History Class At UCLA, Dr Olga Lazin & James Wilkie Biographycal Questio...





They are not releasing
everybody. This is for drug addicts, and crack cocaine users; the govternment
arrested too many coke dealers, and now they are trying to make up for it.

Article: By Sari Horwitz
January 30  , EARLY RELEASE:

The Obama administration,
stepping up its efforts to overhaul the criminal justice system, called
Thursday for the early release of more low-level, nonviolent drug offenders
from federal prisons.

Deputy Attorney General James
M. Cole, speaking to the New York State Bar Association’s Criminal Justice
Section, said the administration wants to free inmates who no longer pose a
threat to public safety and whose long-term incarceration “harms our criminal
justice system.” He appealed to defense lawyers to identify candidates for

“You each can play a critical
role in this process by providing a qualified petitioner — one who has a clean
record in prison, does not present a threat to public safety, and who is facing
a life or near-life sentence that is excessive under current law — with the
opportunity to get a fresh start,” Cole told the lawyers.

His remarks were part of a
broader prison reform effort by the Justice Department. In August, Attorney
General Eric H. Holder Jr. announced that low-level drug offenders with no
connection to gangs or large-scale drug organizations would no longer be
charged with offenses that called for severe mandatory sentences. President
Obama later commuted the sentences of eight inmates serving a long time for crack
cocaine convictions.

Each of them had served at
least 15 years and had been convicted before the 2010 Fair Sentencing Act,
which sought to reduce the sentencing disparity between those convicted of
crack and powder cocaine crimes.

“The president’s grant of
commutations for these eight individuals is only a first step,” Cole said
Thursday. “There are more low-level, nonviolent drug offenders who remain in
prison, and who would likely have received a substantially lower sentence if
convicted of precisely the same offenses today.”

It’s unclear how many inmates
could qualify for clemency, but thousands of federal inmates are serving time
for crack cocaine offenses.

Civil liberties groups,
including the American Civil Liberties Union, applauded Cole’s announcement.

“The Obama administration is
taking an important step toward undoing the damage that extreme sentencing has
done to so many in our criminal justice system,” said Laura W. Murphy, director
of the ACLU’s Washington Legislative Office.

In other action Thursday on
criminal justice reform, the Senate Judiciary Committee voted to advance a
bill, sponsored by Sens. Mike Lee (R-Utah) and Richard J. Durbin (D-Ill.), that
would reduce mandatory minimum sentences for federal drug offenders by half and
allow 8,800 federal inmates imprisoned for crack cocaine crimes to return to
court to seek punishments in line with the Fair Sentencing Act.

Sen. Charles E. Grassley
(Iowa), the ranking Republican on the panel, called the legislation “a step backward.”
In a statement, he cited a letter sent to Holder from the National Association
of Assistant United States Attorneys that said “the merits of mandatory minimum
sentences are abundantly clear.”

“They provide us leverage to
secure cooperation from defendants. . . . They protect law-abiding citizens and
help to hold crime in check,” the group said.

Julie Stewart, president of
Families Against Mandatory Minimums, called the bill “bipartisan and
reasonable” and said it would “save taxpayers billions of dollars by locking up
fewer nonviolent drug offenders for shorter periods of time.”

Holder, testifying before the
Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday, said federal prison costs represent
one-third of the Justice Department budget. He called the enormous costs of
overburdened prisons “a growing and potentially very dangerous problem.”

The cost of incarceration in
the United States was $80 billion in 2010. The U.S. population has grown by
about a third since 1980, but the federal prison population has increased by
about 800 percent and federal prisons are operating at nearly 40 percent over
capacity, Justice officials said.

Sari Horwitz covers the
Justice Department, after 30 years at the paper where she has been an
investigative reporter and covered federal law enforcement, crime, education
and social services.

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1/31/2014 2:32 PM PST
My view is a bit unorthodox
because instead of taking the less violent criminals out of prison to release
them into society with a slap on the wrist, so they can repeat the crime
without consequence, I suggest we do the opposite. Release the overcrowded prisons
by killing off the incarcerated who shouldn't be there in the first place. The
ones with free room and board with multiple life sentences promise empty rooms
when they are "vacated." On top of that, "repeat customers"
would be less likely to come back for a second time around on offenses
noteworthy enough to give the perpetrator to believe they might not make it out
if they reoffend. 

Grow some Obama and take the
pants off of your wife for crying out loud.
1/31/2014 1:11 PM PST
Long past due. Since the
passage of the Sentencing Guidelines Act in about 1988, federal sentencing law
has been draconian. Seeking to remove discretion from the trial judge who sat
through the trial, the "fix" was to mandate harsh sentences on
everyone. Hardly a better answer than being too light on everyone. Any
sentencing regime which does not allow a certain amount of experimentation by
sentencing judges, to see what will protect society from real dangers and allow
for rehabilitation where possible, is inherently unjust, and, oh by the way,
will wind up costing the U.S. taxpayer waaaay more than we're willing to pay
1/31/2014 10:19 AM PST
Corrupt, terrorists, killers,
thieves, tax thieves and other criminals are cash vouchers. If you visit
courts, majority of disputes are money disputes one way or another. If you turn
criminals into free cash vouchers for everyone to grab at, they wont be able to
mix up in the society any more. Media can fantasize to how to grab free cash
vouchers in more technical details with play safe advice to educate people. A
thirsty and a not-thirsty, both watch water but with different angle. A
criminal and a citizen both watch money very differently. They jump on it in
their own styles. They can’t be same. They can’t learn same. Let’s make
criminals rabbits …people chasing them like eagles. Dogs are good at smell and
humans are good at education and smell is just a small part of big canvas of
education. Educate people to chase free cash vouchers to make societies more
strong. Criminals do crimes to make money illegally, why not reverse the game?
Why not turn criminals into a legal revenue generator for people? Does it look
difficult and complicated? It is more than simple and easy than expansive
breakfast on mars but more fruitful and healthy and scientifically more
creative and a big business.
1/31/2014 3:51 AM PST
Please free Timothy Tyler. He
pled guilty (like 95% of federal inmates) to selling a few grams of LSD after
being pestered by an informant. He thought that by pleading guilty he would
keep them from sending his father to prison, but they gave his father ten years
and Tim got life. His father died in prison, less than a year before he was to
be released. This was more than 20 years ago.
He was never a member of a
gang, violent, nor had he been in prison before. He was just a hippy kid who
tried to do a favor for a "friend"
Go to FreeTimTyler.com It is
time for him to go home to his sister.

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Note: Additional documents may be required by local county superior
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Important: To obtain
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cost or free legal service program. For a referral to a lawyer or a legal
service program, call CLEAR (888) 201-1014. If you are the victim of
domestic violence, you may also obtain assistance from the Domestic
Violence Hotline (800) 562-6025. Your county may also have a courthouse
facilitator who cannot provide legal advice, but who can offer limited
assistance in completing necessary paperwork. This list of forms is not
legal advice and is provided only for reference purposes.

Prepared by the Pattern Forms Committee and the Administrative Office of
the Courts, State of Washington, 2004.

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pe westwood college.

ce America 
nu are
trenuri de mare viteza - O poveste despre mentalitate, prioritati si politica

de Vlad Barza Description: http://media.hotnews.ro/media_server1/image-2012-03-28-11858507-0-rss.png     HotNews.ro
Joi, 21 august 2014, 14:27 Magazin

Description: cela Express
Wikimedia Commons
 ​Desi este o tara bogata care a dus la bun sfarsit proiecte
uimitoare, SUA nu are trenuri de mare viteza si nici nu va avea o astfel de
retea in viitorul previzibil. Vorbim de un paradox al infrastructurii, dar
explicatiile sunt multe si interesante, tinand atat de mentalitatea locuitorilor,
cat si de sistemul politic.

China are 14.000 km de linii de mare viteza, Spania are circa 3.000, iar
Japonia si Franta au peste 2.000. Pana si statul dictatorial Uzbekistan are o
linie de 350 km pe care trenurile depasesc 230 km/h. In aceste conditii este de
mirare ca SUA, lider in atatea domenii tehnologice, nu are trenuri de mare
viteza si pe cele mai rapide linii sunt atinse viteze de 170-180 km/h si foarte
rar, peste 200 km/h. Mai mult, SUA are o istorie bogata in domeniul trenurilor
de mare viteza, un exemplu clar fiind ca in 1934 existau trenuri ce puteau
atinge 180 km/h

Care sunt explicatiile situatiei din prezent? Foarte multe si diverse.
Americanii iubesc automobilele, orasele de acolo au fost in ideea de a fi loc
pentru automobile, iar transportul in comun lipseste in multe locuri, facand
extrem de dificila deplasarea fara autoturism personal.

Apoi, tara care acum 150 de ani construia cai ferate intr-un ritm nebunesc si
era, alaturi de Anglia, pionier in domeniu, a ajuns sa aiba o retea feroviara
invechita si controlata de firmele de transport de marfa. Pe caile ferate din
SUA transportul de marfa este la superlativ, cantitatile sunt uriase si
companiile feroviare de transport de marfa detin segmente intregi din caile
ferate si nu sunt incantate de ideea de a face loc trenurilor de pasageri.

Dar prinicpalul motiv tine de sistemul politic in care puterea de decizie a
guvernului federal este foarte scazuta, multe hotarari fiind luate la nivelul
fiecarui stat. Si cum SUA are 50 de state, colaborarea intre ele pentru o ruta
de lung parcurs si coordonarea prioritatilor, astfel incat sa coincida, sunt
lucruri greu de atins.

Apoi, birocratia face ca pana la decizia acordarii unor fonduri pentru
proiecte, sa fie nevoie de numeroase studii de fezabilitate care de multe ori
se refera la proiecte nerealiste.

America a construit in anii 50' imensa retea de autostrazi, insa atunci puterea
de decizie a guvernului federal era mai mare si vocile care au sustinut
proiectul au fost mult mai hotarate. Nu la fel s-a actionat si legat de
trenurile de mare viteza despre care se discuta inca din anii 70', fara
rezultate palpabile insa. Foarte interesant este ca in 1969 distanta Washington
- New York era parcursa in doua ore si jumatate, iar acum drumul dureaza doua ore
si 53 de minute.

In 2009 au fost prezentate noi planuri pentru un sistem national de trenuri
ultra-rapide, dar hartile prezentate erau vagi, o parte dintre rutele propuse
pareau alese la intamplare si nici macar notiunea de "mare viteza" nu
era clar definita, pe unele rute fiind propuse viteze maxime de 150 km/h, iar
pe altele de 380 km/h(!) fara a se oferi argumente legate de marea discrepanta.

Cateva state au luat initiativa, cel mai bine stand California unde se lucreaza
la o sectiune de 45 km intre Madera si Fresno, segment ce va face parte dintr-o
cale ferata ultra-rapida ce ar trebui sa lege in trei ore Los Angeles de San
Francisco (800 km). Insa daca e sa fie concretizat, proiectul va dura minim
zece ani.

Cele mai rapide trenuri din reteaua Amtrak se numesc Acela Express care pe
scurte distante pot depasi 200 km/h, insa pe rutele lungi vitezele medii sunt
de maxim 120-130 km/h

 Cucu Herbil ioan



- Cine îi supraveghează informativ pe ciumpalacii din ţară şi din Piaţa
Universităţii – ANCHETA

barbos; http://www.dgipi.ro/articole/articol.php?idarticol=811

Cine i Barbos asta?

Review: Fractured is a Film With An Identity Crisis

Paul Doro April 12th
2014, 9:13 am

Description: racturedDescription: eview score 3Fractured, formerly known
as Schism, isn’t
really a horror movie. It has a bit of an identity crisis, much like its lead
character. Other traits it shares with its lead: It has problems with women,
isn’t very captivating, and fails to make much of an impression.
Filmmakers Adam Gierasch
(co-writer/director) and Jace Anderson (co-writer/producer)
have made far better features than this, including
the 2009 Night of the Demons remake. Sadly, based on their latest
effort they are not progressing. Fractured is shaky and jagged and feels like
something from a first-time filmmaker. Callum Blue stars as Dylan, only
that’s not his real name. Since waking up from a coma of more than 2 years,
he has no memory. He leads a quiet, boring life and is a cook at a restaurant
in New Orleans. He sleeps with Brandy (Ashlynn Yennie) from time to time, who
notes that his walls are complete bare and requests permission to remedy
Though he has no memory, what Dylan does have are terrifying visions.
Naked, bloodied women attack and devour him at his apartment and a
convenience store. Why is he having these visions? Who is he and what kind of
person was he before the coma? After spotting an image in the newspaper that
feels familiar, he decides to find the answers, telling Brandy that she can’t
join him.
Dylan shows up at a bar where people seem to know him, and before
long he crosses paths with a criminal named Quincy (Vinnie Jones, in a role
requiring minimum effort). It turns out that Dylan might have been involved
in nefarious activities before the coma, and Quincy is none too pleased to
see him. None of the above is remotely unique or interesting.The movie’s
biggest problem is Blue. He displays no screen presence or charisma
whatsoever. Dylan seems like he has a sleep disorder or chronic boredom. He’s
barely awake in nearly every scene. It is impossible to be invested in his
past, the meaning of the visions, or what happens to him.
Fractured also doesn’t know what kind of movie it’s trying to
be. It’s got a bluesy score and appears to be trying for noir at times, but
it has no sense of what type of mood that necessitates. The visions are out
of a horror movie, but it never generates any suspense and is certainly never
scary. The sex and frequent full-frontal nudity are out of something
soft-core on Cinemax. Women are rarely clothed.
Speaking of women, the vast majority of them are sex slaves. The only
two with significant screen time are given nothing to do save for sleep with
Dylan. There’s also an extremely graphic scalping of one of them and an even
more unpleasant scene featuring Quincy slaughtering a group of sex slaves.
It’s grotesque and encapsulates the movie’s misogyny problem.
If forced to pay a compliment, the makeup effects are pretty good.
And Vinnie Jones, even in a role he could play in his sleep, has his moments.
That’s about it though.Fractured is an unpleasant bore.


Description: http://www.catavencii.ro/wp-content/uploads/importedmedia/blogmedia-1400265928-3120.jpg
Activităţile de filaj, monitorizare video şi investigaţii
sub acoperire
 din zona Pieţei Universităţii şi
din alte zone ale ţării 
unde se
protestează public împotriva regimului Băsescu
cordonate de 
comisarul-şef Niculae
Cristea, şeful Direcţiei filaj şi investigaţii din cadrul DGIPI 
Generală de Informaţii şi Protecţie Internă). E redundant şi plictisitor, dar
trebuie să vă reamintim de fiecare dată că DGIPI e una şi aceeaşi cu nemeritat
de celebra UM „Doi şi-un sfert“.
La revoluţie, Cristea era plutonier la postul de
poliţie Jilava.
 A ajuns ofiţer cu ajutorul lui
Virgil Ardelean zis Vulpea, fostul şef al DGIPI, şi a fost promovat în mai
multe funcţii de 
chestorul Vasile
, zis Shogunul. În 2008, maramureşanul
Mureşan era directorul Diviziei verificări operative din cadrul DGIPI. După
aceea i se pierde urma şi, conform informaţiilor noastre, actuala sa
însărcinare este cea de coordonator al Diviziei ofiţeri sub acoperire din
cadrul DGIPI.
Printre protestatarii împotriva regimului Băsescu din
ţară şi din Piaţa Universităţii sunt infiltrate iscoadele lui Vasile Mureşan.
Revoluţia din decembrie ’89, Mureşan era locţiitorul preşedintelui organizaţiei
PCR din cadrul Inspectoratului de Miliţie al Judeţului Maramureş. În 1990, la
vârsta de 29 de ani, este promovat în funcţia de şef al Poliţiei Baia Mare, iar
în 1991 în cea de inspector-şef al IJP Maramureş, pe care o va deţine timp de
peste zece ani. În 2006 a fost promovat în funcţia de şef al Serviciului de
Informaţii şi Protecţie Internă (SIPI) Maramureş.
A absolvit Academia „Ştefan Gheorghiu“, a lucrat mână în mână
cu mafia lemnului, cu hoţii de autoturisme din străinătate, cărora le vindea
numere de înmatriculare, şi cu capii reţelelor de trafic de carne vie din anii
’90, a băgat în puşcărie ziarişti care i-au prins urma şi, în toţi aceşti ani,
a slujit ca un soldat credincios PSD-ul. Relaţiile cultivate cu secretarul de
stat Toma Zaharia zis Tezeu, una din mâinile negre ale regimului Năstase, şi cu
generalii Virgil Ardelean zis Vulpea şi Alexandru Burian, maramureşan din Baia
Sprie, adjunctul directorului SPP, l-au ajutat să reziste împotriva tuturor
tentativelor de reformă.
A căzut până la urmă Vulpea şi a rămas Mureşan zis
Mureşan este oglinda vie a infernalei
corupţii din sânul MAI şi reperul etalon al faptului că Internele nu pot fi
reformate. Mafia maramureşană din cadrul Internelor s-a prăsit în jurul lui
Vasile Mureşan. Chestorul Liviu Tăut, rectorul Academiei de Poliţie „Al. Ioan
Cuza“, chestorul Nelu Pop, fostul şef al Poliţiei de Frontieră şi actualul
director general al Oficiului Român pentru Imigrări, inspectorul-şef Ion Pop
zis Rapidu’, şeful IGSU Maramureş, chestorul Petru Albu, fostul şef al DGIPI,
cât şi finul lui Mureşan, Augustin Bărbos, şeful SIPI Maramureş, sunt crescuţi
la şcoala de samavolnicii, abuzuri, şpăgi şi şantaje a Shogunului.
Agenţii comisarului-şef Augustin Bărbos s-au infiltrat
printre protestatarii împotriva regimului Băsescu din Baia Mare şi Satu Mare şi
strâng date compromiţătoare despre figurile proeminente ale protestului.
plecarea Shogunului la Bucureşti, Nicolae Cristea, şeful Direcţiei filaj şi
investigaţii din cadrul DGIPI, l-a promovat pe Bărbos şef al SIPI Maramureş,
pentru a şterge urmele naşului său Vasile Mureşan. Bărbos protejează patronii
societăţilor care rambursează ilegal TVA, precum Uţu Fonta, starostele mafiei
spaţiilor comerciale din Borşa, unul dintre sponsorii PSD Maramureş.
Până la alegeri, Bărbos îşi înmulţeşte averea, făcând
angajări şi promovări în grad şi funcţii, contra cost.
caselor şi a maşinilor proprietate personală şi concediile în străinătate rămân
în sarcina sponsorilor Dan Hotico, fost cadru de miliţie la Inspectoratul
Judeţean Maramureş (UM 0927), patronul firmei de pază Ukro Security, care are
contract exclusiv cu Primăria Baia Mare, şi Kálmán Béla, patronul firmei Alma.
Bărbos le-a angajat la SIPI Maramureş pe soţia lui Dan Hotico, şi pe Réka,
fiica lui Kálmán Béla, avansată la excepţional pe 1 februarie a.c., ziua
aniversară a DGIPI, chiar dacă împricinata născuse şi se afla în concediu de
maternitate şi este ultima cooptată în structură.

 ·  ·  Top
Commenter · Liceul CFR Craiova
Ce-mi place despre

Vedeti voi, pi la noi, sunt
si diversionisti, 

provocatori, directori care ameninta pe 


participanti la Proteste. Cel
mai activi se remarca a fi niste falsi revolutionari, in  functii de
consilieri prin diverse structuri ale  administratiei
locale, care, saracii incereca
sa intimideze presa.


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DrOlga M. Lazin Mda, care-i
aeroprotul International acolo?
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DrOlga M. Lazin https://olgalazin.wordpress.com/.../dr-olga-magdalena.../
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Dr Olga Magdalena-Lazin Andrei's
Blog On Chemical Balance in Your Brain & Body: Importanta...
Olga Magdalena-Lazin Andrei's Blog: Be Appreciative The Oxytocin hormone is c... 
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Dani Rus changed
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Dani Rus changed
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Dani Rus eeee
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Dani Rus is de babe
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Jurjiu Dorin ma
nooo...girati vediamo dietro
See Translation
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Dani Rus va la
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Description: enu Cretu's photo.

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Description: ani Rus's photo.

Description: enu Cretu's photo.

Description: enu Cretu's photo.

Description: lga Lazin's photo.

Description: ani Rus's photo.

Description: ani Rus's photo.

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Chat Conversation Start
May 15th, 8:59pm
cine i pet-ul tau? Hahahaha!
May 17th, 2:34am
Dani, esti aici?
May 17th, 7:20am
Description: https://fbcdn-profile-a.akamaihd.net/hprofile-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-1/e2/c12.0.40.40/p40x40/954801_10150002137498316_604636659114323291_n.jpg?oh=ab88e6c2d184685766926ee1ecc60f57&oe=546001FD&__gda__=1416874146_d6146d4d353d3a47cf1eaaa052151ffb
May 17th, 8:54pm
e cald aici. 39 Grade C.
May 24th, 12:28am
Description: https://fbcdn-profile-a.akamaihd.net/hprofile-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-1/e2/c12.0.40.40/p40x40/954801_10150002137498316_604636659114323291_n.jpg?oh=ab88e6c2d184685766926ee1ecc60f57&oe=546001FD&__gda__=1416874146_d6146d4d353d3a47cf1eaaa052151ffb
ce faci olgutoooooooooooooooooo
Description: https://fbcdn-profile-a.akamaihd.net/hprofile-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-1/e2/c12.0.40.40/p40x40/954801_10150002137498316_604636659114323291_n.jpg?oh=ab88e6c2d184685766926ee1ecc60f57&oe=546001FD&__gda__=1416874146_d6146d4d353d3a47cf1eaaa052151ffb
cum esti
May 25th, 3:42pm
buna, citeste aici dragule: drolgalazin.blogactiv.eu si http://www.amazon.com/Eternal-Mexican-Revolutions-Mexicos-ebook/dp/B00KH413QO/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1401054747&sr=1-1&keywords=olga+magdalena+lazin
August 13th, 5:00am
Description: https://fbcdn-profile-a.akamaihd.net/hprofile-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-1/e2/c12.0.40.40/p40x40/954801_10150002137498316_604636659114323291_n.jpg?oh=ab88e6c2d184685766926ee1ecc60f57&oe=546001FD&__gda__=1416874146_d6146d4d353d3a47cf1eaaa052151ffb
Description: https://fbcdn-profile-a.akamaihd.net/hprofile-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-1/e2/c12.0.40.40/p40x40/954801_10150002137498316_604636659114323291_n.jpg?oh=ab88e6c2d184685766926ee1ecc60f57&oe=546001FD&__gda__=1416874146_d6146d4d353d3a47cf1eaaa052151ffb
cum e maritata
14 minutes ago
Vrei ca sa ma revezi? Cu adevarat? Am pus deoparte $900, mai
imi trebuie $300 si as putea merge incolo. Acolo pot sa mi folosesc cartile
de credit. Vrei sa contribui :-)))?
Description: https://fbcdn-profile-a.akamaihd.net/hprofile-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-1/e2/c12.0.40.40/p40x40/954801_10150002137498316_604636659114323291_n.jpg?oh=ab88e6c2d184685766926ee1ecc60f57&oe=546001FD&__gda__=1416874146_d6146d4d353d3a47cf1eaaa052151ffb
900---sau 9000
noooooo, doar $900, si pot merge; las catelul la o prietena
cici, si-mi iau costumul de baie
Description: https://fbcdn-profile-a.akamaihd.net/hprofile-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-1/e2/c12.0.40.40/p40x40/954801_10150002137498316_604636659114323291_n.jpg?oh=ab88e6c2d184685766926ee1ecc60f57&oe=546001FD&__gda__=1416874146_d6146d4d353d3a47cf1eaaa052151ffb
cu 900 nu faci nimik
ATATA costa drumul. iar acolo Acolo pot sa mi folosesc cartile
de credit.
Description: https://fbcdn-profile-a.akamaihd.net/hprofile-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-1/e2/c12.0.40.40/p40x40/954801_10150002137498316_604636659114323291_n.jpg?oh=ab88e6c2d184685766926ee1ecc60f57&oe=546001FD&__gda__=1416874146_d6146d4d353d3a47cf1eaaa052151ffb
si cu 2000 nu faci mare branza
Description: https://fbcdn-profile-a.akamaihd.net/hprofile-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-1/e2/c12.0.40.40/p40x40/954801_10150002137498316_604636659114323291_n.jpg?oh=ab88e6c2d184685766926ee1ecc60f57&oe=546001FD&__gda__=1416874146_d6146d4d353d3a47cf1eaaa052151ffb
Deci tu ce sugerezi, cam cat ar trebui sa ma asupra mea,
sa am, pardon
Cat estimezi?
Description: https://fbcdn-profile-a.akamaihd.net/hprofile-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-1/e2/c12.0.40.40/p40x40/954801_10150002137498316_604636659114323291_n.jpg?oh=ab88e6c2d184685766926ee1ecc60f57&oe=546001FD&__gda__=1416874146_d6146d4d353d3a47cf1eaaa052151ffb
in jur la 3000 pt o luna minim
eu nu prea cheltuiesc, doar pe mancare buna, tu stii...
Da, este corect...
Description: https://fbcdn-profile-a.akamaihd.net/hprofile-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-1/e2/c12.0.40.40/p40x40/954801_10150002137498316_604636659114323291_n.jpg?oh=ab88e6c2d184685766926ee1ecc60f57&oe=546001FD&__gda__=1416874146_d6146d4d353d3a47cf1eaaa052151ffb
italia iii very very expennnsivee
So is Los Angeles, believe me!
Adica aici la fel :-))
Aici cheltuiesc $5.000 pe luna
Description: https://fbcdn-profile-a.akamaihd.net/hprofile-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-1/e2/c12.0.40.40/p40x40/954801_10150002137498316_604636659114323291_n.jpg?oh=ab88e6c2d184685766926ee1ecc60f57&oe=546001FD&__gda__=1416874146_d6146d4d353d3a47cf1eaaa052151ffb
Description: https://fbcdn-profile-a.akamaihd.net/hprofile-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-1/e2/c12.0.40.40/p40x40/954801_10150002137498316_604636659114323291_n.jpg?oh=ab88e6c2d184685766926ee1ecc60f57&oe=546001FD&__gda__=1416874146_d6146d4d353d3a47cf1eaaa052151ffb
Description: https://fbcdn-profile-a.akamaihd.net/hprofile-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-1/e2/c12.0.40.40/p40x40/954801_10150002137498316_604636659114323291_n.jpg?oh=ab88e6c2d184685766926ee1ecc60f57&oe=546001FD&__gda__=1416874146_d6146d4d353d3a47cf1eaaa052151ffb
dar traiessti ca regina
Description: https://fbcdn-profile-a.akamaihd.net/hprofile-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-1/e2/c12.0.40.40/p40x40/954801_10150002137498316_604636659114323291_n.jpg?oh=ab88e6c2d184685766926ee1ecc60f57&oe=546001FD&__gda__=1416874146_d6146d4d353d3a47cf1eaaa052151ffb
tu calatoresti multttt.
Da, e adevarat. Dar mi-e dor de simplicitate crede-ma.
Description: https://fbcdn-profile-a.akamaihd.net/hprofile-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-1/e2/c12.0.40.40/p40x40/954801_10150002137498316_604636659114323291_n.jpg?oh=ab88e6c2d184685766926ee1ecc60f57&oe=546001FD&__gda__=1416874146_d6146d4d353d3a47cf1eaaa052151ffb
eee asai
n-am fost niciodata in Italia; vreu sa te revad acolo.
Description: https://fbcdn-profile-a.akamaihd.net/hprofile-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-1/e2/c12.0.40.40/p40x40/954801_10150002137498316_604636659114323291_n.jpg?oh=ab88e6c2d184685766926ee1ecc60f57&oe=546001FD&__gda__=1416874146_d6146d4d353d3a47cf1eaaa052151ffb
VIN...esti superb romantic, ca si mine''
Description: https://fbcdn-profile-a.akamaihd.net/hprofile-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-1/e2/c12.0.40.40/p40x40/954801_10150002137498316_604636659114323291_n.jpg?oh=ab88e6c2d184685766926ee1ecc60f57&oe=546001FD&__gda__=1416874146_d6146d4d353d3a47cf1eaaa052151ffb
cu sotu ce faci
Description: https://fbcdn-profile-a.akamaihd.net/hprofile-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-1/e2/c12.0.40.40/p40x40/954801_10150002137498316_604636659114323291_n.jpg?oh=ab88e6c2d184685766926ee1ecc60f57&oe=546001FD&__gda__=1416874146_d6146d4d353d3a47cf1eaaa052151ffb
tre ridica in al 11 cer
ce nr de tel ai?Nu este aici.
Description: https://fbcdn-profile-a.akamaihd.net/hprofile-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-1/e2/c12.0.40.40/p40x40/954801_10150002137498316_604636659114323291_n.jpg?oh=ab88e6c2d184685766926ee1ecc60f57&oe=546001FD&__gda__=1416874146_d6146d4d353d3a47cf1eaaa052151ffb
Iti voi spune pe tel.
Description: https://fbcdn-profile-a.akamaihd.net/hprofile-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-1/e2/c12.0.40.40/p40x40/954801_10150002137498316_604636659114323291_n.jpg?oh=ab88e6c2d184685766926ee1ecc60f57&oe=546001FD&__gda__=1416874146_d6146d4d353d3a47cf1eaaa052151ffb
milano malpensa
Description: https://fbcdn-profile-a.akamaihd.net/hprofile-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-1/e2/c12.0.40.40/p40x40/954801_10150002137498316_604636659114323291_n.jpg?oh=ab88e6c2d184685766926ee1ecc60f57&oe=546001FD&__gda__=1416874146_d6146d4d353d3a47cf1eaaa052151ffb
doarme inca stefiiiii
OK, poti trimite un money order doar $900, si ti-i dau inapoi
acolo; restul acopar eu, ce zici? Facem mici pe grill :-))
Description: https://fbcdn-profile-a.akamaihd.net/hprofile-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-1/e2/c12.0.40.40/p40x40/954801_10150002137498316_604636659114323291_n.jpg?oh=ab88e6c2d184685766926ee1ecc60f57&oe=546001FD&__gda__=1416874146_d6146d4d353d3a47cf1eaaa052151ffb
nu s pretentioasa la mincare; salatele imi plac doar
Description: https://fbcdn-profile-a.akamaihd.net/hprofile-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-1/e2/c12.0.40.40/p40x40/954801_10150002137498316_604636659114323291_n.jpg?oh=ab88e6c2d184685766926ee1ecc60f57&oe=546001FD&__gda__=1416874146_d6146d4d353d3a47cf1eaaa052151ffb
dar acuma eu mam intors de la mare sint lefter
vreau sa slabesc 15 KG;
ma refac financiar.

, active
Forwarding Service Residential
Taking a long vacation? Or an
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·       Pay $17.00 at Retail
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·       Most mail is bundled and
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which is based on where it started and where it's being sent. Any Priority Mail
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·       Priority Mail items
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their delivery wouldn't be delayed.
·       First-Class Mail®
mailpieces that don't fit in the weekly shipment are rerouted separately at no
extra cost.
·       PFS-Residential is a temporary
 that can be used from 2 weeks up to 1
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Some packages will arrive at the
temporary address with postage due...

·       Standard Mail® pieces are included in a weekly
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·       Standard Post™, Bound
Printed Matter, Media Mail®, and Library Mail
 pieces aren’t included in Premium
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service originally used to send them.
To sign up online, select the Sign up
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and evidence of residence at the primary address.

If you sign up online, you pay for the
service with a credit card. The $16.00 enrollment fee must be paid when you
sign up, but weekly installment fees of $17.00 are processed as recurring payments.
Your first recurring payment is processed on the start date and, thereafter,
recurring payments are processed each Wednesday until your requested end date.
The PFS®-Residential Online option is not currently available for PO Box™ addresses.
Please note that you may only make changes to a PFS-Residential Online order if
your initial request was submitted online.

Making Changes to Your PFS-Residential
Online Service
PFS-Residential orders ship weekly on
Wednesdays. If you need to change your PFS-Residential Online order, please
note these important deadlines…

·       Cancel or change the
start date no later than 11:59 pm (CST) on the day before the start date.
·       Change the option for
either Individual or Household forwarding by 11:59 pm (CST) on the day before
the start date.
·       Extend or stop
PFS-Residential by 11:59 pm (CST) on the Monday before the last Wednesday ship
date you are requesting.
·       Shorten PFS-Residential
by 11:59 pm (CST) on the Monday of the week prior to the last Wednesday ship
date you are requesting.
·       https://www.usps.com/manage/forward-mail.htm?

întâlnesc prin celule. Şi iată, într-o explicaţie simplă şi
logică, de ce exerciţiul fizic ne face bine şi ne menţine tineri – mă rog, ne
încetineşte îmbătrânirea
, că de bătrâneţe nu scapă nimeni, până la urmă.
Creşterea nivelului
ROS în urma activităţii fizice produce un semnal celular care este esenţial în
declanşarea acestui lanţ de reacţii. Aşadar, cheia menţinerii sănătăţii nu este
neutralizarea ROS printr-un aport  exterior de antioxidanţi, cu mai
degrabă  intensificarea producţiei de ROS într-un mod care să imite
creşterea naturală care are loc în cursul exerciţiului. Astfel, ar fi stimulată
producţia de antioxidanţi naturali în celule, ar creşte sensibilitatea la
insulină şi s-ar îmbunătăţi şi alte aspecte ale fiziologiei organismului
Ristow a numit această nouă viziune „mitohormeză”; hormeza presupune apariţia unei reacţii de stimulare a unui
mecanism de apărare biologică, ca urmare a expunerii la anumiţi factori de
stres, în doze mici
. În doze mari, efectul aceloraşi agenţi ai stresului
poate fi nociv, dar în doze mici, este benefic – acesta este efectul de
hormeză. În cazul discutat, exerciţiul fizic, dacă nu e atât de intens încât să
ducă la leziuni ale muşchilor şi tendoanelor sau 
obosească excesiv inima
, duce la fortificarea


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16501 Ventura Blvd., Suite 601
Encino, CA 91436
Phone: 818.464.2400
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About this job

Job description

Manager or Director of Research and Analysis conducts data analysis, writes
reports, and executes research projects.  Specific responsibilities

·       Analyze data, run crosstabs, and compute descriptive statistics.
·       Identify data-driven insights that address clients’ key research
·       Write reports and present analytic findings to clients.
·       Manage research activities and coordinate with suppliers for
data collection.

·       Strong data analysis skills, including knowledge of statistics.
·       Experience using SPSS or other statistical analysis software.
·       Proficient with MS Excel.
·       Attention to detail, including the ability to identify and
resolve problems.
·       Clear written and verbal communication skills, including
report-writing capabilities.
·       Ability to effectively manage multiple projects with strict
·       Experience with project management, scheduling, and budgeting.
·       Able to work collaboratively with clients and colleagues.
·       Doctorate or MBA/Master’s degree in marketing, business, or
research-based social science.


Bucuresti-Sector 1, Bucuresti, 011227, România

Noul lui loc, unde il
muta in curand: Washington Corrections Center


Corrections Center
- Road Closure - Beginning early August, use
North Entrance (Milepost 176). Directions: http://www.doc.wa.gov/facilities/prison/occ 

14 Jul
Creek Corrections Center
- Visiting is closed 7/19 until 5pm due to an
event. Regular hours will resume at 5pm.

Mailing Requirements

The outside envelope must be
addressed with:
  • the inmate’s full name
  • six–digit DOC number, and
    facility address.
  • a return address as defined by
    USPS including
    an identifiable first and last name.
  • the name of the unit where the inmate
    lives (not required for delivery)
John B. Hancock

1024 S. Bee St

Olympia, WA 98506-4321
Jack J. Doe, DOC 123456

Stafford Creek Corrections Center, H2 

191 Constantine Way 

Aberdeen, WA 98520
The letter(s) inside must be addressed to the inmate on the
Do not send cash, personal checks or stamps, the mail will
be rejected and returned to you at the inmate's expense.
To send money for stamps or other items, refer to sending money page.

Restricted Mail

When you want to know what is not allowed, read this Policy 450.100 amendment 1.
Mail is inspected and the facility will provide written
notification of the mail rejection to the inmate and the sender. The
notification includes the reason for the restriction and the name and address
of the sender. The process does allow the inmate and/or the sender to appeal
the mail rejection.
Washington Corrections Center’s Reception Center has a more restrictive policy on incoming
mail. The inmate should inform you of what is allowed.

Description: Pay logoeMessaging has

Almost all DOC prisons now have eMessaging capability. Inmates' families and friends can write
electronic letters 24 hours a day, seven days a week, for less than the price
of a stamp.

Mailing Gift Packages

Learn more about how to send a  gift package.
Gift packages may be sent to an inmate. Inmates are limited in the
gift packages they may receive, according to 
policy 440.000. An inmate may
receive one gift package (not to exceed 15 pounds in weight including packing
materials) on a monthly basis. In order to send an inmate a monthly package,
most institutions require that the inmate send you a Package Authorization
If you are planning on purchasing a holiday or property package
for an inmate, it is important to be aware of the effects of using accurate
contact information when using money orders in the event a refund is needed. If
a family member or friend will be purchasing, it is vital that the information
pertaining to the purchaser’s name and address is accurate and is not listed as
the inmate’s name or address of facility. Access SecurePak will issue the
refund based upon this information. If the inmate’s name and facility address
is listed, the refund will be issued to the inmate and will be subject to
deductions based upon the inmate’s scenario of incarceration. If the inmate’s
family or friend purchases a package using a money order and includes their own
name and address, Access will be able to issue the refund to that person and
address and will not be subject to any deductions.
For more information on the maximum allowable personal property
religious items, (attachment a1) men’s facilities andwomen’s facilities, check the matrix.
Newly admitted inmates do not receive packages while assigned to
the Reception Center at 
Washington Corrections Center.

Work Release Mailing Rules

Work Release facilities have different rules for mailing. See Policy 450.110 (PDF)


Description: ashington Corrections Center
2321 West Dayton Airport Road

PO Box 900 

Shelton, WA 98584
(360) 426-4433

Driving Directions] [Aerial Photo]
Description: uperintendent: Scott Russell

Facility at a Glance

Superintendent: Scott Russell

Custody Level: Medium, Close and Maximum

Operating Capacity: 1,268 offenders

Year Opened: 1964

Visiting Information

Visit the Friends and Family website for great information including how to prepare for
visiting with children.
Original birth certificates and a completed, notarized original of
the form DOC 20–446
Parent⁄Guardian Approval for
 must be submitted
prior to a minor’s visit application being processed.
Visitor’s Application: Please fill out either the Online Application,
or the 
Hard Copy Applicationnot both. Submitting
multiple visit applications for an individual visitor will cause a delay in

Visiting Guidelines and Visiting Schedule

Family Events Calendar
Note: Please do not leave
children or pets in cars during visiting hours. This request is made to ensure
the safety of all visitors to the facility.


Offender Change programs:

Work and Vocational Programs:

  • Adult Basic Education (ABE)
  • Chemical Dependency
  • Computer Basics
  • Family Friendly Activities
  • General Education Diploma
  • IMU Leave A Winner (LAW)
  • State Library
  • State Library
  • Recreational Programs
  • Reentry Unit
  • Skill Building Unit
  • State Library
  • Transitional Offender Program
  • Youthful Offender GED

  • Building Maintenance
  • Correctional Industries: Food
    Service, Laundry Service and Warehouse Distribution
  • Groundskeeping
  • Vehicle Maintenance
  • Vocational Certification for
    Institutional Sanitation

Sustainability Programs:

  • Compost Program
  • Recycling Project
  • Vegetable Gardens

Community Involvement

WCC works closely with the community. We have numerous offender programs
who work to raise funds and complete projects to benefit community
organizations such as "Toys for Tots", Turning Point, Mason County
Homeless Shelters and The Veterans Association.
Mason County Re–Entry Coalition (MCRC) is comprised of several county
agencies including a Commissioner and local law enforcement. MCRC meets at the
facility on a regular basis with the offender re–entry coalition to discuss
available resources for re–entry.
Evergreen Unit is comprised of 180 offenders with less than 9 months
to serve. Staff members in this unit work closely with entities in the
community, to provide release planning, services and resources to the
offenders. This unit also houses offenders made up of MI2 and MI3 workers to
assist in the offender workforce.

New unit at Cedar Hall

The newly created Skill Building Unit (SBU) at Cedar Hall at the Washington
Corrections Center (WCC) in Shelton is a special housing unit designed
specifically for offenders with moderate to severe Intellectual Disability,
Borderline Intellectual Functioning, or Traumatic Brain Injury. Cedar Hall,
with its small wings and dayrooms, presents the ideal environment to care for
this sensitive and vulnerable group. In the SBU, staff ensures cognitively
impaired offenders are appropriately treated, protected from abuse, and
provided specialized habilitation programming in a safe, secure environment.
Offenders develop skills that allow them to function more independently in
prison and when released; thereby, reducing the risk for recidivism.

When u make a reserv make it
with a credit card , not debit. Pay with cash when living.
She/he sent me tasks to complete, and defrauded me of money, my
Bank of America account, via electronic fraud (involving also JP MORGAN CHASE.
deposits/reversals from my account). Cesare (Principal) is also involved in
shady deposits/reversals., also  TREVOR GALEAZZI, (JP MPRGAN ID 022502237 who
made the deposit,  JONATHAN UNRUH (bank ID CO ID 9200502237) made a
deposit  of $917, and and  then REVOR GALEAZZI reversed id
retroactivelly, which is illegal. Also JOE ANDERSON participated, is he working
for you? What is your tel # please?
Did you know about this dubious activity?

AWaiting your reply, Description: https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/e/B0CDescription: https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/e/03D

TO: Bain & Company

& Co
How does the Rule
protect people thinking about buying a biz opp? First, it requires sellers covered by
the Rule to give you a one-page disclosure document outlining important facts
about the opportunity. Second,
if sellers make any claims about how much money you might make, they have to
give you a separate paper with more specifics. Third, the Rule makes clear that
certain practices are against the law.

The Disclosure Document

Under the
Rule, sellers have to give you a one-page disclosure document that offers five
key pieces of information. Use the information in the disclosure document to
fact-check what the seller tells you about the opportunity and what you find
out from your own research.
document has to:
identify the seller;
tell you about certain lawsuits or other legal actions involving
the seller or its key personnel;
tell you if the seller has a cancellation or refund
policy. If so, what are the terms of that policy?
say whether the seller is making an earnings claim. If so, the
seller has to give you another document called an earnings claim statement; and
give you a list of references.
The Rule
says that a seller has to give you the disclosure document at least seven days
before you sign a contract or pay them anything. Use that time to check out the
information in the disclosure document, including contacting references. Be
aware that some questionable biz opp promoters have been known to
name "insiders" who give glowing – but bogus – recommendations. Don't
just talk to the few people they suggest. Choose whom to contact. What if what
the seller is telling you is different from what's on the disclosure document
or what you hear from another buyer? Step on the brake. An inconsistency could
be a tell-tale sign of a biz opp rip-off.
addition, the disclosure document has to be in the language the seller used to
offer you the biz opp. If you discussed the deal in a language other than
English, the document has to be in that language. Also, the seller has to make
it clear that if you buy a business opportunity from them, your contact
information will be given to prospective buyers in the future.

The Earnings Claim Statement

What if
the seller makes a claim about how much money a person can earn? Under the
Rule, they have to give you a separate document that says in big type across
document has to include:
the name of the person making the claim and the date;
the specifics of the claim;
the start and end date those earnings were achieved;
the number and percentage of people who got those results or
any information about those people that may differ from you – for
example, the part of the country where they live; and
a statement that you can get written proof of the seller's earning
claims if you ask for it.
Since the
Rule gives you the right to see written proof for the seller's earnings claims,
savvy buyers exercise that right and study those materials carefully. Compare
that information to what the seller has told you about how much money people
make. If the dollar amounts don't line up, your best bet is to walk away. Like
the disclosure document, the earnings claim statement has to be in the same
language that the seller used to communicate with you.

Misleading Claims

revised Business Opportunity Rule spells out that certain practices are against
the law. For example:
It's illegal for biz opp sellers to say anything that
contradicts what's in their disclosure document and earnings statement.
Under the Rule, sellers can't claim they're offering you a job
when they're really promoting a business opportunity.
The Rule makes it illegal for sellers to misrepresent the nature
of the investment – for example, to claim they'll help you line up locations,
outlets, accounts, or customers or that you'll have an exclusive territory if
it's not true.
The revised Rule puts
new protections in place for prospective buyers. But for added protection, take
the time to find out what the Rule requires of sellers. Did they give you the disclosure document with the
five key pieces of information? If they made earnings claims, did they give you
a separate statement with the specifics? If you spot a seller who isn't
complying with the law, it's a red flag: You could be in the cross hairs of
a biz opp scammer.
What else can you do to add an extra layer of protection? Before
you buy a business opportunity:
Study the disclosure document, the earnings claim statement, and
the proposed contract.
Insist on seeing proof in writing for earnings claims, including
statements like "Earn up to $10,000 a month!" Phrases like "up
to" aren't a way out for the seller. It's an earning claim and it's your
right to demand proof.
Interview current owners of the seller's business opportunity. Ask
the tough questions – like if the information in the disclosure document
matches their experience with the company.
Listen to sales presentations with a critical ear. They are – of
course – trying to sell you something.
If a seller doesn't give you the information you know they have to
provide, walk away.
Consider getting professional advice. Ask a lawyer, accountant, or
business advisor to read the paperwork before you sign.
Check out the seller with your local consumer protection agency,
state Attorney General's Office, and the Better Business Bureau. Do a few
internet searches by entering the company's name and "complaint" or
"scam." You could get an eyeful. But be wary: No complaints doesn't
necessarily mean the company is legitimate. And scammers have been known to
post phony testimonials online.

Report Possible Fraud

If you suspect a biz opp seller is
fraudulent, report it to:
The state attorney general's office both where you live and where the business opportunity promoter is
Your county or state consumer protection agency. Check the blue pages of the phone book under county and state
The Better Business Bureau in your area and the area where the seller is based.
The FTC. File
a complaint online
 or call toll-free
1-877-FTC-HELP (1-877-382-4357).
This article was
previously available as Looking to
Earn Extra Income? Rule Helps You Avoid Bogus Business Opportunity Offers

We assume that the last deposit was a reimbursement.
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I'm a doctor and a researcher.
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included Asocophyllum Nodosum andAsparagopsis Armata,
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 funding for
experts to advise parliament and the government in changing and improving
legislation to help foster the NPPO sphere.
With the conundrum Soros faces outside the USA
as to how to stimulate new thinking, it is no wonder that he has turned much of
his focus to problems in American society.  He has been especially
interesed in the U.S. health-care crisis since the early 1990s and philanthropy
for medical projects.  His concerns about the American situation led him
to initiate a “Project on Death and Dying,” dedicated to research and issues of
terminal illness and pain management (which he had faced in the death of his
own father).  He intends to focus more of his energies and funds on this
project with the goal of expanding the  understanding of and transforming the
forces that have created and sustained the current culture of dying.  The
$5 million project supports epidemiological, ethnographic, and historical
research, as well as other programs that illuminate the social and medical
context of dying and grieving.
In Soros’ own words within the American medical culture, “modern medicine is so
intent on prolonging life that it fails to prepare us for death.” The results
of the research will help encourage family involvement and to reduce the
dehumanizing effect of medical treatment.  By becoming involved in
identifying solving U.S. problems, Soros has diverted funds from his National
Foundations to support a host of other American projects, such as the
Reproductive-Rights Program,
56 the Emma Lazarus Program, and, the Center for Crime Prevention Program.  

     Although Soros has not
led foundations to follow him into Eastern Europe and Russia (with perhaps the
exception of Bill Gates who will build libraries and Internet educational sites
in Russia), in the long term his Foundations provide a model for the future—a
model that works without regard to borders. 
      Regardless of
what his detractors claim, Soros has tried to put half of his profits to good
use.  He has helped open a healthy competition by engaging in the
"race of giving” with Ted Turner (owner of CNN) and Bill Gates
(Microsoft.).  Where their programs have tried to solve global problems
(such as disease prevention), Soros stresses national development of civic
society and Civil Society.  To this end, Soros has most recently focused
on human rights issues in what appeared to have been lost cases such as Haiti
and Guatemala, where education for the masses and open communications have been
nearly non-existent.
     Soros is a
“responsible” capitalist committed to building and promoting democratic
institutions.  In 1999, he  helped lay the basis of the 1999 Warsaw
Pact, which promoted global democracy.
He has helped build democracy in many nations by implicitly replicating the
U.S. NGO model.  This consists of an open elected board made up of local
prestigious people from different interest groups: businessmen, doctors,
academics, union leaders etc. Where Rockefeller failed, Soros has created
successful NGOs, with local boards. 
     Soros’ local boards of
directors make their decisions openly and transparently. Projects are being
funded by open review of the projects.  They spend their funds with
transparency and also submit a final report at the end of the year.  If
NGOs have not been successful in completing the operation, no further funding will
be available. 
     Clearly this major
world figure not only has created the Decentralized Model of Philanthropy, but
he continues to be ever more active around the world. Ironically, his move out
of hedge-funds in 2000 will give him even more time to keep his existing NPPOs
operating. If he runs true to form, Soros will no doubt surpass 31 as the
number of Foundations he seeks to leave to world history.  

1775 - se inaugurează noua clădire a şcolii piariste cu 188 de
elevi (actualul sediu al muzeului).=Dragos Voda.

1783 - evreilor li se acordă dreptul de şedere şi comerţ în oraş.

1786 - mare foamete.

1802 - începe construirea Liceului
reformat (actuala clădire a Liceului Pedagogic)
care la 1836, prin contele loan Buttler, devine
"academie de drept".
În 1837 liceul, avea secţii de teologie,
drept, filosofie, filologie etc.

1816 - pe toate edificiile publice s-au afişat: însemnele imperiale: vulturul
cu două capete,- limba oficială germana,- limba de cancelarie şi în congregaţia
comitatensă latina.

1830 - 12 martie împăratul Francisc I dă un nou privilegiu breslei.

1830 - apar şcolile evreieşti Talmud Tora pe lângă sinagogă şi casa de

1840 - recensământ 5908 locuitori.

1844 - deschiderea grădiniţei de copii a oraşului.

1844 - cutremur care distruge o parte din oraş

1848 - 3-15 mai Tivadar Mihai din Rona de Jos participă la Adunarea de la Blaj.

1848 - 30 sept. ţăranii din Borşa rup emblemele maghiare de pe clădirea
primăriei şi alungă jandarmii.

1853 - incendiul care a devastat biserica reformată şi a scos la iveală
zidurile originare.

1860 - 13 dec. înfiinţarea Asociaţiunii pentru cultura poporului român din
Maramureş la propunerea lui losif Man, comitele suprem al Maramureşului în
Congregaţia Comitatensă.

1862 - îşi începe activitatea Preparandia română (Institutul de învăţători care
va da peste 120 de învăţători români).

1867 - 23 oct. se înfiinţează în cadrul Asociaţiunii "Societatea de
lectură a românilor din Maramures "Dragoşiana".

1869 - la Bocicoi se înfiinţează fabrica de produse chimice

1869 - se înfiinţează fabrica de cherestea la Cămara, la Sighet, la Bocicoi,
Lunca, Vişeu de Sus şi Macarlău

1870 - cele 4 ieraşe sunt transformate în 10 plaşi administrative: Vişeu, Iza,
Cosău, Tisa, Sighet, Taras Teceu, Hust, Dolha şi Boureni

1870 - se deschide Şcoala superioară de fete susţinută de către Asociaţia
femeilor din judeţul Maramureş, la iniţiativa Doamnei Clara Stoica, soţia
comitelui suprem al Maramureşului losif Man preşedinte al Asociaţiei

1870 - la Sighet se deschide Banca populară maghiară

1871 - se înfiinţează Tribunalul şi Judecătoria

1871 - se înfiinţează prima parohie românească la Sighet Parohia greco-catolică

1872 - se construieşte linia ferată Sighet-Colomeia

1873 - începe zidirea Convictului Sf. Vasile care se termină în 1875

1873 - Asociaţia pentru Muzeul judeţean Maramaros varmegyei Muzeuni Egyesulet

1877 - 28 sept. la Sighet şi Sarasău se adună o impresionantă colecţie de
ajutoare pentru soldaţii care luptă pentru independenţa naţională.

1884 - se înfiinţează Asociaţia de ajutorare a evreilor bolnavi

1889 - 6 aug. - la Sighet au loc lucrările Societăţii Istorice Maghiare, loan
Mihalyi a susţinut cu argumente ştiinţifice originea şi continuitatea românilor
în Maramureş.

1891 - Asociaţia de ajutor pentru refugiaţii din Rusia

1893 - Asociaţia filantropică a femeilor evreice

1900 - loan Mihalyi de Apşa tipăreşte la Sighet primul volum din Istoria
Comitatului Maramureş Diplome maramureşene din sec. XIV-XV pentru care şi în
general pentru munca sa va primi premiul Academiei Române (1901).

1900 - Comunităţile sefardă şi hasidică înfiinţează Asociaţia de ajutorare a
evreilor refugiaţi din Rusia

1913 - 25 ianuarie, loan Mihalyi de Apşa iniţiază o adunare în scopul
înfiinţării unui Despărţământ ASTRA la Sighet

1914 - octombrie intrarea trupelor ruseşti în Maramureş şi jefuirea populaţiei

1918 - 11 noiembrie se constituie la Sighet Sfatul Naţional Român care s-a
afiliat la Statul Naţional Român cu centrul la Arad.
lansează Apelul.

1918 - 22 noiembrie se înfiinţează Consiliul Naţional Român Dr. Vasile Chindriş
preşedinte, prof. I. Bilţiu Dăncuş
şi Lt. Florentin Bilţiu Dăncuş, şeful Gărzilor naţionale.

1918 - 7 dec. apare primul ziar românesc "Sfatul".

1919 - 28 aprilie - depune jurământul primul prefect român, Vasile Chiroiu.

1919 - se deschide primul liceu românesc Liceul "Dragoş Vodă".

1919 - se înfiinţează Asociaţia sportivă Samson

1926 - cu ocazia Congresului Naţional al profesorilor de geografie din România,
care s-a ţinut la Sighet, se deschide muzeul etnografic organizat de G.

1926 - ia fiinţă „Aviva" şi „Aviva Ketana" (Asociaţii de fete)

1929 - Organizaţia Tzeirei Mizrahi condusă de Dr. S.B. Danzig

1932 - apare "Graiul Maramureşului", organ de presă.

1932 - se înfiinţează Asociaţia presei din Maramureş. În oraş, în această
perioadă, apar mai multe ziare cotidiene, săptămânale, reviste culturale,
literare etc.

1940 - Dictatul de la Viena.
Maramureşul este încorporat Ungariei horthiste.
Tot acum apare Istoria
Maramureşului de Alexandru Filipaşcu.

1944 - mai - evreii din zonă şi din Sighet sunt internaţi în ghetouri şi apoi
duşi în lagăre. Din Sighet, din cca. 15.500 evrei deportaţi nu s-au mai întors
decât circa 2000, printre care şi Elie Wiesel.

1944 - 18 octombrie oraşul a fost
eliberat de către Armata a 40-a sovietică. Tot acum se înfiinţează Consiliul
Naţional condus de Ion Bilţiu Dăncuş.

1945 - Maramureşul este încorporat Ucrainei subcarpatice prin diversiunea
organizată de Ivan Odoviciuc. După scurt timp, prin acţiunea ţăranilor din
satele Maramureşului conduşi de preoţi şi dascăli concertată pe plan
diplomatic, Maramureşul reintră în graniţele fireşti.

1948 - se desfiinţează judeţul
Maramureş cu reşedinţa la Sighet, fiind încorporat regiunii Baia Mare, sistem
administrativ impus de ocupaţia sovietică care va duce la decăderea treptată a

1950 - la închisoarea din Sighet sunt întemniţaţi tinerii opozanţi ocupatiei
sovietice, liceeni, miniştri, şefi de guverne, liderii partidelor istorice,
generali, academicieni şi oameni de cultură, episcopii bisericii greco-catolice,
opozanţi ai instalării comunismului în România.

1948 -1989 - după război se încearcă refacerea oraşului. În ultimii cca. 25 de
ani, apar la Sighet câteva mari întreprinderi industriale: Combinatul de prelucrare a lemnului (cu mai multe fabrici); fabrici
şi uzine de prelucrare a fierului şi mai multe unităţi de industrie uşoară, sis
acum se construieşte noua policlinică, spitalul de copii deficienţi, spitalul
de pediatrie şi alte instituţii de ocrotire.

În paralel, s-au construit câteva şcolii şi cartiere de locuinţe, într-o
arhitectură neadecvată. Din păcate, în ultimii 50 de ani, oraşului nu i s-a
acordat atenţia meritată, pe măsura prestigiului de veche capitală a unei
provincii istorice româneşti de mare rezonanţă, spre care au gravitat, de-a
lungul secolelor, oamenii Maramureşului de pe toate văile.

Municipiul are în componenţă
localităţile şi cartierele: Iapa, Lazu Baciului, Şugău, Valea Hotarului.

Raza municipiului este de cca. 6 km, iar suprafaţa este de 13.535 ha, din care
1000 ha în intravilan.
Populaţia totală a municipiului
(Recensământul din ianuarie 1992) este de 44.229 locuitori. Structura pe
naţionalităţi: români 33.873 (76,5%);
maghiari 8.245 (18,6%); ucraineni 1508; ţigani 340; germani 157; alţii 106.

Extras din lucrarea : Cât îi Maramureșu' nu-i oraș ca Sighetu', autor Dr. Mihai


Şeful statul ungar, Pal
Schmitt, este acuzat de plagiat

Consiliul de doctorat al
Universităţii Semmelwieiss de la Budapesta a decis iniţierea  procedurii
de revocare a  titlului de doctor acordat lui Pal Schmitt, preşedintele
Ungariei, a anunţat Tivadar Tulassy, rectorul universităţii, citat de presa din
ţara vecină.
Motivul acestei decizii îl constituie
suspiciunea de plagiat legată de lucrarea sa de doctorat, „Analiza programelor
Jocurilor Olimpice moderne", prezentată în 1992 în faţa comisiei
Institutului de Educaţie Fizică. 

Campion olimpic de scrimă, în acea perioadă Pal Schmitt făcea parte din
Comitetul Olimpic Internaţional. La 11 ianuarie a.c., săptămânalul ungar HGV a
dezvăluit faptul că din cele 215 pagini ale tezei sale, peste 200 au fost
traduceri din alte lucrări şi anume din cea a cercetătorului bulgar Nikolai
Georgiev şi a profesorului german Klaus Heinemann.
Autorul, s-a subliniat în articol, nu a indicat
sursele şi nu a avut nici explicaţii de subsol cu privire la provenienţa

În urma scandalului izbucnit şi a numeroaselor cereri de demisie adresate
preşedintelui ţării, Universitatea Semmelweis de care aparţinea în 1992
Institutul de Educaţie Fizică, a decis crearea unei comisii care să 
cerceteze faptele. Marţi a fost dat publicităţii raportul Comisiei, care a
recunoscut toate faptele incriminate, fără însă să formuleze acuzaţia de

Proteste ale studenţilor

Concluzia la care a ajuns a fost că, cerinţele din 1992 au fost altele decât la
ora actuală, astfel că acordarea titlului nu a fost o greşeală. Decizia
Comisiei a provocat dezbateri ample în cercurile academice ungare şi proteste
în rândul studenţilor. Însuşi preşedintele Academiei Ungare de Ştiinţă a
declarat că Schmitt a greşit când a copiat  şi a introdus în teza sa de doctoriat
părţi masive din alte lucrări. Acestea au reprezentat premizele care au
determinat convocarea Consiliului de doctorat.

FIDESZ pregăteşte schimbarea lui Pal Schmitt?

Aflat la Seul, Pal Schmitt a susţinut că nu-şi va da demisia şi că nicio clipă
nu s-a gândit să o facă şi în ceea ce-l priveşte, consideră chestiunea închisă
Deşi Fidesz şi guvernul de coaliţie nu s-au pronunţat în acest caz şi nu i-au
cerut demisia, se pare că, propunând recent unele măsuri referitoare la rolul
şi situaţia preşedintelui ţării, ar pregăti schimbarea lui. Au existat
speculaţii că locul lui ar putea fi ocupat chiar de Viktor Orban, ca o soluţie
pentru a-l înlătura din centrul vieţii politice, în condiţiile în care a
devenit ţinta criticilor Occidentului.




Hungary as a model country

MTI|2012th 03. 25th, 19:39|Last updated: 2012th 03. 25th, 19:47|

The Hungarians are able to recover, and they are
going in the right direction - Viktor Orban told a German TV. In his view, the
new constitution and the laws adopted last year and a half made Hungary become
a model country.

Hungary Greece for more difficult situation in
the change of government before, but again in future as a country is, it serves
the government's reform policies and the Hungarians, the ability to recover, better
than any European nation of - said Prime Minister Viktor Orban, to the Bavarian
public service television (Bayerisches Fernsehen - BR) gave an interview
broadcast on Sunday.
The channel broadcast the Euroblick Prime
Minister said, in order to sample the country back to Hungary in the last year
and a half of the 360 ​​parliament adopted a new constitution and the law. The "very strong" program of
reform of economic policy, whose main concern is that the more people work, and
to reduce the national debt. The
prime minister on Thursday, Munich working visit included an interview Orban
believed the attacks in politics, "a fact of life", the Hungarian
government's policy attacks on and so should not be surprised, because it is "very rare in Europe, a new
constitution adopted." 
When asked to what extent there is unfair
criticism, he replied: There are no perfect people, and all criticism is at
least a hint of truth.
The European Parliament's democratic rights
abuses, promising to szavazatmegvonást fenegetése Viktor Orban, the
"politics of natural history" belongs to the background and says that
"the international left" trying to build the last elections, left
Hungary "shaken". The Prime Minister also said that Europe
means peace. In his view, if
there wasn’t the European Union, then there would be no peace on the continent.
 He added that in previous centuries, the
peoples of the continent have taught that peace is "live and let
live" approach and this can be provided. 

Orban asked that the Hungarians what they know
better than any other European nation, he replied: we can "recover" the last moment to stop the horses, and point
them in the right direction given the fatal rush toward the cart. 
Hungary "section of
international politics, international forces, in part, and partly because of
their debts," was often on the edge of collapse. This was the case in 2010, when
"Greece was  the country is worse
off" the new government took over,
a "very strong policy of reform
" rises again Hungary - said
the Minister.


Magyarország mintaország lesz

MTI|2012. 03. 25., |

A magyarok képesek talpra állni, és helyes
irányba tudják fordítani a végzet felé rohanó szekeret - mondta Orbán Viktor
egy német televízónak. Szerinte az új alkotmány és az utóbbi másfél évben elfogadott
törvények eredeményeként mintaországgá válik Magyarország.

Magyarország Görögországnál is nehezebb
helyzetben volt a kormányváltás előtt, de a jövőben ismét mintaország lesz, ezt
szolgálja a kormány reformpolitikája és a magyarok képessége a talpra állásra,
amelyben jobbak Európa bármely nemzeténél - mondta Orbán Viktor miniszterelnök
a bajor közszolgálati televíziónak (Bayerisches Fernsehen - BR) adott, vasárnap
sugárzott interjúban.
A csatorna Euroblick című műsorában a kormányfő
közölte, annak érdekében, hogy Magyarország ismét mintaország legyen, az
utóbbi másfél évben a parlamentben elfogadtak 360 törvényt és az új alkotmányt.
A "nagyon erős" reformprogram része a gazdaságpolitika is, amelynek
legfőbb törekvése az, hogy minél több ember dolgozhasson és csökkenjen az államadósság. A
miniszterelnök csütörtöki, müncheni munkalátogatásakor felvett interjúban Orbán
úgy vélte, a támadások a politikában "a mindennapok részei", a
magyar kormány politikáját érő támadásokon pedig azért sem szabad meglepődni,
mert "nagyon ritka, hogy Európában új alkotmányt fogadnak
el". Arra a kérdésre, hogy mennyiben tapasztal igazságtalan
kritikát, azt válaszolta: nincsenek hibátlan emberek, és minden bírálatban
van legalább egy cseppnyi igazság.
Az Európai Parlament demokratikus jogok
megsértése miatti, szavazatmegvonást kilátásba helyező fenegetése Orbán Viktor
szerint a "politika természetrajzához" tartozik, hátterében
pedig az áll, hogy a "nemzetközi baloldal" megpróbálja felépíteni a
legutóbbi választásokon "megrendült" magyarországi baloldalt. A
miniszterelnök elmondta azt is, hogy Európa a békét jelenti. Szerinte ha nem
lenne Európai Unió, akkor béke sem lenne a kontinensen. Hozzátette: az előző
évszázad megtanította a kontinens népeinek, hogy a békét az "élni és élni
hagyni" elvét követve lehet biztosítani. 

Orbán arra a kérdésre, hogy a magyarok
mit tudnak jobban, mint minden más európai nemzet, azt
válaszolta: "talpra állni", az utolsó pillanatban megállítani a
lovakat, és a helyes irányba fordítani a végzet felé rohanó szekeret. Magyarország
"részben a nemzetközi politika, részben nemzetközi erők, részben pedig
saját adósságai miatt" gyakran került az összeomlás szélére. Így volt ez
2010-ben is, amikor a "Görögországnál is rosszabb állapotban lévő
országot" átvette az új kormány, amelynek "nagyon erős
reformpolitikájával" ismét felemelkedik Magyarország - mondta a







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Un alt dusman al sanatatii genitale este
reprezentat de zahar. Toate alimentele bogate in zahar afecteaza femeile atat
din punct de vedere genital, cat si digestiv si hormonal.
Zaharul devine astfel un dusman al sanatatii
la modul general. Iar cand spunem zahar nu ne referim la legume sau fructe, ci
chiar la zahar.
Nu este suficient sa nu mai consumati dulciuri
pentru a nu manca in exces zahar, ci trebuie sa verificati si eticheta altor
produse care pot contine zahar, cum ar fi: covrigeii, biscuitii dietetici,
painea, ketchup, mustar

*I have read and accept the terms of service

NAgy kata a neve a skype-on.

 [3/5/12 1:30:41 AM]
Dr. Olga Lazin: mozgas korlatozot. nem lesz problema
[3/5/12 1:31:22 AM]FELHIVLAK HOLNAP IS,  Dr. Olga Lazin: 3 oraval hamarab mint ma.


In timpul actului
sexual secretiile vaginale sunt aduse la nivelul orificiului urinar, ceea ce
face ca microbii sa patrunda usor un uretra femeii. Uretra femeii este foarte
scurta, in medie de 3 cm (variaza cu inaltime a femeii), astfel ca ajungerea
microbilor in vezica urinara si constituirea cistitei se poate realiza usor. In
cazul barbatului acest risc nu exista pentru ca el are uretra lunga, uretra
peniana plus uretra intraabdominala si abia apoi este vezica urinara.
Barbatul avand in
medie peste 20 de cm de uretra. Aceasta lungime mare face imposibila aparitia
unei cistite pe cale retrograda. Daca un barbat tanar are cistita, inseamna ca
de fapt are o malformatie congenitala la nivelul aparatului urinar.
Asadar, ca femeie,
pentru a indeparta microbii ajunsi la orifciul urinar este recomandam ca
imediat dupa sex sa mergeti la toaleta, sa urinati in jet, apoi sa faceti un
dus pentru a curata foarte bne organele genitale. Folositi un prosop curat
destinat zonei genitale si nu un prosop comun pentru tot corpul.

Nu faceti nicidecum SO nici macar
cu sotul vostru; nu se stie niciodata. SUNT BOLI CARE SE TRANSMIT PRIN SEXUL

Description: ituri si adevaruri despre sex si sanatatea sexualaEi bine nici sexul
oral nu este fara riscuri in privinta sanatatii. Insa riscurile sunt mult mai
mici. Va puteti pricopsi cu negi multicolori si alte nenorociri, virusi,
stafilococi etc. Etse oribil. FETELOR este un WARNING!   in
cavitatea bucala, dar si cu alte patologii ca o candidoza linguala.
Desigur, igiena orala si genitala trebuie sa
fie “perfecta”, fara tartru, iar cariile nici nu intra in discutie, daca doriti
sa nu va puneti sanatatea in pericol.
si: Pericolele sexului oral

 The Master (2012 film)

Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Master

Description: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/0/08/TheMaster2012Poster.jpg/220px-TheMaster2012Poster.jpg

Theatrical release poster

Directed by

Produced by

Written by

Paul Thomas Anderson


Music by


Editing by

Leslie Jones

Peter McNulty


Annapurna Pictures

Ghoulardi Film Company

Distributed by

The Weinstein Company(United

Annapurna Pictures

Release date(s)

September 1, 2012(Venice Film Festival)
September 14, 2012(United

Running time

137 minutes


United States




$35 million[1]





Desi teoretic nu poate fi posibil pentru ca
atunci se “schimba” mucoasa uterina, totusi realitatea ne-a divedit ca aceasta
teorie nu este completa.
Poti ramane insarcinata si la menstruatie, mai
ales daca ovulezi spontan (ai un stres sau un orgasm foarte puternic de exemplu
si ovulezi).
Chiar daca uterul este suferind, totusi ovulul
se poate elibera in trompe si dureaza peste o zi pana ajunge in uter, ca atare
poate fi fecundat in trompa de catre spermatozoizi. Apoi menstruatia trece,
uterul e numai bine pregatit sa tina o sarcina, iar oul ajunge din trompa in
uter si gata sarcina.
Aceste cazuri nu sunt insa foarte frecvente,
dar sunt. Asadar protectia impotriva sarcinii trebuie sa existe si la
menstruatie, daca aveti contacte sexuale in aceasta perioada.

– Hotel & Adventure Park

Description: espre Arsenal Park - poveste si semnificatie
Despre Arsenal Park - poveste si semnificatie
Istoria Arsenal Park
Fosta bază
secretă și fabrică de muniție din Orăștie a devenit în anul 2009 o fabrică de
adrenalină: ARSENAL PARK – complex turistic cu 3 stele pe
epoleți, singurul cu tematică militară din Europa.
Teritoriul ARSENAL PARK are o puternică încărcătură militară.
Undeva între anii 1936 și 1938, regele Carol al II-lea a dispus darea în
folosință armatei a unui spațiu de 88 de hectare pentru desfășurarea a diverse
experimente în domeniul materialului explozibil și al muniției. În perioada
celui de-al
Doilea Război Mondial, fabrica ajunsese al doilea producător de
muniție ca și cantitate din Europa. În perioada comunistă se spunea că este cel
mai bine păzit loc din România, raportul fiind de un soldat la fiecare trei
muncitori. Partea neagră a istoriei nu a ocolit nici acest spațiu prin multele
accidente care au avut loc de a lungul istoriei, unele raportate altele nu.
După revoluție, fabrica a intrat într-un declin dramatic,
societatea hunedoreană fiind scoasă la vânzare în anul 2003. A fost
achizițonată de  societatea timișoreană Timco, membră a Bega Grup,
iar perspectivele complexului fiind excelent speculate de proprietarii
grupului, ideile s-au îndreptat către un proiect total inedit pentru aceste
meleaguri, spre crearea unui complex turistic la cel mai înalt nivel calitativ,
cu o tematică total diferită de ceea ce ar putea oferi locațiile similare: cea
Description: espre Arsenal Park - poveste si semnificatie
Acolo unde se fabricau mine și
explozibil, acum se fabrică pace. Ceea ce părea să fie sfârșitul este o nouă
pagină în istoria locului. ARSENAL PARK a creat o nouă formă vacanță:
experiența cvasimilitară. În perimetrul fostei fabrici de armamament din Orăștie
s-a păstrat spiritul bărbătesc și atmosfera de cazarmă, însă în locul
atelierelor în ruină, a buncărelor și depozitelor de muniții a răsărit o oază
modernă de vacanță. Buncărele și depozitele de muniție abandonate ale fostei
fabrici Rompiro au fost transformate în vile și apartamente de lux.
Arsenal Park – destinația turistică preferată pentru vacanțe și
Complexul de vacanță include 200 de locuri de cazare, iar turiștii
excentrici pot dormi pe paturi amplasate pe afeturi de tun în Camera Tun,
în TAB-uri,
în camere simple de Ofițer sau luxoase în Apartamente Colonel și în Vile
General. Arsenal Park se întinde pe o suprafață de 88 de hectare, fiind situat
în mijlocul unei păduri de foioase de la marginea municipiului Orăștie.
Aleile complexului turistic sunt străjuite de 70 de tunuri, TAB-uri,
transportoare șenilate, dispositive antirachetă, mitraliere și tunuri
antiaeriene, lansatoare de rachete, camioane militare, o ambulanță militară, o
locomotivă, un avion IAR 93, un elicopter Kamov Ka 26. Acesta este cel mai mare muzeu de tehnică militară din România deschis publicului.
au la dispoziție un areal vast de terenuri pentru exploatare și o mulțime de activități care să îi țină antrenați: instrucție
militară, lupte de airsoft și paintball, tir cu arme foc, cu arme de airsoft și
paintball, tir cu arcul, plimbări cu transportorul șenilat, concursuri de
drezină, închiriere mașini de golf, biciclete, go-kart bikes, segway, etc.
și relaxarea se completează în cel mai fericit mod la Arsenal Park.
Activitățile antrenante alternează cu sesiuni odihnitoare pentru trup și minte
la ARSENAL SPA – cel mai modern centru spa din vestul
și centrul țării. SPA-ul Arsenal Park dispune de o sală de fitness, saune
finlandeze și cu infraroșu, o piscină cu dispozitive de masaj în apă și cu înot
contracurent, o cameră de relaxare și camere pentru masaj și tratamente
Flancat de cele 2 terase, Restaurantul-Popotă
este cu adevărat unic în țară, prin decorațiunile army. Clienții sunt încântați
de cele mai gustoase preparate din bucătăria românească și internațională, dar
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Plo the results on a curve. Dan Gilbert, author of
"Stumbling on Happiness," challenges the idea that we’ll be miserable
if we don’t get what we want. Our "psychological immune system" lets
us feel truly happy even when things don’t go as planned. Experience simulator
our marvelous adaptation skill, how it works. Chose between winning the lottery
& becoming paraplegic, handicapped. They are equally happy in their lives.
The impact bias; the simulator behaves badly. Passing a college exam has a long
duration, and has great impact on UR happiness. Convert adversity to
prosperity. The machinery is in our brains, the immunity machine is in our
brain; we synthesize happiness, but think, we can find it out there somewhere,
which is not true. Jim Wright, powerful democrat who lost his power. But he
felt happy.  Ray Crock started McDonalds,
the richest man in America. The secret of happiness; 1st accrue power and
prestige; then lose it. Ironies exemplified. Natural happiness is what we get
when we want it. Churning the economic engine of synthetic happiness. Mari
nation in data. 6 objects; which one you like the most, to the one you like the
least. (He uses Monet prints). The one I got makes me happy, the one I didn't,
really sucks. b. Amnesiacs patients, Polyneurotic psychosis (don’t know who you
are, if they met you recently; lost their near memory). Normals can synthetize
happiness thy changed their reaction to the prints, as they owned the prints.
It is a mental trick; YOU OWE the prints. It turns out that freedom is the
friend of natural happiness. But is the enemy of synthetic happiness. Accept
the things that you cannot change. YOU FIND A WAY TO BE HAPPY. B. The black
& White photography Course.
I get to keep one, you get to keep one. You can swap it out
with me. What the students thing: what is really happening before the swap;
people who are deliberating don't like their picture because the irreversible
condition is not conducive to synthetic happiness.66% want to be deeply
dissatisfied with the picture. Made hyperbolically. ADAM says:" over
rating the situation, find quote. The remorse for the horror of our own
injustice. Preferences drive us too fast; so we are at risk; unbounded ambition
leads us to. BOUDNED FEARS ARE GOOD. OUR LONGIGN are usually overblown.

The Global Guru: Why
You Should Give a Hoot About Global Currencies

By Eagle Financial PublicationsJuly 30, 2014, 10:18:57 AM EDT
 of global currency
movements is tough for most American investors to get their heads around.
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Looking to make the difficult and remote even more
philosophically complex, currency speculator extraordinaire George Soros once
opined that investing in currencies is an “existential choice.”
Now before you reach for your well-thumbed copy of
existential philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre’s “Being and Nothingness,” understand
that Soros’s point has nothing to do with the thinking of this Gauloises
cigarette-smoking, womanizing French rake.
Soros’ point is that no matter what you invest in, you are
always also betting on a currency -- whether you know it or not.
So when you buy a share of Facebook (FB), this
U.S.-dollar denominated stock carries U.S. dollar risk with it. You just don’t
think about it because the U.S. government does not have a history of
announcing an overnight currency devaluation -- as governments elsewhere in the
world have done in the past.
Throw in the fact that Facebook gets a growing percentage
of its revenues from overseas in non-dollar denominated currencies, and you
start to see why currencies matter. And that’s even if you are comfortably
ensconced far afield on the beach in Naples, Florida.
Enter The “Big Mac” Index
Britain’s Economist magazine has just updated its measure
of global currencies -- the “Big Mac Index.”
The “Big Mac Index” has provided a tongue-in-cheek but
surprisingly useful way of measuring purchasing power parity (PPP) since 1986
-- that is, the relative over- and undervaluation of the world’s currencies
compared to the U.S. dollar.
The Big Mac Index is useful tool for assessing the
relative over- and undervaluation of the U.S. dollar -- according to the
textbook measures of “purchasing power parity.”
According to the theory of purchasing power parity, a U.S.
dollar should buy the same amount of the same good across all countries.
The “Big Mac” Index compares the cost
of Big Macs (MCD) -- an
identical item sold in about 120 countries -- and calculates the exchange rate
(the Big Mac PPP) that would result in hamburgers costing the same in the
United States as they do abroad.
Once you compare the Big Mac PPP to the market exchange
rates, you see which currencies are under- or overvalued.
I like to think of purchasing power parity as the
“fundamentals” of a currency.
But as with stock prices, exchange rates can often diverge
substantially from their fundamentals.
The Economist highlighted the following example:
A Big Mac costs 48 kroner ($7.77) in Norway but only $4.80
in the United States. That makes the kroner overvalued by 61.8% and makes it
the most overvalued currency in the index. In contrast, the Big Mac costs just
$1.62 in Ukraine, making its currency the weakest looked at by the Economist.
Ukraine beat out long-time cheapest “Big Mac” champion India -- though because
Hindus don’t eat beef, Big Macs in India are made of chicken.
One Way to Think About
Another good intellectual shorthand is to think of a
currency as the “stock” of a country.
Much like stocks, overvalued currencies become overvalued
for reasons that have little to do with their fundamentals.
These include a country’s future prospects, its perceived
“safe haven” status or, as in the case of Brazil, just plain investment
About four years ago, the Brazilian
real was 52% overvalued based on the Big Mac Index. That was because Brazil was
perceived to be (yet again) the “country of the future.” But as Brazil’s economic growth has
tumbled as the government introduced populist policies, the reputation of
Brazil’s currency has suffered a big fall.
Today, the real is “only” 22.1% overvalued compared to the
U.S. dollar. But on the Economist’s scale adjusted for gross domestic product
(GDP), the real today is still overvalued by an eye-popping 86.8%.
Over the past few years, savvy Brazilians have been quick
to convert their overvalued Brazilian reals into Miami condominiums. Based on
the current “Big Mac” Index, they would be wise to continue to do so.
Puzzling also is the continued “safe haven” status of the
Swiss franc, as well as the still-remaining Scandinavian currencies, the
Norwegian Krona and Swedish crown. These currencies have been consistently the
most overvalued currencies in the world over the past decade. Today, according
to the Big Mac index, each is overvalued by 42.4%, 61.8% and 24.2%,
Here is one possible explanation.
Deep-pocketed investors don’t think of these currencies
like they do others.
Much like central London property, they hold these
currencies simply as a way to store value.
When you have too much money, your “existential choice” is
about keeping what you have safe.
And these currencies offer the opportunity to do just
The ‘Exorbitant Privilege’ of
the U.S. Dollar
Just last week, French Finance Minister Michel Sapin
launched into a rant about the U.S. dollar’s unfairly dominant position in the
international financial system.
He’s not the first Frenchman to do so.
Almost 50 years since Valéry Giscard d’Estaing did the
same complaining about the U.S. dollar’s “exorbitant privilege.”
Much to the consternation of the “doom and gloom” crowd,
the U.S. dollar has maintained its exorbitant privilege as the world’s
safe-haven currency.
And looking at the “Big Mac Index,” the editors of the
Economist conclude that the U.S. dollar is faring quite well, thank you.
Despite predictions of the “death of the dollar,” the U.S.
dollar has gained ground on its emerging markets rivals since the global financial
The average valuation of the emerging-market currencies in
the Economist’s GDP-weighted index has moved from roughly neutral in 2009 to
about 15% undervalued against the dollar this year.
It turns out that the recovering U.S. economy and the Federal
Reserve’s gradual reduction of quantitative easing is making the U.S. dollar
ever more attractive.
So there you have it...
Currencies add an extra, complex dimension to the
investment process.
But understanding how to think about currencies can give
you just the extra edge you need to make better and more profitable global
investments in the future.
In case you missed it, I encourage you
to read my e-letter column from last week about why investing in Russia may not
be a crazy idea
. I also invite you to comment in the space
provided below my Eagle Daily Investor commentary.

Nicholas Vardy, CFA
Editor, The Global Guru

Subscribe to my Newsletter and Trading

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Check out my Blog.
Nicholas Vardy has a unique background that
has proven his knack for making money in different markets around the world.
P.S. My colleagues and I just finished putting
together a FREE special report to help investors of all stripes navigate the
markets – and profit handsomely – through the rest of 2014.
Click here now to claim your free copy of The Top 12 Stocks You Should Buy Right

views and opinions expressed herein are the views and opinions of the author
and do not necessarily reflect those of The NASDAQ OMX Group, Inc.

article appears in: 
Investing , Forex
and Currencies
 , International , Investing Ideas


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