The American & Mexican Legislative System Compared:Sistemul Legislativ American Vs Sistemul Legislativ Mexican Lazin Amparo

O comparatie analitica a sistemului Legislativ American vs Sistemul Legislativ Mexican si Romanesc, bazat pe Codul Roman Latin, invechit: Lazin Amparo:

Pe Slideshare: The AMERICAN LEGISLATION COmpared to the Mexican Legislative SYSTEM:"

<a href="//" title="Lazin Amparo

<iframe src="//" width="425" height="355" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no" style="border:1px solid #CCC; border-width:1px; margin-bottom:5px; max-width: 100%;" allowfullscreen> </iframe> <div style="margin-bottom:5px"> <strong> <a href="//" title="Lazin Amparo&amp;Habeas Compared,May08" target="_blank">Lazin Amparo&amp;Habeas Compared,May08</a> </strong> from <strong><a href="//" target="_blank">UCLA</a></strong> </div>

Social Security Works
Dr Olgà Lazin wants you to rally for SS.

Democrats have historically been the party of Social Security and champions of the Middle Class—so what happened last Tuesday?

Social Security Works’ founding co-directors Nancy Altman and Eric
Kingson have just recently published an analysis of the election and a
rallying call for the American people to fight for big ideas, to create
the country we want to live in, and to fight to expand Social Security.
They said:

much of the national Democratic brand has been, in President Truman's
words, "a Republican in Democratic clothing" on the vital issue of the
future of Social Security. Cheered on by the Third Way, Fix The Debt,
and other Wall Street-funded lobbying organizations, as well as the
Washington Post and other elite media, many Democrats followed the
leadership of the Administration, casting their lot with false-centrist
Republican-lite policies and rhetoric regarding Social Security."

In an interview with Social Security on the morning of the election, Senator Boxer barbara said:

of the families in our country today have less than $10,000 in the bank.
And if you’re thinking of retiring with a shred of dignity, you know
that Social Security needs to be strengthened and you know it needs to
be expanded.

What our strategy should be is to get on the offensive and say, “of
course we’re not going to cut Social Security, but our goal is to expand
Social Security and there are very simple ways we can do that.”
In this election, we saw the way
Karl Rove used weak support of the Bowles-Simpson plan as a cudgel
against leniant/lazy Democrats who stood for nothing. Crossroads GPS ran ads muddying
the water about Republicans’ offers to cut Social Security. He attacked
Democrats for compromising on cuts to earned benefits to appease the
Republicans. As Nancy and Eric Holdersay:

is nothing ‘centrist’ about cutting Social Security. There is no large
segment of the US population for which cutting Social Security is
popular, left, center or right. As a recent write-up of a Pew survey on
increasing polarization in America put it, “Americans are divided on
everything, except their love of Social Security.”

NOW OR NEVER, as you can see, our work continues Sysyfikly. We now face a Republican-led Congress with
leadership who have repeatedly stated their desire to cut Social
Security. They will wilt away only in the face of united and fierce
opposition from the American people. So what we have to do now is very
clear: turn up the volume and make sure they hear us loud and clear, Expand Social Security Now!

Thank you,

Social Security PROJECT @ UCLA.


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