Fastest healing power in the world - DHA from - Gmail

Fastest healing power in the world - - Gmail: from Al Sears, excellent M.D.:

Polok and Asthaxatin are essential for Brain Health

It Rushes Into Your Cells When
I Add Squid Oil To Krill
Combining my squid oil with krill oil gives both squid and krill the power to penetrate deeply - getting DHA into every hungry cell in your body.
Squid oil
How does this happen?
The secret - and no one else is doing this - is that my squid oil rides "piggy back" on krill oil.
My krill oil is able to penetrate into spaces where DHA normally could not go, flooding every cell in your body with omega-3s and their all-important help.
You could, of course, buy squid and krill oil separately, but they wouldn't be working together - partnering to gain access to your every cell - the way they do in my Ultra Omeganol.
The only way to get this powerful one-two punch is with my brand new, breakthrough Ultra Omeganol.
You Could Hardly Walk - Let Alone Run -
Without DHA
We all worry a little about eventually slowing down.
But pretty much everything we worry about can be dramatically improved when we take in enough of the DHA our cells need.
When DHA kicks in, it supports some of your most vital functions:
  • You'll see better - thanks to better corneal health.*
  • You'll move better - thanks to healthy joint movement.
  • You'll look better - thanks to healthier skin.
There are lots of other important benefits as well:
  • Your nerve tissue will be healthier.*
  • You'll have normal inflammatory response.*
  • You'll enjoy healthy levels of HDL cholesterol (the "good" cholesterol).
I had all of this uppermost in mind when I added Argentinian squid oil with its highly concentrated DHA to my Ultra Omeganol.
Never Lose Your Most Cherished Memories
“My Focus and Memory Are Back at Age-30 Levels...”
“I was a little worried when I started blanking out on things that used to be routine. All those ‘senior moments’ started way too young. But they suddenly stopped when I started taking Ultra Omeganol. Now, I feel my focus and memory are back at age-30 levels. I have no plans to ever stop taking this!”
— Matt K.; Jupiter, FL
Your brain uses DHA to stay sharp and focused. People with high levels of DHA learn faster and remember more, because DHA boosts a protein in your brain that enhances learning and recall.
DHA also makes it easier for you to remember more.
Those wonderful memories you cherish?
Well, DHA helps ensure they never fade.
A loved one's soothing words, a special trip, the birth of a grandchild, a treasured anniversary - these are all things you don't ever want to lose.
The DHA in my Ultra Omeganol will help keep them as bright and fresh as the moment you heard them - or as day they actually occurred.
DHA, Ultra Omeganol, And Your Brain Cells
DHA levels provide an early warning sign for dementia.
The famous Framingham Heart Study established that participants with the highest level of DHA (the top quarter) had a 47% lower risk of dementia than those with lower DHA levels.11
Researchers are still working to fully understand DHA's role in all this.12
In the meantime, though, there is no question but that seafood - including the Argentinian squid oil in my Ultra Omeganol and the DHA it's packed with - supports normal brain function.
Thanks To My Ultra Omeganol,
You Can Finally Forget Fish Oil
Just like you, I relied for years on fish oil for the life-enhancing power of DHA.
After all, it was the only source we had for omega-3s, long recognized as essential to good health.
But fish oil does not absorb well. And using it meant living with the constant threat of an unpleasant, embarrassing "fishy" smell.
Both of these problems disappear the moment you stop using fish oil and start using Ultra Omeganol.
Yes, it really is that simple.
Just one softgel a day, and you've done all you need to do to get DHA into your cells - plus, you'll never have to worry about fish odor again.
Ultra Omeganol Gets The Power Of DHA
Past Your Blood-Brain Barrier
As important as squid and krill oil are to the health of your brain, they would be useless if they could not actually reach your brain.
That's why I've added one final - and crucial - ingredient to Ultra Omeganol.
It's called astaxanthin.
Astaxanthin ensures that the essential DHA in squid and fish oil gets though the blood-brain barrier13 - instead of being turned away (the way a spam filter works inside your computer).
If that were all astaxanthin did, it would be reason enough to add it to Ultra Omeganol.
But it actually plays one other key role.
As anyone who has ever bought fish oil knows, it can quickly go rancid. The moment you open a bottle, it not only begins to lose its potency - it starts to smell.
But not if you add astaxanthin to it - as I do.
Astaxanthin is the world's most powerful antioxidant:
  • 6,000 times more effective than vitamin C,
  • 800 times more effective than CoQ10, and
  • 500 times more effective than vitamin E.14,15
Astaxanthin's most important benefit is that it pushes DHA past the blood-brain barrier and propels it deep into your brain cells.
And then, as an added bonus I'm sure you'll welcome, it spares you the intense embarrassment of fish smell.
Start Using Toxin-Free, Fast-Absorbing, Easily Digestible Ultra Omeganol Today
As my patients know, I am always moving ahead to discover something new - not for novelty's sake, but because my discoveries are major advances over what others have settled for.
And because I stay ahead of everyone else, you stay ahead of everyone else. This has never been truer than with Ultra Omeganol:
  • I was the first to have discovered the extraordinary power of squid oil, and used it in the formulation of Ultra Omeganol.
  • I was the first to have paired squid and krill oil, to ensure that DHA reaches into every cell in your body - in fact, I am the only person doing so today.
  • I was the first to have combined squid and krill oil with toxin-free Alaskan Pollock.
  • I was the first to have brought squid and krill oil, pollock, and astaxanthin together to ensure my omega-3s get past the blood-brain barrier.
I have brought all these "firsts" together and combined their benefits to deliver a remarkable, precedent-shattering breakthrough you will want to order today - Ultra Omeganol.
I Take Your Health Very Seriously ...
As If You Were One Of My Own Family!
We only use the absolute best, natural ingredients in every one of our products. I can guarantee that Ultra Omeganol doesn't include a single synthetic ingredient.
In addition, my warehouse checks each shipment to ensure it matches my high standards.

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