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Films and Pictures; July 4th; San Pedro Best Foods for Cleansing Your Liver and Eliminating Belly Fat | Health Shortcut

Best Foods for Cleansing Your Liver and Eliminating Belly Fat | Health Shortcut:
Rana Foorohar, @ TIME.

Simply drinking a glass of juice every day will improve your health, but it will not magically eliminate fat, unless you are using a special cleanse that is effective for losing weight, like the one described in Drew Canole’s e-book.  Remember that belly fat is not used by your body for energy, which makes it almost impossible to ‘burn off’. Detoxing your body is the only proven and effective way to get rid of it, after which excessive body fat is often eliminated by your body as well.
You often hear of people losing a lot of weight (50+ pounds) after going on a juice fast. Although I don’t necessarily recommend this, as it is a bit too extreme, it just goes to show that detoxing your body really does eliminate stubborn fat. The amount of fat those people lost cannot be explained by any caloric equation and is therefore NOT a result of simply eating less calories.
‘Clogged up’ liver is a major reason why many people are having trouble losing weight. Your liver is the main storage organ for glucose and if it is clogged up with toxins, your energy metabolism simply doesn’t work right. Living in todays age, we consume countless unnatural substances and toxins even with our drinking water. Our body doesn’t know what to do with them, so it puts them in our fat cells. Fat-soluble toxins cannot be eliminated by the kidneys, which is why they are stored in the fat cells of your body. This explains why some people have a lot of trouble losing weight, regardless of how little they eat – the toxic overload makes it impossible for your body to readily burn body fat for energy, without releasing all the stored toxins first.

Best Foods and Spices for Detoxing Your Liver

Turmeric is used as a hangover remedy in some countries, because it detoxifies your liver. Unfortunately, sprinkling some curry on your chicken isn’t really sufficient to produce any noticeable results. Consuming half a teaspoon a day, combined with some black pepper (it boosts the absorption of curcumin, the active chemical in turmeric) will start to clear toxins from your liver. You can add turmeric to rice or simply drink it in some water.
Avocados contain glutathione, which is the detoxifying chemical your liver uses to flush toxins. The high monounsaturated fat content also helps to eliminate fatty deposits in the liver. Monounsaturated fats are turned into glycerides and travel into the liver through the hepatic vein. Once there, they bind to toxic fatty build-ups and flush them out.
Tomatoes are high in lycopene, which is a powerful antioxidant. Once ingested, it travels through your bloodstream and provides antioxidants for your body. One study even found out that sun damage is reduced greatly after consumption of tomato paste – that’s because lycopene reaches the skin as well, absorbing harmful sun radiation. In the liver, lycopene acts the same way as other antioxidants – it neutralizes free radicals, which cause DNA damage.
Cucumber Juice
Drinking a glass or two of cucumber juice each day is a nice way to detox your liver. Not only does it taste good (try it if you don’t believe me), but it is loaded with vitamins, antioxidants and minerals. It is a great replacement for water during the summer months and cleanses your whole body.
Green Tea
The benefits of green tea are countless. The EGCG it contains also promotes the elimination of dead hepatic cells, which often contain a lot of toxins. The liver naturally eliminates those cell deposits on its own, but the problem arises when it cannot keep up with the toxins you ingest. Green tea speeds up that clearance, which quickly detoxifies your liver.

Eliminating Processed Food

Eliminating processed food will allow your body to get rid of the toxins more quickly. Simply look at food labels. Eat foods that contain basic ingredients. Avoid foods that contain any ingredient a 4-year old cannot recognize. Eating a plant-based diet helps a lot, but you don’t necessarily have to avoid meat. I still think it’s a great source of protein and eat it almost every day. However, avoid fried meat, as it is very high in nitrosamines, which lead to direct liver toxicity.
If you are not sticking to a special program for cleansing your body and instead trying to eliminate processed food and consume more healthy food without any plan, you can expect some hurdles, such as food cravings. Mild physical symptoms of sugar withdraw can also occur and headaches are common. Don’t let those small hurdles prevent you from sticking to your cleanse. The end result will be well worth it!

Cleansing Your Liver to Lose Weight, Eliminate Belly Fat and Sky-Rocked Your Energy Levels

Simply drinking a glass of juice every day will improve your health, but it will not magically eliminate fat, unless you are using a special cleanse that is effective for losing weight, like the one described in Drew Canole’s e-book.  Remember that belly fat is not used by your body for energy, which makes it almost impossible to ‘burn off’. Detoxing your body is the only proven and effective way to get rid of it, after which excessive body fat is often eliminated by your body as well.
Now, here is is: 
Imagine waking up tomorrow, looking yourself in the mirror and seeing your dream body – a slimmer and fitter you that you hadn't seen in years (or maybe ever!)

...Imagine feeling alive, naturally energized, and well rested as if you hadn't slept in weeks – and you finally caught up on all your sleep. This is how you feel every single morning now.

...Imagine going to a dinner party and having all of your friends come up and ask you,"What have you been doing?? I want some of that!"

Your mind is clear, you feel light and blissful in the morning. You get to work and you can just focus like a laser beam and get things done at record pace.
Throughout your day, you don't feel as hungry like you used to and you only crave the RIGHT foods – greens, fruits, and healthy proteins. You eat and truly enjoy delicious foods without guilt because you know they make you leaner and healthier with every bite.

You can finally fit into those old skinny jeans. That gut is no longer sticking out – just a flat stomach and slim waist is all you have. You can wear any clothes you feel like, because you know you'll look GOOD in them.

In fact you can't WAIT to go to the beach, or family party, or social function because you're only going to turn heads - especially from the opposite sex.

Your friends and family are wondering what the heck happened. You've transformed!And people are constantly asking "How'd you do it?!" They want to know your secret!
You're in full control of how much more fat you want to burn, or how much lean muscle you want to put on to get more defined, more sculpted. Your confidence is through the roof. You KNOW you'll reach your goal.

And as a result, you have unstoppable motivation and will power.

You're inspiring those around you to help them do the same. Your relationship with your spouse, kids, family and friends is full of more love, giving, inspiration, and sharing. Your performance at work has never been better.

Abu baki albagdadhi still free. find him! July 4th. 
Posted by Angelina on March 25th 2014
EU & IMF, they wont let him (ALEXIS) have his own way. Cyprus take a proposal to  Belgium. The global economy has shrugged off this crisis.

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B. Quaaluds from Cosby did horrible things (Benadryl- left women half-cosciouss) deborah Feyerick, avocata femeilor. used his celebrity as a mask. 49 women are validated. Petti Masten

What becomes real is, substantiates everything that women alleged. Documents. Cosby on CNN

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