News From EUROPE, Is Russia Trying to Remake The USSR?

Bad news from Russia: Putin is A Nationalist- will try to reframe the old soviet union.

Just as Zsyranovsky  put it in his speeches 10 years ago, Putin will try to reframe the ex - USSR. 

As the famous advertising slogan   for potatoe chips goes, in Romania:  "Bet you can not eat just one.." perfectly illustrates the attitude of Vladimir Putin towards his neighbors  - viewed as potatoe chips, (metaphor for Eastern European Countries used as buffer previously) and from any territory that was once the Russian annexation of Crimea.

This time, Putin would love to devour the whole bag of chips, said Fox News analyst Ralph Peters, retired American officer and specialist in Russian relations in an article published by the New York Post today, may 5, 2014 . 

What people do not understand about Vladimir Putin is that Putin craves power for the Lost Soviet Union, as the only power he knew was he communist style work in the KGB, the golden era of the USSR. 

He does not expect to be able to restore the half Soviet domination over Eastern Europe, however he would much you like it.
See past experiences in history:  E. G. Hitler grabbed a region claiming he was protecting germans, then wanted Europe. History repeats itself with Putin in Crimea, and pretty soon, Ukraine? 

But Putin has become a great nationalist long time ago, and plans to regain all the territories that once belonged to the Russian tsars. Hahahaja...what dream of grandeur, in times of NATO actions around the world..he has his blindspots, n'est pa?

When President Barack Obama said in March that Putin "has no ideology" and revealed his total both ignorance towards history and towards Putin. "Who  informs this man?" 
Some idiots, I would say, and he pays heavily for it...

Asks ironically an American independent journalist, Olga Lazin. 

Retarded Putin's ideology is nationalism, the only faith which probably killed more people than Marxism, while: "Obama talks, Putin kills". 

It will be a new Cold War? Putin will be able to restore the USSR? Putin really believes he is entitled to recapture Ukraine and a bunch of other territories. In his opinion, capital Warsaw to Bishkek (capital of Kirghistan)  which were part of the  ex-Russian Empire. 
He thinks of them as territories stolen from the rightful owner: Moscow(USSR). This is an old communist doctrine (read about Vladymir Zhyrinovsky Right wing Russsian politician's longing 10 years ago,)  the old KGB school politicians, which gives Moscow the right to intervene anywhere believes that Russian speakers are threatened. Things are not looking up in the long run, and the long-term picture shows that Putin intends to rebuild the Russian empire with "blood and iron." Whatever that means.

Assistant to PROFMEX_

Dr Olga Lazin & Verdis Ferraro,  los angeles

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