Nutrition and Good Health Blog: avoid bad capitalists and get your Daily Prunes: by Dr Olga Lazin - Academic Coach Based in Los Angeles, California

Olga Lazin & the Eucalyptus Tree :

Dear readers:

Get lots of fiber ።

EAT PRUNES DAILY: super high in fibre, keeps uyou satiated longer:

Eating just two handfuls of prunes a day can
help a person lose weight, new research suggests
However, if you want to
try it for yourself, you are advised to start with small amounts to minimise
stomach problems the fruit is famous for.
Liverpool University
researchers tracked the weight and appetite of 100 overweight and obese men and
women who were given comprehensive dieting advice.

More...dear freiends, 

Half were also given
prunes to snack on.
The men were asked to
eat 170g a day, around 15 prunes, and the women 140g, or a dozen or so, prunes.
runes are high in fibre which means they make people feel full for a long time

Prunes are high in fibre which means they make
people feel full for a long time
The high sugar
concentration in dried fruit means slimmers are usually told to limit
themselves to just 30g a day.
groups of slimmers lost around 4lb of weight and an inch off their waistlines
over three months.
However, weight loss
seemed to speed up in the prune group towards the end of the study.
Plus, they felt fuller –
likely because of the large amount of fibre in the fruit, the European Congress
on Obesity in Sofia, heard.
Researcher Jo Harrold
said that despite prunes’ reputation for causing digestive problems, they were
well tolerated.  
Colleague Jason Halford
said that it seems the appetite-suppressing effects of prunes outweighs any
damage done by their sugar content.
He thinks that other
dried fruit, such as raisins, is likely to be similarly beneficial.
Professor Halford, who
received funding from the California Prune Board, said: ‘One of the biggest
problems with dieting is that it makes you hungry.
‘This doesn’t
necessarily mean that prunes are the new weight loss miracle but they don’t
undermine dieting.’ 
He added that eating
more dried fruit could make it easier for people to meet the health target of
five portions of fruit and vegetables a day.
Dried fruit is also very
easy to carry around.

Avoid Bread, and eat more dried prunes. % times a day: Two slices
of wholemeal bread are as bad for your blood sugar as a Mars Bar: it is a


TRY Courgette pasta
ourgette pasta
courgette in place of conventional wheat pasta makes for a different taste and
texture, and is delicious in its own right. 
Using a vegetable peeler, peel 450g courgettes into ribbons
until you reach the seed core (save for a salad). 
Heat 2tbsp extra virgin olive oil in a large frying
pan over a medium heat. 
Add eight to ten baby bella or chestnut mushrooms (sliced)
and two to three cloves of finely chopped garlic and cook for two to three
Then add the courgette strands to the pan and cook for no
more than five minutes or until it softens. Add chopped basil and salt and
pepper to taste.
Apple and walnut ‘bread’
pple and walnut bread
you’re craving bread, this fragrant, high-protein apple and walnut ‘loaf’ is
just the ticket. 
It is too crumbly to use for sandwiches but can be served
spread with cream cheese or butter. 
Preheat the oven to 160c/gas mark 3. Coat a 22 x 12cm loaf
tin liberally with oil. 
Combine 200g ground almonds, 120g chopped walnuts, 2tbsp ground linseeds, 1 tbsp cinnamon, 2tsp baking powder and ½tsp salt in a bowl and
In a measuring jug, combine 2 eggs, 250g unsweetened apple
sauce, 120ml walnut oil (or use extra light olive oil, coconut oil or melted
butter) and 60ml of soured cream or coconut milk. 
Pour the mixture into the dry ingredients and stir. 
If the mixture is very stiff, add 1 to 2 tbsp of coconut
Press the ‘dough’ into the tin and bake until a cocktail
stick comes out dry, after about 45 minutes. 
Leave to cool for 20 minutes, then turn out. Slice and
to Dr Davis, a cardiologist who has treated thousands of patients with heart
disease, diabetes and other destructive effects of obesity, and who features
this diet in his new book Wheat Belly, it’s down to a fateful shift in official
nutritional advice.
advice moved away from the idea of ‘meat and two veg’ to a diet low in animal
fats and high in supposedly heart-healthy wholegrains.
those wholegrains, wheat is by far the one we eat most. Today, it accounts for
20 per cent of the calories consumed across the world.
as our consumption of wheat has increased, so too have our waistlines. And
that’s because today’s wheat is far removed from the daily bread of the Bible.
order to keep up with the pace of modern demand, for the past 50 years it has
been cross-bred and genetically manipulated to create a fast-growing,
high-yield crop that is resistant to drought and disease.
this has been great news for farmers, it has been terrible news for the rest of
wheat has become what Dr Davis terms a ‘super-carbohydrate’.
means it is turned into blood sugar by your body faster than almost any other
food, making it wildly addictive and triggering spikes in insulin, the hormone
that converts excess blood sugar into fat, stored primarily around your
fact, few foods rate higher on the Glycaemic Index, or GI — the nutritional
measure of how much specific foods raise blood sugar levels — than those made
from wheat. 
I’m not just talking about white bread from the supermarket — it’s supposedly
healthy wholemeal bread, too.
course, sugar itself obviously sends blood sugar levels soaring. 
the link between sugar and obesity has been headline news this year, so cutting
back on that can only be a good idea, too.
what you might not realise is that while plain table sugar has a GI of 59,
wholemeal bread is much worse, with a GI of 72. 
means that, shockingly, two slices of wholemeal bread will send your blood
sugar levels soaring higher than a Mars Bar, which has a GI of 68.
a sugar high, of course, comes a sugar crash, which sees you reaching for a
biscuit, sandwich or cereal bar just two hours later to push your blood sugar
back up, and the whole cycle begins all over again.
all of this, why have we been told that healthy wholegrains should be the
cornerstone of our diet?
Dr Davis concedes that it’s absolutely true that replacing white flour products
such as bread and pasta with their wholegrain alternatives will reduce your
risk of heart disease, colon cancer and diabetes, it’s far from the whole
because something bad for you — in this case white flour — is replaced by
something less bad, like wholewheat, that doesn’t mean lots of the “less-bad”
thing is good for you,’ he explains.
like saying that if low-tar cigarettes are better for you than high-tar
cigarettes, lots of low-tar cigarettes will be good for you.’
the drive to make us embrace wholegrains is based on a flawed rationale. 
fact, as Dr Davis describes it, it’s ‘the formula for creating a nation of fat


10lb in two weeks might sound like a crash diet, but after personally
supervising more than 2,000 patients who have transformed their lives by going
wheat-free, as well as the many thousands who have experienced similar results
by reading his book, Dr Davis is utterly convinced that this plan works, and is
loss at this rate obviously won’t be maintained indefinitely,’ he explains. 
simply by removing a food that triggers appetite and addictive behaviour means
that on average you consume between 350 and 400 fewer calories every day,
without even noticing.’
as long as you replace the missing wheat with the right foods, your body won’t
lack any vital nutrients. 
to popular wisdom, there is no deficiency that develops from elimination of
wheat,’ says Dr Davis. 
course, if you fill the gap left by excising wheat products with crisps, energy
bars and fruit drinks, then, yes, you will simply have replaced one undesirable
group of foods with another.
if the gap left by wheat is filled with vegetables, nuts, meats, eggs, avocados,
olives, cheese — that is real food that doesn’t come with a label — then not
only will you not develop a dietary deficiency, you will enjoy a flatter
stomach, weight loss, more energy, better sleep and all round better health.’


            FEE AGREEMENT

Andrei, on behalf of Emanuel Sauliuc,
“Client(s)” hereby hires the Law
Offices of Carol L. Edward & Associates, P.S., Attorneys, for legal
representation with regards to an evaluation of immigration consequences of
pending criminal charges.


  1. Charges for Legal Services

$1250 for representation related to an evaluation of immigration
consequences of pending criminal matters, including discussions with defense
counsel regarding plea options.

Fixed Rate Billing.  Client
agrees to the payment of the legal fees set forth above on a fixed rate basis
for the services listed herein.  The
amounts stated below are due as stated and unless other specific arrangements
are made with the attorney and are noted herein.  No refunds are normally provided.

Client understands that additional work that arises due to changes in the
law, administrative, or policy changes, unforeseen complications, or other such
circumstances may accrue additional legal fees.
Specifically, this agreement does
not cover legal representation in removal proceedings, applications for
adjustment of status, appeals, or any other matters not specified herein.

Payments are due as follows:

$1250 to commence work on the case, due
in full.

plans available, subject to mutual agreement.
Delinquent Payments.  Any charges in excess of
the amount paid, must be paid within 30 days of billing.  Interest shall accrue on unpaid or late
payments (in excess of 30 days) at the rate of 12% per annum.

2.     Associated Costs, Filing Fees, and Billing Statements.

A.   Monthly Statement.  If there are charges on your account for
costs, or if we retain money in a trust account, you will be sent a monthly
statement that sets forth all payments received, charges outstanding, details
regarding the new activity, and information regarding your trust account.

B.    Payment of Filing Fees and Costs:  Client is responsible for remitting payment
on all costs.  Costs shall include but
are not limited to filing fees, expert witness fees, travel expenses, delivery/messenger
fees, other similarly extraneous items not specified herein. 

C.    Payment of Fees/Costs by
Third Party
.  Attorney is hereby directed to accepted
payment on their case by any third party that calls or sends payment and
indicates that the payment is to be applied to client’s case.  Attorney will not disclose any case related
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  1. File Retention & Copy Policy.
    In the course of our representation we will often prepare and
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    will provided to you.  These copies
    constitute your “client file” and you should keep such records in an
    organized and safe manner.  Requests
    for additional copies may incur service charges.  We typically retain closed case files
    for seven years after representation terminates, after which time the case
    file may be destroyed.     

  1. Cooperation, Withdrawal, Termination of Services.  Client agrees that his attorney shall
    not be obligated to continue legal representation if the payments set
    forth above are not made or if the client or sponsor fails to fully
    cooperate with attorney in preparing or presenting the case.  If either party (attorney or client) elects
    to terminate representation, all necessary and proper tasks related to
    termination of representation shall accrue legal fees, which may affect
    the amount of refunds (if any).

  1. Attorney Obligations.  Attorney agrees to act
    on client's best interest to achieve the Client’s desired result, but
    makes no guarantees as to the outcome of this case.  Client understands that it is in his/her best
    interest to fully cooperate with the attorney so that the attorney can do
    her best to obtain the desired results.

  1. Address Changes.  Client agrees
    to inform Attorneys of any changes to contact information, such as mailing
    address, phone number, email, etc.
    Failure to do so may result in prejudice to Client’s case.  Client agrees that any such prejudice
    arising out of Client’s failure to update contact information will not be
    the responsibility of Attorneys.
reviewing this agreement, please initial one of the choices below.

              _____  __ I wish to sign the agreement now.

____________      I
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discuss and sign the agreement.  I
understand that the attorney will not begin working on my case until I return
with a signed agreement and the deposit required.

By signature below Client(s) acknowledge(s) that s/he has read this
agreement, understand its contents and agrees to the terms listed above. 

Offices of Carol L. Edward & Associates, P.S

Date:                                                   By:                                                                 
                                                                        Eric P. Lin
at Law

Date: _                                                                                                                                   

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