The Half Day™ Diet, by CHAD, Great Read! ON VTA

The Half Day™ Diet:

Yet if you've ever tried a low carb diet you probably know about the inevitable cravings and binges that end up killing your progress and even forcing you to gain back all the weight and more...
Now did you know those carb and sugar cravings are controlled by a mysterious little part of the brain that MIT scientists call the LH-VTA loop? I just call it the Carb-Loop and it holds the key to sticking to your nutrition plan and losing all the weight you desire.
However cutting carbs or eating carbohydrates at the wrong times will keep you trapped in the Carb-Loop and at the mercy of the cravings and late night binges responsible for your weight gain.
Bottom Line: Even savvy folks just like you have been misled and lied to by "big food" companies and misguided 
"Yet if you've ever tried a low carb diet you probably know about the inevitable cravings and binges that end up killing your progress and even forcing you to gain back all the weight and more...

Now did you know those carb and sugar cravings are controlled by a mysterious little part of the brain that MIT scientists call the LH-VTA loop? I just call it the Carb-Loop and it holds the key to sticking to your nutrition plan and losing all the weight you desire.

However cutting carbs or eating carbohydrates at the wrong times will keep you trapped in the Carb-Loop and at the mercy of the cravings and late night binges responsible for your weight gain.

Bottom Line: Even savvy folks just like you have been misled and lied to by "big food" companies and misguided "

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