maramureş, Szigeth, 1900, p.23). 1349 - loan, fiul lui luga voievodul românilor din Maramureş şi Nicolae, fiul lui Petru se adresează regelui Ludovic în legătură cu drepturile lui Giula fiul lui Draguş în moşiile Giuleşti şi Nireş. (Diplome Maramureşene, Maramureş, Sziget, 1900, p.28). 1352 - 19 febr. privilegiile orăşeneşti acordate în 1329 de către Carol Robert celor patru aşezări de "oaspeţi regali" din Maramureş (Vişc, Hust, Teceu, Câmpulung) se extind şi asupra Sighetului prin diploma dată de Ludovic I regele Ungariei (V. Bélay, Máramaros megye társadalma és nemzetiségei, Budapesta, 1943, p. 25). 1385 - oraşul Sighet apare ca reşedinţă comitatensă de unde se emit documente (I. Mihalyi, Diplome Maramureşene, p. 85). 1397 - ... "villa nostra libera...Zygeth" ... aparţine familiei Drăgoşeştilor (I. Mihalyi, Diplome, p. 114). 1472 - Matei Corvinul întăreşte privilegiile oraşului (Mihalyi, Diplome, p.516). 1551 - Sighetul are dreptul de a ţine târguri (Arhivele Statului, fond Prefectura jud. Maramureş, Actele prezidenţiale ale Vicecomitelui nr. 86/1888). 1556 - biserica romano-catolică este preluată de reformaţi cu majoritatea credincioşilor, tot acum funcţionează şi şcoala confesională. 1611 - principele Gabriel Bathory întăreşte privilegiile pentru oraşul Sighet. 1659 - împăratul Leopold acordă dreptul de stemă oraşului (capul de bour/zimbru). 1700 - 16 febr. Congregaţia Comitatului decide ca şcoala să fie susţinută din banii publici. 1706 - o statistică relevă existenţa a 14 bresle. 1717 - tătarii jefuiesc bogăţiile sighetenilor ascunse în biserica reformată (la Borşa vor fi nimiciţi). 1730 - apar primii piarişti în frunte cu Crisostom care vor pune bazele construirii bisericii romano-catolice şi a şcolii piariste care era frecventată şi de elevi români. 1730 - un jurnal de călătorie consemnează ruinele cetăţii Sighet. 1773 - losif al ll-lea vizitează oraşul şi face o mare danie/donatie pentru şcoală. 1775 - se inaugurează noua clădire a şcolii piariste cu 188 de elevi (actualul sediu al muzeului).=Dragos Voda. 1783 - evreilor li se acordă dreptul de şedere şi comerţ în oraş. 1786 - mare foamete. 1802 - începe construirea Liceului reformat (actuala clădire a Liceului Pedagogic) care la 1836, prin contele loan Buttler, devine "academie de drept". În 1837 liceul, avea secţii de teologie, drept, filosofie, filologie etc. 1816 - pe toate edificiile publice s-au afişat: însemnele imperiale: vulturul cu două capete,- limba oficială germana,- limba de cancelarie şi în congregaţia comitatensă latina. 1830 - 12 martie împăratul Francisc I dă un nou privilegiu breslei. 1830 - apar şcolile evreieşti Talmud Tora pe lângă sinagogă şi casa de rugăciune 1840 - recensământ 5908 locuitori. 1844 - deschiderea grădiniţei de copii a oraşului. 1844 - cutremur care distruge o parte din oraş 1848 - 3-15 mai Tivadar Mihai din Rona de Jos participă la Adunarea de la Blaj. 1848 - 30 sept. ţăranii din Borşa rup emblemele maghiare de pe clădirea primăriei şi alungă jandarmii. 1853 - incendiul care a devastat biserica reformată şi a scos la iveală zidurile originare. 1860 - 13 dec. înfiinţarea Asociaţiunii pentru cultura poporului român din Maramureş la propunerea lui losif Man, comitele suprem al Maramureşului în Congregaţia Comitatensă. 1862 - îşi începe activitatea Preparandia română (Institutul de învăţători care va da peste 120 de învăţători români). 1867 - 23 oct. se înfiinţează în cadrul Asociaţiunii "Societatea de lectură a românilor din Maramures "Dragoşiana". 1869 - la Bocicoi se înfiinţează fabrica de produse chimice 1869 - se înfiinţează fabrica de cherestea la Cămara, la Sighet, la Bocicoi, Lunca, Vişeu de Sus şi Macarlău 1870 - cele 4 ieraşe sunt transformate în 10 plaşi administrative: Vişeu, Iza, Cosău, Tisa, Sighet, Taras Teceu, Hust, Dolha şi Boureni 1870 - se deschide Şcoala superioară de fete susţinută de către Asociaţia femeilor din judeţul Maramureş, la iniţiativa Doamnei Clara Stoica, soţia comitelui suprem al Maramureşului losif Man preşedinte al Asociaţiei 1870 - la Sighet se deschide Banca populară maghiară 1871 - se înfiinţează Tribunalul şi Judecătoria 1871 - se înfiinţează prima parohie românească la Sighet Parohia greco-catolică Română 1872 - se construieşte linia ferată Sighet-Colomeia 1873 - începe zidirea Convictului Sf. Vasile care se termină în 1875 1873 - Asociaţia pentru Muzeul judeţean Maramaros varmegyei Muzeuni Egyesulet 1877 - 28 sept. la Sighet şi Sarasău se adună o impresionantă colecţie de ajutoare pentru soldaţii care luptă pentru independenţa naţională. 1884 - se înfiinţează Asociaţia de ajutorare a evreilor bolnavi 1889 - 6 aug. - la Sighet au loc lucrările Societăţii Istorice Maghiare, loan Mihalyi a susţinut cu argumente ştiinţifice originea şi continuitatea românilor în Maramureş. 1891 - Asociaţia de ajutor pentru refugiaţii din Rusia 1893 - Asociaţia filantropică a femeilor evreice 1900 - loan Mihalyi de Apşa tipăreşte la Sighet primul volum din Istoria Comitatului Maramureş Diplome maramureşene din sec. XIV-XV pentru care şi în general pentru munca sa va primi premiul Academiei Române (1901). 1900 - Comunităţile sefardă şi hasidică înfiinţează Asociaţia de ajutorare a evreilor refugiaţi din Rusia 1913 - 25 ianuarie, loan Mihalyi de Apşa iniţiază o adunare în scopul înfiinţării unui Despărţământ ASTRA la Sighet 1914 - octombrie intrarea trupelor ruseşti în Maramureş şi jefuirea populaţiei sighetene. 1918 - 11 noiembrie se constituie la Sighet Sfatul Naţional Român care s-a afiliat la Statul Naţional Român cu centrul la Arad. Se lansează Apelul. 1918 - 22 noiembrie se înfiinţează Consiliul Naţional Român Dr. Vasile Chindriş preşedinte, prof. I. Bilţiu Dăncuş secretar şi Lt. Florentin Bilţiu Dăncuş, şeful Gărzilor naţionale. 1918 - 7 dec. apare primul ziar românesc "Sfatul". 1919 - 28 aprilie - depune jurământul primul prefect român, Vasile Chiroiu. 1919 - se deschide primul liceu românesc Liceul "Dragoş Vodă". 1919 - se înfiinţează Asociaţia sportivă Samson 1926 - cu ocazia Congresului Naţional al profesorilor de geografie din România, care s-a ţinut la Sighet, se deschide muzeul etnografic organizat de G. Vornicu. 1926 - ia fiinţă „Aviva" şi „Aviva Ketana" (Asociaţii de fete) 1929 - Organizaţia Tzeirei Mizrahi condusă de Dr. S.B. Danzig 1932 - apare "Graiul Maramureşului", organ de presă. 1932 - se înfiinţează Asociaţia presei din Maramureş. În oraş, în această perioadă, apar mai multe ziare cotidiene, săptămânale, reviste culturale, literare etc. 1940 - Dictatul de la Viena. Maramureşul este încorporat Ungariei horthiste. Tot acum apare Istoria Maramureşului de Alexandru Filipaşcu. 1944 - mai - evreii din zonă şi din Sighet sunt internaţi în ghetouri şi apoi duşi în lagăre. Din Sighet, din cca. 15.500 evrei deportaţi nu s-au mai întors decât circa 2000, printre care şi Elie Wiesel. 1944 - 18 octombrie oraşul a fost eliberat de către Armata a 40-a sovietică. Tot acum se înfiinţează Consiliul Naţional condus de Ion Bilţiu Dăncuş. 1945 - Maramureşul este încorporat Ucrainei subcarpatice prin diversiunea organizată de Ivan Odoviciuc. După scurt timp, prin acţiunea ţăranilor din satele Maramureşului conduşi de preoţi şi dascăli concertată pe plan diplomatic, Maramureşul reintră în graniţele fireşti. 1948 - se desfiinţează judeţul Maramureş cu reşedinţa la Sighet, fiind încorporat regiunii Baia Mare, sistem administrativ impus de ocupaţia sovietică care va duce la decăderea treptată a oraşului. 1950 - la închisoarea din Sighet sunt întemniţaţi tinerii opozanţi ocupatiei sovietice, liceeni, miniştri, şefi de guverne, liderii partidelor istorice, generali, academicieni şi oameni de cultură, episcopii bisericii greco-catolice, opozanţi ai instalării comunismului în România. 1948 -1989 - după război se încearcă refacerea oraşului. În ultimii cca. 25 de ani, apar la Sighet câteva mari întreprinderi industriale: Combinatul de prelucrare a lemnului (cu mai multe fabrici); fabrici şi uzine de prelucrare a fierului şi mai multe unităţi de industrie uşoară, sis coli de vocative (LA CURTEA VECHE, INDUSTRI DE PRELUCRARE A LEMNULUI, LICEUL FORESTIER UNDE A TERMINAT MAMA MEA IN 1963, IOSEFCIUC MAGDALENA). Tot acum se construieşte noua policlinică, spitalul de copii deficienţi, spitalul de pediatrie şi alte instituţii de ocrotire. În paralel, s-au construit câteva şcolii şi cartiere de locuinţe, într-o arhitectură neadecvată. Din păcate, în ultimii 50 de ani, oraşului nu i s-a acordat atenţia meritată, pe măsura prestigiului de veche capitală a unei provincii istorice româneşti de mare rezonanţă, spre care au gravitat, de-a lungul secolelor, oamenii Maramureşului de pe toate văile. Municipiul are în componenţă localităţile şi cartierele: Iapa, Lazu Baciului, Şugău, Valea Hotarului. Raza municipiului este de cca. 6 km, iar suprafaţa este de 13.535 ha, din care 1000 ha în intravilan. Populaţia totală a municipiului (Recensământul din ianuarie 1992) este de 44.229 locuitori. Structura pe naţionalităţi: români 33.873 (76,5%); maghiari 8.245 (18,6%); ucraineni 1508; ţigani 340; germani 157; alţii 106. Extras din lucrarea : Cât îi Maramureșu' nu-i oraș ca Sighetu', autor Dr. Mihai Dăncuș. Date de contact Tel. / Fax: 0262 316 221 risk handling FOTO: REUTERS Şeful statul ungar, Pal Schmitt, este acuzat de plagiat Consiliul de doctorat al Universităţii Semmelwieiss de la Budapesta a decis iniţierea procedurii de revocare a titlului de doctor acordat lui Pal Schmitt, preşedintele Ungariei, a anunţat Tivadar Tulassy, rectorul universităţii, citat de presa din ţara vecină. Motivul acestei decizii îl constituie suspiciunea de plagiat legată de lucrarea sa de doctorat, „Analiza programelor Jocurilor Olimpice moderne", prezentată în 1992 în faţa comisiei Institutului de Educaţie Fizică. Campion olimpic de scrimă, în acea perioadă Pal Schmitt făcea parte din Comitetul Olimpic Internaţional. La 11 ianuarie a.c., săptămânalul ungar HGV a dezvăluit faptul că din cele 215 pagini ale tezei sale, peste 200 au fost traduceri din alte lucrări şi anume din cea a cercetătorului bulgar Nikolai Georgiev şi a profesorului german Klaus Heinemann. Autorul, s-a subliniat în articol, nu a indicat sursele şi nu a avut nici explicaţii de subsol cu privire la provenienţa datelor. În urma scandalului izbucnit şi a numeroaselor cereri de demisie adresate preşedintelui ţării, Universitatea Semmelweis de care aparţinea în 1992 Institutul de Educaţie Fizică, a decis crearea unei comisii care să cerceteze faptele. Marţi a fost dat publicităţii raportul Comisiei, care a recunoscut toate faptele incriminate, fără însă să formuleze acuzaţia de plagiat. Proteste ale studenţilor Concluzia la care a ajuns a fost că, cerinţele din 1992 au fost altele decât la ora actuală, astfel că acordarea titlului nu a fost o greşeală. Decizia Comisiei a provocat dezbateri ample în cercurile academice ungare şi proteste în rândul studenţilor. Însuşi preşedintele Academiei Ungare de Ştiinţă a declarat că Schmitt a greşit când a copiat şi a introdus în teza sa de doctoriat părţi masive din alte lucrări. Acestea au reprezentat premizele care au determinat convocarea Consiliului de doctorat. FIDESZ pregăteşte schimbarea lui Pal Schmitt? Aflat la Seul, Pal Schmitt a susţinut că nu-şi va da demisia şi că nicio clipă nu s-a gândit să o facă şi în ceea ce-l priveşte, consideră chestiunea închisă Deşi Fidesz şi guvernul de coaliţie nu s-au pronunţat în acest caz şi nu i-au cerut demisia, se pare că, propunând recent unele măsuri referitoare la rolul şi situaţia preşedintelui ţării, ar pregăti schimbarea lui. Au existat speculaţii că locul lui ar putea fi ocupat chiar de Viktor Orban, ca o soluţie pentru a-l înlătura din centrul vieţii politice, în condiţiile în care a devenit ţinta criticilor Occidentului. Orban: Hungary as a model country MTI|2012th 03. 25th, 19:39|Last updated: 2012th 03. 25th, 19:47| Tags: Viktor Orban , debt , government , politics • • • • • • • • • The Hungarians are able to recover, and they are going in the right direction - Viktor Orban told a German TV. In his view, the new constitution and the laws adopted last year and a half made Hungary become a model country. Hungary Greece for more difficult situation in the change of government before, but again in future as a country is, it serves the government's reform policies and the Hungarians, the ability to recover, better than any European nation of - said Prime Minister Viktor Orban, to the Bavarian public service television (Bayerisches Fernsehen - BR) gave an interview broadcast on Sunday. The channel broadcast the Euroblick Prime Minister said, in order to sample the country back to Hungary in the last year and a half of the 360 parliament adopted a new constitution and the law. The "very strong" program of reform of economic policy, whose main concern is that the more people work, and to reduce the national debt. The prime minister on Thursday, Munich working visit included an interview Orban believed the attacks in politics, "a fact of life", the Hungarian government's policy attacks on and so should not be surprised, because it is "very rare in Europe, a new constitution adopted." When asked to what extent there is unfair criticism, he replied: There are no perfect people, and all criticism is at least a hint of truth. The European Parliament's democratic rights abuses, promising to szavazatmegvonást fenegetése Viktor Orban, the "politics of natural history" belongs to the background and says that "the international left" trying to build the last elections, left Hungary "shaken". The Prime Minister also said that Europe means peace. In his view, if there wasn’t the European Union, then there would be no peace on the continent. He added that in previous centuries, the peoples of the continent have taught that peace is "live and let live" approach and this can be provided. Orban asked that the Hungarians what they know better than any other European nation, he replied: we can "recover" the last moment to stop the horses, and point them in the right direction given the fatal rush toward the cart. Hungary "section of international politics, international forces, in part, and partly because of their debts," was often on the edge of collapse. This was the case in 2010, when "Greece was the country is worse off" the new government took over, a "very strong policy of reform" rises again Hungary - said the Minister. Orbán: Magyarország mintaország lesz MTI|2012. 03. 25., | Címkék:Orbán Viktor, államadósság, kormány, politika A magyarok képesek talpra állni, és helyes irányba tudják fordítani a végzet felé rohanó szekeret - mondta Orbán Viktor egy német televízónak. Szerinte az új alkotmány és az utóbbi másfél évben elfogadott törvények eredeményeként mintaországgá válik Magyarország. Magyarország Görögországnál is nehezebb helyzetben volt a kormányváltás előtt, de a jövőben ismét mintaország lesz, ezt szolgálja a kormány reformpolitikája és a magyarok képessége a talpra állásra, amelyben jobbak Európa bármely nemzeténél - mondta Orbán Viktor miniszterelnök a bajor közszolgálati televíziónak (Bayerisches Fernsehen - BR) adott, vasárnap sugárzott interjúban. A csatorna Euroblick című műsorában a kormányfő közölte, annak érdekében, hogy Magyarország ismét mintaország legyen, az utóbbi másfél évben a parlamentben elfogadtak 360 törvényt és az új alkotmányt. A "nagyon erős" reformprogram része a gazdaságpolitika is, amelynek legfőbb törekvése az, hogy minél több ember dolgozhasson és csökkenjen az államadósság. A miniszterelnök csütörtöki, müncheni munkalátogatásakor felvett interjúban Orbán úgy vélte, a támadások a politikában "a mindennapok részei", a magyar kormány politikáját érő támadásokon pedig azért sem szabad meglepődni, mert "nagyon ritka, hogy Európában új alkotmányt fogadnak el". Arra a kérdésre, hogy mennyiben tapasztal igazságtalan kritikát, azt válaszolta: nincsenek hibátlan emberek, és minden bírálatban van legalább egy cseppnyi igazság. Az Európai Parlament demokratikus jogok megsértése miatti, szavazatmegvonást kilátásba helyező fenegetése Orbán Viktor szerint a "politika természetrajzához" tartozik, hátterében pedig az áll, hogy a "nemzetközi baloldal" megpróbálja felépíteni a legutóbbi választásokon "megrendült" magyarországi baloldalt. A miniszterelnök elmondta azt is, hogy Európa a békét jelenti. Szerinte ha nem lenne Európai Unió, akkor béke sem lenne a kontinensen. Hozzátette: az előző évszázad megtanította a kontinens népeinek, hogy a békét az "élni és élni hagyni" elvét követve lehet biztosítani. Orbán arra a kérdésre, hogy a magyarok mit tudnak jobban, mint minden más európai nemzet, azt válaszolta: "talpra állni", az utolsó pillanatban megállítani a lovakat, és a helyes irányba fordítani a végzet felé rohanó szekeret. Magyarország "részben a nemzetközi politika, részben nemzetközi erők, részben pedig saját adósságai miatt" gyakran került az összeomlás szélére. Így volt ez 2010-ben is, amikor a "Görögországnál is rosszabb állapotban lévő országot" átvette az új kormány, amelynek "nagyon erős reformpolitikájával" ismét felemelkedik Magyarország - mondta a miniszterelnök. Careers in Diplomacy • Discussion|Poll • Now there's another great way to start a conversation with your group! Click on "Poll" to get started. Follow John Become a U.S. Diplomat. Register to take the Foreign Service Officer Test (FSOT). 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Toate alimentele bogate in zahar afecteaza femeile atat din punct de vedere genital, cat si digestiv si hormonal. Zaharul devine astfel un dusman al sanatatii la modul general. Iar cand spunem zahar nu ne referim la legume sau fructe, ci chiar la zahar. Nu este suficient sa nu mai consumati dulciuri pentru a nu manca in exces zahar, ci trebuie sa verificati si eticheta altor produse care pot contine zahar, cum ar fi: covrigeii, biscuitii dietetici, painea, ketchup, mustar *I have read and accept the terms of service NAgy kata a neve a skype-on. [3/5/12 1:30:41 AM] Dr. Olga Lazin: mozgas korlatozot. nem lesz problema parkolni [3/5/12 1:31:22 AM]FELHIVLAK HOLNAP IS, Dr. Olga Lazin: 3 oraval hamarab mint ma. In timpul actului sexual secretiile vaginale sunt aduse la nivelul orificiului urinar, ceea ce face ca microbii sa patrunda usor un uretra femeii. Uretra femeii este foarte scurta, in medie de 3 cm (variaza cu inaltime a femeii), astfel ca ajungerea microbilor in vezica urinara si constituirea cistitei se poate realiza usor. In cazul barbatului acest risc nu exista pentru ca el are uretra lunga, uretra peniana plus uretra intraabdominala si abia apoi este vezica urinara. Barbatul avand in medie peste 20 de cm de uretra. Aceasta lungime mare face imposibila aparitia unei cistite pe cale retrograda. Daca un barbat tanar are cistita, inseamna ca de fapt are o malformatie congenitala la nivelul aparatului urinar. Asadar, ca femeie, pentru a indeparta microbii ajunsi la orifciul urinar este recomandam ca imediat dupa sex sa mergeti la toaleta, sa urinati in jet, apoi sa faceti un dus pentru a curata foarte bne organele genitale. Folositi un prosop curat destinat zonei genitale si nu un prosop comun pentru tot corpul. SUNT BOLI CARE SE TRANSMIT PRIN SEXUL ORAL Ei bine nici sexul oral nu este fara riscuri in privinta sanatatii. Insa riscurile sunt mult mai mici. Va puteti pricopsi cu negi in cavitatea bucala, dar si cu alte patologii ca o candidoza linguala. Desigur, igiena orala si genitala trebuie sa fie “perfecta”, fara tartru, iar cariile nici nu intra in discutie, daca doriti sa nu va puneti sanatatea in pericol. Cititi si: Pericolele sexului oral The Master (2012 film) From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Master Theatrical release poster Directed by Paul Thomas Anderson Produced by Paul Thomas Anderson Megan Ellison Daniel Lupi JoAnne Sellar Written by Paul Thomas Anderson Starring Joaquin Phoenix Philip Seymour Hoffman Amy Adams Music by Jonny Greenwood Cinematography Mihai Malaimare Jr. Editing by Leslie Jones Peter McNulty Studio Annapurna Pictures Ghoulardi Film Company Distributed by The Weinstein Company(United States) Annapurna Pictures Release date(s) • September 1, 2012(Venice Film Festival) • September 14, 2012(United States) Running time 137 minutes Country United States Language English Budget $35 million[1] POTI RAMANE INSARCINATA SI LA MENSTRUATIE Desi teoretic nu poate fi posibil pentru ca atunci se “schimba” mucoasa uterina, totusi realitatea ne-a divedit ca aceasta teorie nu este completa. Poti ramane insarcinata si la menstruatie, mai ales daca ovulezi spontan (ai un stres sau un orgasm foarte puternic de exemplu si ovulezi). Chiar daca uterul este suferind, totusi ovulul se poate elibera in trompe si dureaza peste o zi pana ajunge in uter, ca atare poate fi fecundat in trompa de catre spermatozoizi. Apoi menstruatia trece, uterul e numai bine pregatit sa tina o sarcina, iar oul ajunge din trompa in uter si gata sarcina. Aceste cazuri nu sunt insa foarte frecvente, dar sunt. Asadar protectia impotriva sarcinii trebuie sa existe si la menstruatie, daca aveti contacte sexuale in aceasta perioada.
Dr Olga
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