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Un articol de Maya

Conceptul de reincarnare presupune o reintrupare intr-un corp fizic. Unele religii considera ca, dupa moarte, sufletul se indreapta catre o noua forma de viata. Desi nimeni nu stie ce se intampla dupa moarte, multi dintre noi au senzatia ca ar fi trait mai multe vieti.

Daca te-ai intrebat vreodata daca existenta ta actuala este sau nu un fenomen singular, semnele pe care ti le prezentam aici te pot ghida catre raspunsul pe care il cauti.

Semne ca trupul tau gazduieste un suflet reincarnat

1. Ai o intuitie excelenta

Oamenii care au mai trecut inainte prin procesul de incarnare au abilitati de anticipatie mult mai bine dezvoltate decat ceilalti. Asta pentru ca pot accesa informatii si cunostinte la niveluri mult mai profunde decat semenii lor, si simt apropierea unor evenimente inainte ca acestea sa aiba loc. Sufletele intuitive pot avea legaturi cu alte dimensiuni si lumi, precum si capacitatea de a comunica cu fiinte de pe alte planete si din alte galaxii. Acestea petrec mult timp in liniste deplina, fiind mult mai preocupate de informatiile care le-au fost deja impartasite, pe care incearca sa le dezlege si sa le foloseasca intr-un mod cat mai oportun.

2. Ai adeseori senzatii de deja vu

Daca ai trecut prin procesul de reincarnare, s-ar putea sa ai mereu senzatia stranie ca anumite evenimente traite se repeta, ca le-ai mai trait candva in trecut. De exemplu, daca faci o calatorie intr-un loc necunoscut si ai senzatia ca recunosti cumva acele peisaje pana in cel mai mic detaliu, este posibil sa mai fi vizitat acele locuri intr-o viata anterioara. Familiaritatea bizara si inexplicabila fata de anumite persoane, locuri, sau evenimente poate fi un semn de reincarnare.

3. Esti o persoana hipersensibila

Sufletele reincarnate au un grad ridicat de sensibilitate si empatie. Simt lucrurile in pronfuzime, si au mereu senzatia ca misiunea lor de viata este aceea de a aduce pace si vindecare pe pamant. Reactioneaza foarte puternic la energiile conflictuale si turbulente ale lumii si au nevoie de mult timp pentru a se recupera si reechilibra in urma acestor stari negative. Persoanele foarte empatice detesta si evita pe cat posibil locurile aglomerate si zgomotoase.

4. Te simti dezradacinat si nu iti gasesti nicaieri locul

Sufletele reincarnate nu se simt in largul lor pe Pamant. Acestea cauta mereu un refugiu, un camin inaccesibil lor aici. Se simt straine si rupte de mersul lucrurilor „lumesti” si refuza sa ia parte la ritmul cotidian al lumii. Prefera sa isi petreaca timpul in singuratate si in tacere, mai ales in natura, contempland pur si simplu viata si evitand lucrurile care pentru ele nu au niciun sens. Sufletele reincarnate simt o dorinta profunda de a restabili legatura cu alti membri ai „familiei” de suflete din care fac parte, nu-si gasesc locul pe pamant, si nimic nu pare sa le aduca alinare.

5. Ai mereu impulsul de a vizita locuri foarte indepartate

S-ar putea sa ai amintiri dintr-o alta viata traita intr-un alt loc, si sa ai o dorinta insatiabila de a vizita acel loc si in aceasta viata. Esti un suflet ratacitor, si pentru ca iti dai seama ca acel camin pe care il cauti nu este un loc fizic, palpabil, ci doar un sentiment adanc inradacinat, esti atras de ideea de a calatori cat mai mult, adeseori fara tinta. Totusi, te poti simti atras de un loc sau de o cultura anume, asta pentru ca este posibil sa fi trait in acel mediu intr-o viata anterioara. Nu ezita sa imbratisezi un nou mod de viata, urmeaza-ti impulsurile. S-ar putea sa afli lucruri pretioase despre tine si misiunea ta din aceasta viata.

6. Tanjesti dupa contacte umane si conversatii de profunzime

Detesti orice fel de conversatie marunta si tanjesti mereu dupa experiente profunde, intense si autentice. Cauti subiecte care sa te stimuleze si sa te tina mereu in priza, astfel ca esti mereu atras de natura filozofica a lucrurilor. Multi oameni te desconsidera pentru setea ta de lucruri semnificative, despre univers, stiinta, istorie, filozofie, arta, natura. Te plictisesc ingrozitor conversatiile anoste si barfele marunte.

7. Ai amintiri din vietile anterioare

Nu poti scapa de sentimentul ca ai mai fost pe pamant intr-o alta viata, iar amintirile experientelor anterioare se pot manifesta prin vise. Orice stimuli ar putea sa-ti declanseze astfel de amintiri, ca de exemplu o piesa muzicala, un parfum sau un paragraf dintr-o carte. In schimb, nu poti lega aceste amintiri de oamenii sau evenimentele din aceasta viata, si nici nu le poti aseza intr-o ordine cronologica exacta. Pur si simplu stii ca anumite lucruri s-au petrecut candva, si cauti sa descoperi cat mai multe amanunte despre vietile anterioare. Mai ales copiii pot avea astfel de amintiri, intrucat se afla mai aproape de momentul reincarnarii.

8. Nu simti o legatura puternica fata de parinti

Chiar daca te preocupa chestiunile familiale si iti iubesti parintii si rudele, s-ar putea sa te simti cumva oaia neagra a familiei. Nu simti o conexiune puternica fata de membrii familiei tale si, uneori, poate chiar contempli ideea ca ai putea avea o alta familie „ratacita” printr-un alt colt al lumii. S-ar putea sa ai vise despre alti parinti, de exemplu. Si asta pentru ca e posibil ca parintii care iti apar in vis sa fi fost parintii tai biologici intr-o alta viata.

9. Adori momentele de singuratate

Asa cum am mai afirmat deja mai sus, mersul acestei lumi te poate coplesi, dezorienta si dezechilibra. Esti indignat de ritmul rapid al lumii superficiale in care traim, asa ca incerci sa patrunzi intelesurile mai adanci ale acesteia. Sanctuarul tau este singuratatea. Numai in clipele de solitudine te poti reincarca si reechilibra. Tinzi sa te smulgi de agitatia din jur si sa petreci mult timp in natura, unde sa iti poti alina si vindeca spiritul si mintea.

10. Ai mereu temeri care par foarte reale

Temerile noastre pot indica de multe ori anumite evenimente negative traite intr-o incarnare anterioara. De exemplu, o frica de apa ar putea sugera faptul ca in viata trecuta ti-ai gasit sfarsitul inecat. La fel, o teama de foc ar putea sugera o moarte intr-un incendiu. Pentru a alunga aceste temeri odata pentru totdeauna, cel mai bine este sa le infrunti in mod direct. In caz contrar, sufletul tau va continua sa se reincarneze pe aceasta planeta pana cand vei fi desprins lectiile menite tie si vei fi depasit toate fricile care te bantuie.

November 10, 2015

The Honorable Senator Diana Feinstein
United States Senate

RE:      Pedro
Jose Berzunza
NVC Case Number: MEX2010754122
F4 Visa Applicant

Dear Senator Feinstein:

It is my pleasure and hopes to write this letter on
behalf of Professor Pedro Jose Berzunza Castilla, a Mexican citizen currently
living in Merida, Yucatan. He is seeking an F4 visa to join his sister’s family
in the US, and I am honor and proud to recommend Pedro José to your attention
as an exceptional candidate for US residence. 
Pedro applied for the visa in 2007, secured INS clearance in 2010 and is
currently awaiting visa approval by the State Department.  Anything you can do to intervene and expedite
this approval will be profoundly appreciated. 
Please allow me to outline some of the excellent reasons this approval
would be a good decision for our nation.

I’ve known Pedro since 1990.  At the time we met, he was applying for UCLA graduate
program at the School of Law, and me as the Director of the Program of México,
I invited him for one of my seminars in regarding the Mexican Government public
policy, and I was impressing for his enthusiasm in regarding the U.S.-Mexican
relations and the history of both nations. Pedro came to the US on a foreign
student visa in 1989, not long after finishing his undergraduate degree or BA
in Law at State University of Yucatan.  After
him graduate from the LL.M. and working as research assistant for Professor
Henry W. McGee and Cruz Reynoso at UCLA School of Law, he made decision in 1994
to apply for the Latin American Studies at UCLA, in which he was accepted in
the spring of 1995.

After successfully graduate with his degree in an M.A.
in Latin American Studies, Pedro work for me at the Program of México at UCLA
and at Statistical Abstracts of Latin America, in which I am the Director and
Editor for the first and the second one. In the late summer of 1998, he was
hire to work as diplomat at legal department of the Mexican Embassy in
Washington, D.C., after he finish his term at the Mexican Embassy, he was hire
by the Department of Education as an Instructor for Spanish, History in the District
of Columbia Public Schools.  During those
years, we maintain a communication and friendship, that fruitfully until this

I consider Pedro, as one of my “best cards of
presentation” as a professor of history or Ambassador of good will between the
two countries in which I live and rise as student and academic.    

I must said, that when his visa status required his
return to Mexico in 2007, Pedro had been a resident of the US for almost 20
years, basically the entire period of his young adulthood and for all the years
of his professional formation. He is a man with a great humanity, and his soul
is indeed bicultural, and his long periods of life and education in both the
United States and Mexico make him an outstanding bicultural citizen of nations,
I can affirm that Pedro José belongs to both cultures the Mexican by birth and
the American by education and formation as young man and adulthood.  From both sides of the border, he has worked
over the years to facilitate international exchanges between U.S. and Mexican
citizens, and to educate about the histories, governments, legal systems, and
cultures of both the U.S. and Mexico. 

During his time in Merida, Yucatán, México he was
hired as academic at the Department of Political Sciences at the Modelo
University and at the School of Law of the State University of Yucatan, he is a
well-known and respected professor of college, at the same time he is the
Coordinator for International Relations at the Modelo University, in which he
was in charge to international guess program for the celebration of the one
hundred years of the Escuela Modelo; he was behind the projects to invite guess
speakers such as Ambassador and Undersecretary of State Thomas R. Pickering,
former General Prosecutor and Ambassador of Colombia in Mexico Luis Camilo
Osorio Izasa and others.   

Professor Berzunza would very much likely to return to
the United States to pursue in this country his life’s work of education and building
bridges between the nations of Mexico and the U.S. and I believe this would an
excellent outcome for both the US and Mexico.

During all the time I have known Pedro, I have been highly
impressed by
his intellectual curiosity, his comprehensive intelligence, and his ability to engage complex issues in ways
that demonstrate thoughtfulness and insight. I remember that while he was at
George Washington University he took great advantage of the intellectual and
political life of our nation’s capital, frequently calling to share information
about the many lectures and events he attended as he fulfilled his profound desire
to learn more about U.S. and international government politics and
personalities. A look at his CV attests to all the ways he has involved himself
through the years with educational opportunities, and I can also attest that he
is skilled in the service of educating others. 
He has so much to offer the US at a time when so many of us need to know
more about Mexico and Mexicans, and more about international history and relations
in general as we develop the skills and strategies we need to be good global neighbors.

sum, then, I strongly believe that Pedro Berzunza would be wisely chosen as an
F4 visa recipient, and that the U.S. would be fortunate to gain him as a
resident.  Please do not hesitate to contact
me if there is any further information I can provide to you that might help you
act to support this visa decision in favor of my friend, Pedro Berzunza.

And thank you, as always, for all the good work you do
for us residents of Washington State!

With great respect,

James W. Wilkie, Olga M. LAZIN,

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