
Showing posts from June 9, 2016

Secretele: Folosit astfel timp de 2 saptamani, uleiul de cocos te poate face sa arati mai tanar cu 10 ani!

I TOOK THE Historical statistics Course at UCLA; James Wilkie's class; Ingrijirea tenului pe timpul noptii Aplica pe fata ulei de cocos seara inainte de culcare pentru a curata in profunzime si a tonifia tenul. Uleiul se absoarbe complet in piele, conferindu-i un aspect neted, catifelat si sanatos. Crema anticelulitica Uleiul de cocos este excelent impotriva celulitei. Pentru a-ti prepara in casa propria crema anticelulitica, tot ce trebuie sa faci este sa amesteci ulei de cocos cu putina miere. Aplica crema pe piele seara inainte de culcare timp de cateva saptamani ca sa reduci substantial celulita. Inmuierea cuticulelor Maseaza cuticulele unghiilor cu ulei de cocos pentru a le regenera, hidrata si intari. Tratarea varicelor Maseaza ulei de cocos pe pielea afectata de varice ca sa le estompezi. Potrivit studiilor, uleiul de cocos este foarte eficient in acest sens. Crema pentru maini Foloseste ulei de cocos pentru a revitaliza, hidrata si catifela pielea uscata. Crema naturala

Secretele: Introdu in ureche o biluta de vata imbibata in acest unguent seara inainte de culcare – Efectele sunt suprinzatoare!

Secretele: Introdu in ureche o biluta de vata imbibata in acest unguent seara inainte de culcare – Efectele sunt suprinzatoare! : " WE NEED MULTIdimensional thinkers! Not Hurdle, liniar thinkers!  Who can think in different dimensions, don't get stuck! 1. Calmarea durerilor de cap Pentru a scapa de durerile de cap obisnuite, aplica putin unguent pe tample sau inhaleaza vaporii dupa ce l-ai preparat, asta pentru a calma durerile cauzate de sinuzita. 2. Calmarea durerilor musculare Aplica unguentul pe zonele dureroase si maseaza-l usor in piele. Infasoara apoi zonele de aplicatie intr-un prosop. 3. Calmarea durerilor de urechi Durerile de urechi pot semnala o infectie, dar pot fi si un simptom al racelilor.Remediul recomandat consta in introducerea in ureche a unei bilute de vata imbibate in acest unguent seara inainte de culcare. Pana a doua zi, durerile vor ceda complet. 4. Vindecarea micozei unghiilor Unge cu unguentul minune unghiile afectate de mai multe ori pe zi pana l

My FANS o FB: (41) Asociația Jurnaliștilor Români de Pretutindeni

(41) Asociația Jurnaliștilor Români de Pretutindeni : Romania 410 Moldova 52 United States of America 42 Italy 36 Israel 32 Canada 20 United Kingdom 16 Spain 14 Germany 12 Greece 11 City Your Fans Bucharest, Romania 57 Chisinau, Chișinău, Moldova 43 Iasi, Iași County, Romania 33 Cluj-Napoca, Cluj County, Romania 31 Constanta, Constanța County, Romania 17 Ghencea, Bucharest, Romania 15 Tel Aviv, Israel 12 Dudesti, Bucharest, Romania 11 Belu, Bucharest, Romania 11 London, England, United Kingdom 10 Language Your Fans Romanian 366 English (US) 204 English (UK) 34 Italian 26 French (France) 11 Hebrew 9 Spanish (Spain) 6 German 5 Spanish 5 Russian 5 See More "Romania 410 Moldova 52 United States of America 42 Italy 36 Israel 32 Canada 20 United Kingdom 16 Spain 14 Germany 12 Greece 11 City Your Fans Bucharest, Romania 57 Chisinau, Chișinău, Moldova 43 Iasi, Iași County, Romania 33 Cluj-Napoca, Cluj County, Romania 31 C

It s much easier to CREATE a LIFE; “Too Busy” - YouTube

I really CAN't. Next Tuesday, only. Waiting to see me. What He Really Means When He Says He’s “Too Busy” - YouTube : Way to go, OLGA! Your video is now on YouTube. Gastion And Ching In Holmby Park You adding value to my life! 'via Blog this'

My Life, A short Photographic Biography - YouTube

My Life, A short Photographic Biography - YouTube : Link: 'via Blog this'


My Forecast : Prof. JAMES WILKIE & Dr OLGA M. Lazin's video, enjoy: aCourse in Elitelore: You may want you to take a few moments to imagine something you really want to happen and then use your imagination to follow it through in your mind's eye. What are you thinking or dreaming about? Who is involved? How does it play out? Now let's think about the direction your imagination took. Did you focus on the positive aspects of your dream or did you end up thinking about the things that could go wrong?     If you found that you had a constructive mental process, Olga, my hat goes off to you! On the other hand, if your imagination turned your dream into a disaster, let's think about why that happened. First off, I don’t want you to be down on yourself. You might be surprised at how many of us are in the habit of imagining the worst as opposed to the best, unless our thoughts are directed differently.     It is said that the energy flows where the attention goes, Olga,

List of Italian regions by GDP - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

List of Italian regions by GDP - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia : "Campania 16,400    67      $ 19,260/an" Campania 16,400 67 19,260 pe an in anul 2008 Link: 'via Blog this'

MANTRAS: 17 Ways Successful People Think Differently About Money | Mindvalley Academy

17 Ways Successful People Think Differently About Money | Mindvalley Academy : 1. I Create my life 2. I play the money game to win - i am committed to being rich - I like to think big - Obstacles are just opportunities - I admire rich and successful people - I LIKE TO THINK BIG - obstacles are just opportunities - I Spend time with positive and successful people -I Am willing to PROMOTE MYSELF -MY PROBLEMS ARE SMALLER THAN ME  I GET PAID FOR RESULTS - FACED WITH A CHOICE, I GO WITH BOTH -I'M FOCUSED ON BOOSTING MY NET WORTH - I KNOW HOW TO MANAGE MONEY -I LET MY MONEY WORK HARD - I ACT EVEN IF I AM SCARED I AM CONSTANTLY LEARNING AND GROWING I CAN TAKE COMPLIMENTS AND FEEDBACK! 'via Blog this'

CIS: Immigration Levels Increased 39% in Last Two Years | NumbersUSA

CIS: Immigration Levels Increased 39% in Last Two Years | NumbersUSA : Wed,   JUN  1 st  2016 @  10:48  am EDT A new study released by the Center of Immigration Studies shows that both legal and illegal immigration increased 39% between 2014-2015. More than 3 million immigrants settled in the U.S. in the last 2 years, this rate is now higher than the pre-recession levels of 2007. The study estimates that out of the 3.1 million new immigrants to enter the U.S. in the last two years, 1.1 million (550,000 annually) were new illegal aliens while the other 2 million were new legal immigrants (both temporary and permanent). The numbers are based on Census Bureau data and does not account for immigrants that may have been missed by the Bureau. The major findings of the study include: • The data shows that 3.1 million new immigrants (legal and illegal) settled in the country in 2014 and 2015, or more than 1.5 million annually.  • This is a huge increase from previous years. In 2012 and 2013,

Boston Globe Investigation: 30% of Released Criminal Aliens ike Emanuel saluliuc (Dumitru) in Washington, Seattle. Commit New Crimes | NumbersUSA

Boston Globe Investigation: 30% of Released Criminal Aliens Commit New Crimes | NumbersUSA : reblogged From "BOSTON GLOBE INVESTIGATION: BOSTON GLOBE INVESTIGATION: 30% OF RELEASED CRIMINAL ALIENS COMMIT NEW CRIMES Like Tweet +1 UPDATED :   Tue,   JUN  7 th  2016 @  12:14  pm EDT The Boston Globe conducted an investigation review of 323 criminal aliens released in New England from 2008 to 2012 and found that 30% of these criminal aliens went on to commit more crimes, including rape, robbery, and murder, after being released. This is a much higher rate than ICE and the Obama administration have reported. Pres. Obama has claimed that deporting criminal aliens is a “priority” under his Priority Enforcement Program (PEP), but under this new policy  60% of all criminal aliens  were released in 2015 alone according to ICE. PEP prohibits ICE agents from targeting most illegal aliens for removal, unless they co