Pace Express Day 1 Workout Sample - YouTube; P.A.C.E. & Democracy

Pace Express Day 1 Workout Sample - YouTube:
Dear Reader, hereby we present some videos on how to exercise to prolong your TELOMERE.
Last week a popular newsletter mentioned me on a list of the world’s top integrative medicine doctors. They even had a little paragraph that mentioned I’m well known for my work in fitness and exercise.
I’m happy people know me for showing people how the right kind of exertion can increase heart and lung power, and has helped thousands of people lose fat and regain their metabolism.
But there’s another reason why I’m happy to let people know about the right kind of exertion:
It’s good for your brain.
Let me give you just one example of what I’m talking about.
In a study from the University of California, San Francisco, researchers looked at results from clinical trials on 163,797 people. Buried in the middle of it is an incredible number: Those who got the least physical activity had an 82% higher rate of Alzheimer’s disease.1
Excess plaques, proteins and “white matter” build up in the brains of people with Alzheimer’s. Some of this happens when not enough oxygen and blood get to your brain tissue.
This is where you needs a robust “cognitive reserve.” That’s like a protective buffer zone in your brain. It allows your brain to keep functioning even if tangles and plaques are developing.
Cognitive reserve explains why an autopsy can show physical signs of Alzheimer’s in the brain but the person never showed any symptoms. Their cognitive reserve kept them functioning.

Physical exercise builds up your cognitive reserve. But you’ll want to choose an activity that boosts your cardiopulmonary fitness. This is a measure of how fit your heart and lungs are.
Notice how this is NOT cardiovascular fitness.
Shorter bursts of exertion focused on cardiopulmonary fitness increase the power of your heart and lungs. Longer bouts of exercise that focus on making your heart and lungs efficient – cardiovascular fitness – do almost nothing for heart and lung power.
But it’s the heart and lung power that make a difference in preventing Alzheimer’s and dementia.
A new study illustrates what I’m talking about. Researchers looked at 2,747 people between 18 and 30 years old. Using a treadmill test they measured each person’s cardiopulmonary fitness at the beginning of the study which was started 25 years ago.
Recently, they tested everyone for memory and reaction speed. People who had more heart and lung power at the beginning of the study had better memory and faster reaction times. Their brains benefitted more over the long term by building heart and lung power.2
It’s just more proof of the far-reaching benefits of exerting yourself with a focus on the intensity of the challenge you give your heart and lungs. It’s why I named my system Progressively Accelerating CardiopulmonaryExertion, or P.A.C.E.
Early on, I wanted to find a way to help people be able to do interval training, which at the time seemed to be the most beneficial to your health. But along the way I discovered that if you just focus on increasing the challenge with progressivity and acceleration, the journey turned out to be greater than the destination.
The best part is that P.A.C.E. works well no matter what your current fitness level is. Start out slowly and gradually increase the challenge. Either increase the number of repetitions you do or how fast you do them. Over time, you’ll notice it gets easier and easier to do your exercises at a higher intensity.
I feel so strongly about the benefits of P.A.C.E. my PACE Express fitness system that I want you to try it for yourself. So here’s the first workout from PACE Express with my compliments:
Prolongs our Telomeres:

Democrația nu înseamnă numai dreptul de a-i trimite pe toți în pi…. mă-sii, dar și obligația de a pleca acolo, dacă asta vrea majoritatea.
Democratia se bazeaza pe trei principii: libertatea cuvantului, libertatea cugetului si intelepciunea de a nu le folosi pe cele doua precedente.

Democratia baga poporul intr-un joc controlat, dar in care poporul nu are controlul asupra jocului.

Democratia este o superstitie bazata pe statistica.

Democratia este inlocuita din ce in ce mai mult prin demografie si demoscopie.

Daca votul democratic ne-ar aduce ceva folositor sau vreo schimbare in bine, nu ne-ar mai lasa astia sa votam.

Votul democratic este alegerea intre lac si put.
Votul democratic ne garanteaza ca nu vom mai bine guvernati decat o meritam.

Oricarui guvern ii este groaza de democratie.

Democratia este calea de mijloc, care trece peste tot si nu duce nicaieri.

Prin vot democratic va fi ales acela, pe care bogatii vor trebui sa-l mituiasca.

Democratia e ca un slagar pe care toti il canta, dar caruia nimeni nu-i cunoaste textul.

Democratia este triumful covarsitoarei majoritati asupra covarsitoarei minoritati.

Democratie este atunci cand vaca are dreptul sa-l aleaga pe acela care o va mulge.Democratie este atunci cand turma de oi il conduce pe magar.

Intr-o democratie puterea pleaca de la popor, dar ea rar se reintoarce la acesta.

Inainte de alegerile democratice ne intreaba pisoiul, catelusul si mielul cam ce ne-am dori de mancare. Dupa alegeri hotarasc democratic tigrul, lupul si oaia ce vom manca.

Democratia e ca sexul: daca e buna, e foarte buna. Daca e doar asa si-asa, tot e buna.

Democratie nu inseamna ca eu sunt egal cu tine, ci ca tu esti egal cu mine.
Democratie este atunci cand in acelasi timp unul baga viteza, iar celalalt franeaza si totusi nu se intampla nici un accident.

Democratia este forma politica in care fiecare cetatean primeste ceea ce merita majoritatea.

Intr-o democratie ai voie sa alegi intre a vrea ceea ce vrea majoritatea sau a accepta ce-ti dau cei alesi de ea.

Democratia este ca o bariera: javrele si jigodiile se tarasc pe sub ea, lupii si leii sar peste ea si doar boii si bivolii raman in fata ei.Democratia a trebuit inventata pentru a impaca libertatea individuala cu conducerea pluralista.

Intr-o democratie este mai important cel care voteaza, decat cel care numara voturile.
Intr-o dictatura e invers.

Principiul fifty-fifty pe care se bazeaza democratia este bănuiala periodică a faptului că 50% din oameni au dreptate ceva mai mult de 50% din timp.

Democraţia este abilitatea de a coordona din afara circul din cuşca maimuţelor.
Democraţia este mai degraba o culegere de principii decât o formă de guvernare.

Democratia garanteaza fiecaruia libertatea cuvantului. Ea nu garanteaza insa, ca fiecare va fi si ascultat. 
(Addenda: NSA ne asculta cu mare atentie, deci democratia e in toaleta...)

in Santa Monica 2014, Sept, 9

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