How To teach; From

Your Partner Score tells you how awesome your profile looks to new students searching for a teacher. The Partner Score widget on your Dashboard indicates your current profile level, which is Bronze, Silver, or Gold depending on how many sections of your profile you've completed. The more partner points you earn, the higher your score will go. Once you hit the Gold level, you'll have the best shot at getting new students.
You officially have bragging rights. Use them!
When students check out your profile, they are looking for specific details about the kind of lessons they'll get when they book with you. This is your golden opportunity to say just the right thing to show students you're the teacher they've been looking for. Here's how...
1. Add Subject Descriptions for every lesson subject you want to offer new students.

2. Enhance your About You section for your profile (Overview)
Remember, the way you talk about yourself says a lot. Students are looking for a teacher that comes across as genuine, talented, and eager to help. You'll want to show off your experience and personality, but students really want to know what you'll do for them.
Be sure you include notes about what lessons will be like and what students will learn. Of course, make sure your grammar and spelling are completely free of errors. You don't want typos to be part of your first impression.
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Tell students what they want to know! Students are most curious about ...
  • Your educatione.g. BS in Economics from San Diego State University...
  • Your experiencee.g. "I've been teaching one-on-one Spanish lessons for 6 years..."
  • Your expertisee.g. "My background is teaching conversational Spanish for beginners to advanced level students..."
  • Your materials, e.g. "For our lessons, I have audio and video recording tools so we can record parts of our lessons for you to practice with later..."
Quiz yoself 2

Your Subject Details are a great place to describe...


When describing yourself, you should come across as...

You're doing great, keep it up!
Just a few more steps to go. Remember, improving your profile with these tips will help you increase your Partner Score which moves you up in our search results and helps you get more new students!
Note: If you ever need to jump around this lesson, just click the ☰ icon at the top-left of your lesson. It will take you to the lesson's table of contents. Click the right arrow > to go to the next section.Remember, you'll earn up to 150 partner points once you finish!
You'll earn partner points by completing new sections of your profile and by completing courses like this one! You'll earn up to150 partner points just by completing this bootcamp course. Keep your eye out for more courses in the Partner Training Academy widget on your Dashboard.
Why does Partner Score matter?
The higher your Partner Score, the higher your profile will appear in our search results.

Your Partner Score tells you how awesome your profile looks to new students searching for a teacher. The Partner Score widget on your Dashboard indicates your current profile level, which is Bronze, Silver, or Gold depending on how many sections of your profile you've completed. The more partner points you earn, the higher your score will go. Once you hit the Gold level, you'll have the best shot at getting new students.
You'll earn partner points by completing new sections of your profile and by completing courses like this one! You'll earn up to150 partner points just by completing this bootcamp course. Keep your eye out for more courses in the Partner Training Academy widget on

your Dashboard.
Why does Partner Score matter?
The higher your Partner Score, the higher your profile will appear in our search results.

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