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Avoid Having Your Children Medically Kidnapped by the Corrupt Cancer Industry – FREE Online Seminar!

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Cheryl Nagel - The cancer treatment business in the United States is one of the most lucrative businesses in the world, generating well over 100 billion dollars of revenue. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) ...

Medizinpromotionen: Doctor who? - SPIEGEL ONLINE - Deutsche Ärzte brauchen keinen Doktortitel, um Patienten behandeln zu dürfen. Trotzdem wollen viele Mediziner die zwei Buchstaben vor dem Namen haben, genau wie Verteidigungsministerin Ursula von d...

Celebrate DNA Day with NHGRI

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OppNet - Each day during the week leading up to National DNA Day, Monday, April 18th - Friday, April 22nd, and on Monday, April 25th, a different expert will be answering questions on the reddit science com...

New data show tightening Ph.D. job market across disciplines

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Chad Kainz - American universities awarded 54,070 research doctorates in 2014, the highest total in the 58 years that the National Science Foundation has sponsored the Survey of Earned Doctorates, a new edition...

Doctorado - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

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Sergio Aguía - El doctorado es un grado académico universitario. En el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior y en la mayoría de los países occidentales, requiere la superación previa del grado de Maestría. El Doc...

Study finds explanation for some treatment-resistant breast cancers - A targeted therapy for triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC), the most aggressive form of breast cancer, has shown potential promise in a recently published study. TNBC is the only type of breast ca...

Study explores how some breast cancers resist treatment - by Dagny Stuart | Thursday, Apr. 21, 2016, 10:06 AM A targeted therapy for triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC), the most aggressive form of breast cancer, has shown potential promise in a recently...
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Los tres títulos falsos de Gustavo Petro

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DIEGO RUIZ - El ex alcalde de Bogotá Gustavo Petro es uno más de los miles de tuiteros y opinantes que ha dedicado varios trinos para cobrarle a su sucesor, Enrique Peñalosa, con todo rigor la inexistencia de a...

Torres de Papel: Ni Ph.D., ni Magíster ni Especialista

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Natalia Prada - Melquisedec Torres  Periodista @Melquisedec70  El ex alcalde de Bogotá Gustavo Petro es uno más de los miles de tuiteros y opinantes que ha dedicado varios trinos para cobrarle a su sucesor, Enriqu...
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10 Things You Should Never Say to Your Kids - You probably wouldn't use old-school phrases like "Wait until your father gets home" or "I wish you were more like your sister" with your kids. But there are lots of less obvious ones that you shou...
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大学院教育で何が出来ると人が育ったと言えるのか - ニューロサイエンスとマーケティングの間 - Being between Neuroscience and Marketing

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竹渕瑛一 - Contax T2 @Sterling Hall of Medicine, Yale University この間の「人を育てるラボの特徴」というエントリについて、ブクマコメントで頂いたこと、 >大学院教育において、どうなったら「人が育った」と評価できるのか、その基準も合わせて教えていただけると嬉しいかも。「研究を進めるための実務的な能力」が身についたということでO.K.?(pollyann...
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スタンフォード大学 - Wikipedia

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よしひろ - スタンフォード大学(英語: Stanford University)とは、アメリカ合衆国カリフォルニア州スタンフォードに本部を置く私立大学。正式名称はリーランド・スタンフォード・ジュニア大学(Leland Stanford Junior University)。 校訓は「Die Luft der Freiheit weht(独:自由の風が吹く)」。サンフランシスコから約60 km南東に位置し...
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これは便利! 使える医療・健康系アプリ集 ~辞書・メデ... | 治療ノートコラム - まずひとつ目は、誰もが知るロングセラー「家庭の医学」の最新版、約2,000ページ分の医療・健康情報を凝縮したスマホアプリです(iOSのみ)。病気の知識について学べるだけでなく、いざというときの応急処置の方法や一刻を争う事態のチェックもできるので非常に実用的。また、体の不調や違和感を感じたときのために、症状、部位などから調べられる検索機能もあるので、ご自身だけでなく家族の体調にも気を配ることが...
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Taking On the Ph.D. Later in Life - “Students are asking what they can do with the rest of their lives, and how they can have an impact,” she said. “They are approaching graduate school as a learning process for challenging themselve...
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