What Is Coming Up If you Google PROFMEX: How To Publish Your Book on Smashwords

Dear Jim--


How to write YOUR OWN BOOK:

Smashwords Style Guide

Rated 4.69/5 based on 344 reviews
The Smashwords Style Guide has helped thousands of authors produce and publish high-quality ebooks. This free guide offers simple step-by-step instructions to create, format and publish an ebook. It's required reading for any author who wants to distribute their book via Smashwords to major ebook retailers such as Apple iBooks, Barnes & Noble, Scribd, Oyster & Kobo. Revised September 24, 2014. More
About Mark Coker
I'm Mark, founder of Smashwords. Our mission is simple: we want to create the world's single best ebook publishing and distribution platform for

Iata in ce alimente se gaseste E 621 :  

Pate de ficat
Pate vegetal
Nu cumparati pate, floricele sau salam pe etichetele carora apare aditivul glutamat monosodic !!
Fără ca măcar să-şi dea seama, omul devine atât de neputincios şi lipsit de vlagă.
De ce mâncăm fără să ne mai putem opri, până ajungem obezi? 
Un procent de 0,6% glutamat de monosodiu (MSG) este suficient pentru a-i determina pe oameni să mănânce tot mai mult ÅŸi mai repede; in literatura de specialitate, "ÅŸoareci trataÅ£i cu MSG" este o expresie sinonimă cu obezitatealetargia ÅŸi creÅŸterea nivelului de insulină.
Când un om consumă o masă în care este adăugat MSG, acestuia i se face curând foame din nou ÅŸi va consuma o cantitate mai mare de hrană 

Glutamatul potenţează comportamentul agresiv şi antisocial, scăzând totodată nivelul de atenţie şi concentrare'
Hai sa ne uitam pe etichetele alimentelor si o sa intelegem ce ne baga in pamant inainte de vreme.
Este vorba de E 621 - sau glutamat monosodic - un aditiv, potentiator de gust sau de aroma care stimuleaza apetitul consumatorului si il face sa creada ca a mancat ceva foarte gustos. In realitate, omul consuma ceva extrem de nociv

"Poate produce dureri de cap, slabiciune, greata, astm, modificari de ritm cardiac. Poate declansa maladiile Huntington (dementa, pierderea abilitatilor mentale, tulburari de personalitate si de comportament), Alzheimer sau Parkinson", ne-a explicat profesorul Gheorghe Mencinicopschi.

Rugaminte : Citeste si trimite-l mai departe! Avem nevoie de solidaritate impotriva " genocidului alimentar " !!
Dr. Olga Lazin, copied on this email, has invited you to join Smashwords, the ebook publishing community for writers and readers.
To visit the site, click here: https://www.smashwords.com/
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Here's some background on Smashwords:
What does Smashwords offer readers?
Discover over 350,000 ebooks published by independent authors and publishers. Most books are priced under $4.00. Most Smashwords books are offered in multiple formats, which means your book can be downloaded and enjoyed on any e-reading device. When you purchase an ebook from Smashwords, you're directly supporting the author. 85% of the net proceeds go straight to the author or publisher.
What does Smashwords offer for authors and publishers?
Smashwords is the world's largest ebook publishing and distribution platform for self-published authors and small independent publishers. Smashwords makes it fast, free and easy for writers to publish, distribute and sell ebooks. Smashwords books are sold at the Smashwords store, and also distributed to leading ebook retailers such as iBooks by Apple, Barnes & Noble, and Kobo. Smashwords also distributes ebooks to public libraries.
How long has Smashwords been around?
Smashwords has been in business since early 2008. We're based in Los Gatos, California. In the last few years, we've sold millions of books to millions of readers, and we've paid out tens of millions of dollars in royalties to authors. We look forward to serving you for many years to come! Learn more about Smashwords in our FAQ:https://www.smashwords.com/about/supportfaq

What is your privacy policy?

Smashwords honors a strict privacy policy. We will never sell or rent your email address to third parties. If you register for the site, you decide what if any information is revealed. Pseudonyms (pen names) and full anonymity are allowed. If you choose not to register for the site, you will receive no further emails from us.
You'll find more information on the site once you join.
We look forward to welcoming you to Smashwords!

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